When stooping a drawing up the spine.

500. In the morning heaviness in the back, as if he had lain in a wrong position, and weariness as though he had not slept enough.

In the back and sides stiff as if he had got a chill.

Stiffness, sometimes in the back sometimes in the hip, painful when turning in bed; he must hold his breath at the time.

Stiffness in the back after sitting.

On sitting for some time stiffness in back, which is relieved by walking.

505. A hot flush down the back.

Burning and smarting on the back.

Burning pain betwixt the scapulae.

Burning betwixt the scapulae.

Pain betwixt the scapulae; when lying and moving, tension.

510. Tension betwixt the scapulae and on one side of the neck.

The right scapula is painful as if sprained, on moving the arm.

In the nape, close to the hair of the head, a gland swollen and inflamed, with itchy sensation.

Tearing, originating in the shoulder-joint and spreading down then humerus.

Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder.

515. Neuralgic pain in the shoulder.

(Pressure on the shoulder, like a weight, when walking in the open air.)

In the right shoulder pain on breathing. [Fr.H-n.]

The shoulder-joint pains as if dislocated, especially when lying at night.

Swollen axillary glands.

520. A swelling of the axillary glands which proceeds to suppuration.

Sweat in the axillae.

Stitches from the shoulder-joint down into the arm when lying on it and at the same time inspiring and expiring.

A twitching aching in the deltoid muscle (aft. 2, 3 h.). [Wth.]

(Bruised pain of the arms.)

525. On the upper and forearms after washing with soap and water red spots, which caused burning.

Under the bend of the elbow burning pain, but on being touched as if numb.

Tearing in the muscles of the arm, which does not interfere with movement.

At internal aching and drawing in the arm, less when at rest than when moving, especially on stretching it out or raising it.

Cramp in the arms after midnight (aft. 16 h.).

530. A drawing and tearing in the arms and hands.

Twitching drawing pain (at night in bed) from one joint of the arm to another, but more in the joints.

Slow, almost tearing jerks out of the shoulder or elbow-joint down through the corresponding limb; a pain of a gouty character most acute in the joint itself, so that he is forced to frown and shut the eyes.

Slow, very painful drawing, as if in the nerves, from the elbow to the wrist and back again.

Tearing from the elbow-joint up the upper arm and down the forearm, also when at rest.

535 An aching in the elbow-joint wen moving.

In the bend of the elbow the tendons as if tense.

Pustules in the bend of the elbow with much itching.

Itching, especially in the hands, in the wrist-joints and elbow joints, especially in the evening; some vesicles appear here and there which contain a yellowish serum.

Pain in the wrist-joint as if sprained.

540. Stiffness in the wrist-joints, especially in the morning, which goes off during the day.

Pain in the wrist-joints, especially in the morning, like tearing.

Very painful stitches outwards through and through the wrist joint.

Itching in the palms if the hands.

Burning in the hands.

545. Sweaty hands.

Swollen blood-vessels on the hands.

Frequent swelling of the hands.

Chapped skin of the hands.

The skin on the hand bursts like chaps and cuts, especially on the joints; the chaps are painful as if excoriated.

550. Almost painless chapping of the skin on the hands, especially where the fingers join the metacarpus. [Fr.H-n.]

Creeping in the left hand.

After immersing the hands in cold or warm water the whole hand immediately goes to sleep, with formication.

In the morning trembling in thright hand.

Involuntary grasping with the hands, mostly in the afternoon. {Fr. H-n.]

555. Tearing in the knuckles of the hand.

Drawing, alternating with stitches, in the hand.

On the back of the hand a sudden burning stitch.

In the balls of the fingers a burning (in the forenoon).

On the back of the middle finger a persistent burning tearing stitch.

560. In the left middle finger a burning jerk.

Involuntary twitching of the fingers. [Fr.H-n.]

Tearing in the fingers.

On the ball of the left little finger, every five minutes, a pain compounded of pinching and pressure, which radiates up into the arm when he leans on the elbow, with chilliness; during the day this pain changes into severe stitches, also with chilliness, during which all his limbs left tired as if after very fatiguing exertion.

Great swelling of the three centre fingers of both hands. [Fr.H-n.]

565. Dislocation pain in the proximal joint of the thumb (aft. 10 h.).

Finger joints swollen, stiff red, as if frost-bitten; formication in them.

Chilblains on the fingers.

Coldness of the fingers. [Fr.H-n.]

570. Great perspiration between the fingers.

Many hang-nails on the fingers.

Ulceration of a finger-nail (panaritum), twice in succession.

Ulcer on a finger nail (panaritum).

When he has been seated a long time the whole nates and ishia are painful.

575. (A kind of lameness in the thigh, as if in the hip over the nates.)

Tensive pain in the hip-joint when walking.

Sudden, cramp-like, excessively painful jerks about the hip-joint.

Drawing pain in the left hip.

The lower extremities thrill, as from weariness.

580. Restlessness in the lower extremities, in the evening, so that she could not remain in the room, until bedtime, on two evenings.

Dry heat in the lower extremities (aft. 11 d.).

The left lower extremities (aft. 11 d.).

The left lower extremity went to sleep for an hour, on two successive evenings.

Heaviness in the lower extremities and tension in the knees and thighs, more at night than during the day.

In bed, in the morning and evening, drawing pain in the lower extremities.

585. In the morning in bed heaviness and weariness of the lower extremities, which went off immediately after rising.

Lower extremities as if prostrated by fatigue.

After a short walk exhaustion and heaviness of the lower extremities.

Crawling itching on the inner side of the thigh. [Fr.H-n.]

Excoriation betwixt the thighs, especially when walking in the open air.

590. Pain as if excoriated on the inner side of the right thigh, in the evening.

In the night violent pain in the thigh as after a blow.

In the outer side of the thigh bruised pain, also when touched.

The posterior femoral muscles are painful when sitting.

(Thighs as if constricted by a ligature.)

595. Twitching in the thigh and leg.

Drawing pain in the thigh.

Tearing in the knees to the toes (in the forenoon); the feet are so heavy she can hardly drag them along.

Especially in the forenoon weakness in the knees; after going upstairs there is burning in the knee-joints.

Lameness in the knee, as if sprained when going downstairs.

600. Stiffness of the knees.

The knees (in bed) are several times spasmodically flexed and again suddenly and involuntarily extended. [Fr.H-n.]

Pain in the knee, as from stiffness, when rising from a seat.

Stiffness in the houghs.

In the houghs pain as if too short, when treading.

605. The tendons of the lower extremities seem to be short, when standing.

A violent cramp-like pressure from the hough to the ankles, mostly when sitting, in the afternoon, twice a day for an hour at a time, with great weariness and stretching pain in the head.

On the left patella a pressure even when sitting, but also when walking, an aching in the knee-joint when moving it.

Blunt-pointed pressure on a very small spot in the outermost point of the knee.

610. Trembling in both legs, shooting and tearing and weariness from the knees to the feet; when sitting more tearing, when walking shooting and tension, whilst the toes are icy cold.

From the calves to the toes, tearing with shooting to and fro (in the evening); when standing and when she sat down, the feet twitched internally; at the same time trembling sensation through the whole body, a heaviness mixed with tearing in the whole back, chilliness without thirst, with red cheeks without heat in them; it then came in the scrobiculus cordis, tension and contraction under the ribs, with oppressed breathing and many stitches throughout the chest and in the upper part of the abdomen.

Cramp in the calf, even when walking, when the calf is painful as though it were too short.

Stretching, tensive contractive pain in the calves, as though they were sewed together.

When going upstairs the calves are very painful.

615. (On the inner part of the legs, near the tibiae (in the evening), when touched pain as if bruised, or as if the flesh were detached from the bones.)

Coldness and cold-feeling of the legs, in the evening (aft. 24 h.).

Feet always cold; she cannot get them warm in bed in the evening.

When stretching out the foot tendency to cramp in the leg.

Swollen veins on the lower extremities.

620. Varicose veins and blue spots about the ankles.

Swelling of the foot in the warmth of the bed, which goes off when out of bed.

Swelling on the ankle with dislocation pain on moving.

Pain like stretching about the ankle when walking.

In the left ankle-joint pain as if sprained when standing and walking.

625. When treading the joint (Joint not named, but evidently the ankle-joint.) knuckled over as if dislocated.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.