Tearing from the zygoma downwards into the lower jaw near the angle of the mouth. [Gss.]

135. Drawing pressure on the right zygoma. [Gss.]

In the evening burning cramp-pain in the left cheek, and soon afterwards swelling of the cheeks, which, only when he draws the face away, has cutting aching pain, as if splinters of glass were between the cheek and teeth. [Fz.]

Burning sensation in the right cheek (aft. 10 h.). [Gn.]

Contraction and aching under the right cheek internally. [Fz.]

Painful swelling of the left cheek with a gum boil – the pains make her sleepless.

140. In the face, itching papules, which have sore pain when touched or washed.

Cramp and spasm in the jaws.

Pain of the upper jaw; it is swollen, the cheeks are red and there is shooting in them.

In the lower lip a shooting tearing pain on a small spot.

On the angle of the right lower jaw a red boiled with drawing pain, aggravated by touching, for eight days.

145. Broad cutting stitches anteriorly on the chin (aft. 10 h.). [Ws.]

Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands (aft. 8 h.).

On the fore part of the neck, a red, somewhat elevated spot with a white papule in the centre, not painful even when touched. [Ws.]

The teeth feel too long.

Looseness of the teeth.

150. Speaking is disagreeable for him.

Speaking is difficult for him, because he wants the power to do it. [Gss.]

Flow of saliva into the mouth. [Fz.]

Viscid mucus in the mouth.

Tongue covered with yellowish fur (aft. 5 d.). [Gn.]

155. When swallowing a cutting as with knives in the oesophagus. [Fz.]

Shooting in the upper part of the fauces causing dryness, when not swallowing. [Fz.]

Dry sensation and shooting in the throat at the right tonsil, which makes him cough, and is slightly allayed as well by coughing as by swallowing. [Fz.]

Under the pit of the throat inwardly a scratchy scrapy feeling. [Gss.]

In the evening scratchy in the throat.

160. In the morning scrapy in the throat.

Much mucus in the throat.

In the evening irritation in the throat making him hawk up much mucus, followed by pain of excoriation in the throat.

Painful feeling in the throat, as if the throat swelled with sore pain, neither increased nor diminished by swallowing; after hawking up much mucus, the voice becomes higher than usual in pitch when singing.

In the throat a feeling of swelling and drawing tensive pains in it, with dry feeling.

165. Flat taste in the mouth (aft. 5 d.). [Gn.]

Sour and bitter taste in the mouth (the first 3 d.).

Beer tastes herbaceous (aft. 55 h.). [Gn.]

Beer tastes flat and sourish-bitter.

Bitter-sour taste in the mouth.

170. Tobacco when smoked tastes acrid and dry.

Bad smell from the mouth.

He has no appetite and yet the food tastes well (aft. 13 h.). [Gn.]

The infant will not take the breast of the mother who has taken tin, bends itself backwards, and will not suck her again.

He has a good appetite as usual and eats a great deal because he relishes the food. [Gss.]

175. Only on one occasion at dinner, though she had empty feeling in the stomach; she had no proper appetite; otherwise she retains her appetite and hunger undiminished, as when in good health. [Gss.]

Great appetite and hunger; he ate more than usual, and could not become satiated (aft. 7 d.). [Gss.]

Increased hunger (aft. 36 h.). [Hrr.]

Increased appetite and hunger (aft. 60 h.). [Hrr.]

Increased thirst (aft. 8 h.). [Hrr.]

180. Whilst eating, when he has just swallowed the morsel and it is not far from the entrance to the stomach, there occurs a rumbling in the belly – a peculiar dull noise, audible to himself. [Gss.]

Soon after a meal (whilst smoking the accustomed tobacco) hiccup. [Fz.]

Hiccup occasionally.

Frequent hiccup (aft. 1.1/4, 8 h.). [Lr.]

Frequent empty eructation (aft. 1/8 h.). [Lr.]

185. Something sweetish rises up in his throat.

Frequent bitter eructation after a meal.

Eructation from the stomach with flat taste in the mouth and much saliva. [fz.]

Sourish eructation, whereupon his oesophagus became rough, when walking in the open air(aft. 9 h.). [Gn.]

Early in the morning frequent eructation, at first of sulphureted hydrogen gas, then merely of air. [Gss.]

190. Several times shuddering, as from loathing, with a nauseaous fulness in the scrobiculus cordis (immediately).

After eating, nausea.

After partaking of some soup she became sick and must vomit something bitter as gall.

Sensation of nausea (and bitterness) in the mouth. [Fz.]

Nausea and inclination to vomit in the oesophagus (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]

195. Nausea, as if he would and must vomit, in the fauces and oesophagus (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

(He vomits acid.)

Violent retching and at last vomiting of undigested food (aft. 2 h.); in the evening again retching, and thereafter first sour, then bitter taste in the throat – the following day renewed retching, and again on the third day, with great nausea and a feeling of deranged stomach and bitterness.

Vomiting of blood. (ALSTON (Mat. Medorrhinum, I, p. 152) saw haematemesis cured by tin, as by magic.) [GEISCHLAGER, (Effect of swallowing granulated tin.) in Hufel. Journ. d. pr. A., x, iii, p. 165.]

Anxious pressive pain in the scrobiculus cordis, when lying, just as if he should have an attack of haemorrhage, for a couple of hours; it went off by pressing on it (aft. 3 d.). [Gn.]

200. Pressure in the stomach. (The pressure is described as insufferable.) [GESCHLAGER, l. c.]

In the forenoon pressure in the stomach.

After partaking of a little soup pressure in the stomach and discomfort.

Violent stomachache.

Pushing and pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. [Fz.]

205. Pushing and pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, which pains as if festering when touched. (This, the previous and the following, as also some other symptoms, e.g. 201, 203, 207, 208, 217 – 219, 224 – 226, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 240 – 243, 258, 259, point to some kinds of hysterical and hypochondriacal spams and pains in the abdomen and diaphragmatic region, in which tin is homoeopathically useful, as was known to ST. J. AUG. ALBRECHT (Diss, exh. Medic. Satrun. Et jov. Hist. et usum, Gott., 1772, p. 34) and GEISGCHLAGER (IN Hufel, Journ.. pr. A., x, iii, p. 165).) [Fz.]

Tensive aching pain in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 2 d.). [Gn.]

Cutting about the stomach.

Spasmodic griping in the stomach and round about the navel, so that she was constantly sick, and when it came up towards the scrobiculus cordis she became very anxious.

Anteriorly in the abdomen, immediately below the cartilages of the last ribs, on the left near the scrobiculus cordis, a pressure as with a blunt stick somewhat relieved by pressing on it with the hand. [Gss.]

210. Soon after eating a painful long prick on the ensiform cartilage. [Gss.]

Sensation in the scrobiculus cordis as from disordered stomach. [Fz.]

Fulness and distension of the stomach, and yet at the same time hunger. [Fz.]

Whilst walking sensation in the stomach as if swollen up under the skin, with pinching in the bowels. [Fz.]

Causes sufferings in the stomach and bowels. [G. E. STAHL, Mat. Medorrhinum, cap. vi.]

215. Transient burning transversely across below the diaphragm. [Fz.]

Cutting pain in the right hypochondrium, more severe when sitting in a bent position (aft. 6 h.). [Ws.]

Pressive cramp-like pain under the left short ribs, alternately weaker and stronger (aft. 7 h.). [Htn.]

Several severe stitches one after the other in the right side of the abdomen, especially when coughing and breathing.

A shooting in the right side of the abdomen; thereafter, drawing in the right shoulder – she must lie down, with sweat on the face and arms, during which a chilliness ran over her.

220. First simple pain in both sides under the short ribs, then there are jerks are jerks from the right to the left side through the belly, like obtuse bows – it seemed to be worse when she pressed on the right side. [Gss.]

In both sides under the true ribs suddenly a painful starting or jerking together. [Gss.]

Here and there in the abdomen painful jerks. [Gss.]

On the left, betwixt scrobiculus cordis and navel, pain as if the muscles were nipped with two fingers. [Gss.]

When he presses with his hand on the umbilical region he feels a pain up to the stomach and to both sides under the ribs.

225. In the left side under the ribs bruised pain.

Aching in the hepatic region.

Boring stitch in the left side of the upper belly, when walking (aft. 12 h.). [Gn.]

On the right, near the navel, a slow obtuse pressure. [Gss.]

During inspiration a stab as from a sharp knife darted suddenly from the left to the right side through the belly, so that she started in affright. [Gss.]

230. The abdomen is painful to the touch as if gathering, at the same time shortness of breath. [Fz.]

Frequent attacks of bellyache.

Pinching cutting pain in the umbilical region almost all day.

Painful digging about above the umbilical region; when she pressed on it, it felt as if she came on a sore place. [Gss.]

Digging in the abdomen before every motion of the bowels.

235. Spasmodic bellyache below and above the navel, which went off in a few minutes by lying over a table, without discharge of flatus.

Sore feeling in the whole abdomen, worse when touched. [Gss.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.