Pinching in the abdomen. [Wth.]

Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, as from flatus, which was discharged (aft. 14 h.). [Htn.]

Incarceration of flatulence and cutting in the hypogastrium, without discharge of flatus. [Bch.]

Rumbling and rattling in a jerky manner in the hypogastrium above the pubic region, like flatus, which, however, is not discharged (more frequently when walking and standing than when sitting), which went off quickly and permanently after eating. [Stf.]

105. Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, as if fasting. [Htn.]

Drawing pain in the abdomen, increased by walking, and not relieved by compression (aft. 28 h.). [Bch.]

Tearing through the abdomen below the navel (aft. 4 h.). [Ws.]

In the hypogastrium, betwixt the navel and pubes, an acute pain (as from flatulence, or from a purgative, or as if diarrhoea were about to come on)(aft. 2 h.). [Stf.]

Tension of the abdomen, which, however, felt soft to the touch. [Stf.]

110. Cutting pinching in the hypgastrium. [Htn.]

Aching shooting pain in the left side of the abdominal muscles (aft. 24 h.).

Gurgling bubbling in the muscles of the right side of the abdomen.

Painful tenderness of the abdomen, which is considerably distended though soft. [Stf.]

Pinching in the hypogastrium (aft. 14 h.), which recurred the following day at the same hour, and was relieved and removed by discharge of flatus.

115. Every time and however often he touched the abdomen a loud discharge of flatus took place. [Stf.]

Frequent discharge of flatus (aft. 24 h.). [Bch.]

Discharge of flatus broken off short. [Stf.]

Frequent discharge of very foetid flatus (aft. 1 h.). [Trn.]

Incessant discharge of very noisy, foetid, strong flatus, whereby the abdomen is relieved, but only momentarily. [Stf.]

120. Hard, scanty stool, in the evening (aft. 12 h.). [Bch.]

Very hard, but daily stool. [Ws.]

Pappy stool, without pain in the belly. [Bch.]

Diarrhoeic evacuation of a quantity of brown, quite thin, slimy, very foetid excrement, without pain or tenesmus, with spulttering flatus, and mixed with thread-worms and a quantity of shapeless white shreds. [Stf.]

Diarrhoea from 1 till 7 a.m., at last quite watery, almost without flatus. [Stf.]

125. Constipation for several days. [Stf.]

Itching at the anus.

Shooting at the anus when walking (aft. 8 d.). [Ws.]

Stool coloured with blood. [TISSOT, l. c.]

Great urging to urinate and stool; on first making water a thin stool without pain in the belly (aft. 10 m.). [Htn.]

130. On the second call to make water there occurred simultaneously loose stool without pain in the belly. [Htn.]

Constant but ineffectual urging to urinate (aft. ¼ h.). [Wth.]

Less urine than usual seems to pass (aft. 48 h.). [Ws.]

Scanty discharge of watery urine (aft. ½ h.). [Ws.]

Violent urging to urinate; he passed an uncommonly large quantity of urine, which had the appearance of water (aft. 7 h.). [Bch.]

135. On a slight call to urinate, reddish urine 9of the usual quantity) with reddish sediment, for three days (aft. 20 h.). [Bch.]

He cannot retain his urine because the quantity is so great; it would have escaped had he not been quick to discharge it (aft. ¼ h.) – a state that lasted twelve hours. [Htn.]

Great urging to pass very little water (aft. 40 h.0.

Great urging to urinate (Statements.) (aft. ¼ h.). [Htn.]

Micturition not more frequent, but less urine is passed (for three days).

140. Rare call to urinate and scantier secretion of urine (aft. 20 h.).

Rarer micturition than ordinary, and scanter secretion of urine which is not dark coloured (aft. 24 h.). [Htn.]

(Urine hot, and stool with undigested portions and very foetid.)

Bloody urine. [TISSOT, l. c. – CASPARI, (Statements.) Diss. de Scilla, p. 11.]

Brownish yellow, transparent urine, which is secreted in small quantity, and after standing forms flakes (Seemed to be a kind of curative action, as the prover had previously too copious a secretion and discharge of urine.) (the first 8 h.). [Trn.]

(Frequent micturition, (The primary actions of squill on the urinary passages is at first a great urging to urinate, 145, with copious discharge of urine, 136, especially of colourless urine, 134, 146; at least, when it is not copious, it is watery, 141. After the expiry of this primary and positive action of squill, there occurs after several hours the reaction (secondary action) of the organism, as the opposite of the primary medicinal action, namely, slight call to urinate, scanty secretion of the urine and rarer discharge of it, 139, 140, sometimes of the usual colour, 141, but more frequently of darker colour, 135, 144, and also with great urging to pass it, but only scanty, 137, or even wit no evacuation of urine, 148. Now, as hitherto all this was known, not ascertained, the very way to do so not being known, it was impossible that any true cures of dropsical diseases could be made with squill during all those thousands of years (very long before the Greeks, this drug was considered in Egypt as the only remedy for these diseases), hence most of these so affected were all the more certainly hurried to their graves by its employment. There was always great rejoicing because at first it brought away so much urine, and a speedy cure was joyfully anticipated but it was not known that this was only the primary action of squill, and in such cases the opposite of the actual morbid state, consequently only palliative. With sorrow it was perceived that notwithstanding an increase of the doses, nothing but the contrary effect (secondary action) could be maintened, to wit, a scanty quantity of dark urine, becoming ever rarer and rarer. Only the few dropsical diseases (for they are extremely numerous, and the dropsy is only a single symptoms of them; hence the general term dropsy, which should include then all, as though they are but one unvarying disease, is an unpardonable falsehood of the pathologists)(only those few dropsical affections whose symptoms can be found in tolerable similarity among the positive effects of squill, whose symptoms relating to the urinary discharge particularly correspond to those primary symptoms of squill recorded above (and such cases are rare), can be really and permanently cured by squill. Those kind of wasting diseases (diabetes) will be much more likely to find an efficacious, specific remedy in squill, which in its primary action causes increased secretion of urine, the more so as it is homoeopathically suitable in respect to the similarity of the other symptoms of these maladies.) Without increase of the urine (in the first hours).

Frequent discharge of urine as limpid as water; he has a quick call to urinate (aft. 1 h.).[Stf.]

He woke up at night to urinate (aft. 18 h.).

After urinating strangury, there is no water in the bladder (aft. 5 h., for 3 d.).

Shooting at the orifice of the urethra and somewhat farther back (aft. 2.1/4 h.). [Ws.]

150. Shooting pain in the urethra when pressing at stool (aft. 8 d.). [Ws.]

Anxious obtuse stitches in the glans penis.

Compressive pain in the testicles.

Metrorrhagia. [J. G. WAGNER, (Observation,- Thsymptoms not found.) Observ. clin., Lub., 1737.]

(She sneezes several times at night.)

155. Violent persistent sneezing and fluent coryza (immediately). [Mss. – Ws.]

(Flow of mucus from the nose.)

Stuffed coryza.

Smarting coryza with frequent sneezing (aft. 48 h.). [Bch.]

In the morning outbreak of severe, fluent coryza (aft. 6 d.). [Ws.]

160. Very violent coryza; the eyes have a dim dull look and fill with water (in the forenoon)(aft. 7 d.). [Ws.]

Coryza with ulcerated nostrils.

Difficult, slower inspiration and expiration. [Bch.]

Tightness of the chest with frequent, quicker breathing and anxiety as long as the tightness of chest lasts. [Bch.]

Tightness of, and shooting in the chest, which is most troublesome on inspiration. [Wth.]

165. Oppression over the chest, as if it were too narrow. [Wth.]

A tickle inwardly in the region of the thyroid cartilage that excited coughing, whereby, however, the tickle was increased.

Frequent irritation to dry, short cough of four or five impulses, caused by a tickle under the thyroid cartilage.

Slight irritation to dry, short cough of four or five impulses, caused by a tickle under the thyroid cartilage.

Slight irritation to cough in the pit of the throat, in the upper part of the trachea; he coughs several times (aft. 1 h.). [Stf.]

He is forced to breathe deeply, and this deep breathing excites him to cough.

170. Dry violent cough which causes pain like as shock in the abdomen and dryness of the throat.

Cough with diminished expectoration (aft. 9 d.); at every cough impulse painful pressure outwards in the thoracic cavity and painful contraction of the abdominal muscles. [Ws.]

A cough, at first accompanied by expectoration. (All my observations show that squill excites the mucous glands of the trachea and bronchial tubes, so that the phlegm, rendered more movable and thinner, can be expelled by coughing, only in its primary action. [See 172, 173, 174, 178, 180.) Hence its employment as a so-called expectorant can be only palliative, that is to say, its continued employment must certainly increase the malady if the fulness of the chest from tough adherent mucus was a chronic complaint, for after this primary expectorant action the organism produces the opposite state as its secondary action; the mucus of the bronchial glands becomes ever tougher, and the cough drier. (See 166, 167, 170, 171.) This root will therefore rather prove curative in too copious and too frequent mucous secretion on the chest, as was formerly insisted on by WEIKARD. )

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.