65. The upper arm feels to him as if it would break when supports himself on it (aft. 3 h.). [Fz.]

Drawing pain in the carpal bones and up in the radius, when at rest.[Fz.]

Sharp stitches on the outer projection of the wrist (aft. ½ h.). [Ws.]

Cutting stitches in both wrist-joints, synchronous with the pulse, somewhat relieved by moving them (aft. ¼ h.). [Ws.]

70. Tearing in the joints of the fingers.

Tearing pain over the hip-joint round about, only when walking (aft. ¾ h.). [Htn.]

When walking, cramp-like drawing posteriorly and superiorly in the thigh at the insertion of the glutaeus maximus. [Fz.]

A drawing shooting sensation superiorly through the anterior muscles of the right thigh, when at rest (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

Pricking itching on the inner side of both thighs, which after rubbing changes into a burning (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

75. The tendons of the hough are very tense and as if too short, so that standing in difficult for him (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

Violent itching on the patella, with a rough and scrapy sensation as if an eruption would break out (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

Tired feeling in the legs; with sensation as if a cold air blew on them; both only when standing (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

Sharp, deeply penetrating stitches on the inner side of the tibia, somewhat relieved by moving (aft. ½ h.). [Ws.]

Feeling of dying away, gone-to-sleep and coldness in the middle of the right tibia, when standing (aft. 4 h.). [Fz.]

80. In the evening in bed, tearing pain in the right outer ankle and up the side of the leg among the muscles. [Fz.]

When sitting he is suddenly seized with a painful drawing on all points of the whole surface of the body (aft. 3 h.). [Fz.]

The hands tremble when he writes. [Fz.]

Great general heat when he walking (aft. 3 h.). [Ws.]

Most of the sufferings come on when the body is at rest and are removed by movement; very few are caused by movement. [Fz.]

85. Oedematous swelling (after external application). [A. v. HALLER, Arzneimittellehre, Leipz. 1806, p. 349.]

Slumber with eyes and mouth half open; when he woke therefrom he could not get his breath, he had to sit up, and then the breathing was very quick, with wheezing in the chest as though he should be suffocated; he beat about him with his hands, the head and hands were swollen and blue; he was hot, without thirst; when the attack came on he wept; all this without cough, and especially in the night from 12 till 4 o’clock. (A kind of Millar’s asthma.)

Sleepiness without sleep.

Restless sleep; on sitting up in bed he felt as if the sufferings went downwards, and he became relieved.

He starts up in affright from sleep, with anxiety and dyspnoea to suffocation and with trembling.

90. Frequent waking out of sleep as from watchfulness. [Lr.]

Dreams at night.

Vivid, unremembered dreams. [Lr.]

Lascivious dreams with seminal emission. [Lr.]

The pulse becomes slower and falls from 70 to 60 beats (aft. ½ h.). [Gss.]

Repeated attacks of slight shivering (aft. ½ h.). [Gss.]

Slight chill, during which the face was warmer than usual (aft. 1 h.). [Gss.]

Rigor before going to sleep (aft. 4 h.).

Rigors all over the body with fine pricking crawling here and there, with very peculiarly cold hands and feet; the rigors go down, chiefly over the knees, to the feet (aft. ¼ h.). [Ws.]

100. A chilly coldness runs over the whole body, especially the hands and feet, which feel cold to the touch, though he had wrapped up the latter very warmly (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

The hands are cold (aft. 1 h.). [Gss.]

Creeping on the fingers which are quite cold (aft. ½ h.). [Ws.]

Icy cold feet, while the remainder of the body is sufficiently warm (aft. ¾ h.). [Htn.]

Ebullition of the blood, in the evening, half an hour after lying down, with a feeling of trembling.

105. Feeling of intolerable dry heat on the whole body.

During the heat, dread of being uncovered; he imagines he will catch cold to get bellyache of he does so.

Heat on the whole body, without thirst, soon after lying down (aft. 2 h.0.

When one touches him one feels considerable heat, especially in the palms and on the soles.

Burning hot feeling in the face, with moderately warm body and icy cold feet, without thirst (aft. 1 h.). [Htn.]

110. Pulse quicker, some beats over 70 (aft. 2 h.). [Gss.]

Feeling of warmth on the head and neck; the face and the rest of the body also feel warmer than usual to the touch, but without thirst. [Gss.]

In the afternoon, frequent flushes of heat, with great heat in the face, and perspiration breaks out in the face not until half an hour after this heat (aft. 10 h.). [Fz.]

Only many hours after the dry heat had gone off, sweat in the face.

Great perspiration, without thirst, when lying awake from 7 p.m. till 1 a.m.; the drops stood on his face and he also sweated all over; but after sleeping he was more hot than perspiring, but still without thirst.

115. A pretty considerable sweat, after midnight, but not on the head. [Gss.]

On awaking from sleep, he fins himself perspiring all over- two nights. [Lr.]

Periodical delirium; he was frightful things on the wall.

Great disposition to start; he starts with affright at things which he is accustomed to have around him. [Fz.]

Persistent crossness; everything makes a disagreeable impression on him. [Lr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.