90. Pinching pains in the abdomen preceding a discharge of flatus (aft. 24 h.).

Pinching(The chief primary action of rhubarb in the abdomen does not seem to be so much an easy, loose, copious vacuation, or painless diarrhoea, but rather a colicky, or even ineffectual faecal stools it cannot be suitable for autumnal dysenteries (not with standing the partial similarity of its abdominal pain), particularly as the other symptoms if rhuburb differ considerably from those of this epidemic ailment.) in the abdomen, he has great inclination for stool (the colon is greatly disposed for evacuation) but he can do nothing, as the rectum is inactive (aft. 24 h.).

Flatulence in the abdomen seems to rise up towards the chest, and to cause pressure and tension here and there.

Pappy, sour smelling stool; its evacuation is followed by shivering, and after its evacuation there occurs renewed urging with pinching (constriction) n the bowels (aft. 6 h.).[Gss.]

Frequent urging to stool, whereupon a thin, pappy, foetid stool occurs, with cutting in the abdomen and immediately after this evacuation feeling of tenesmus – in spite of every effort nothing will come away, although urging to stool is still present – whereupon after some time an evacuation takes place; when he at length gets off the night-stool, the urging that had gradually been allayed becomes again much more violent; the pains in the abdomen also increase which come on with the evacuation of the stool. [Gss.]

95. In the morning in bed after waking, when throwing off the cloths, cutting in the abdomen and discharge of flatus (aft. 14 h.). [Gss.]

The urging to stool is increased by moving and walking. [Gss.]

A kind of tenesmus (aft. 5 h.). [Hbg.]

In the region of the anus a painful sensation as after long continued diarrhoa. [Hbg.]

Stool mixed with mucus. [Hbg.]

100. Stool first of soft then hard faeces; before and during it violent cutting (aft. 24 h.). [Trn.]

stool the first portion of which was firm, the last liquid.

Diarrhoeic evacuations of faeces with mucus.

Stool of greyish mucus.

When walking a pressive pain in the inguinal ring as if a hernia would protrude.

105. Fine, frequent, itching pricks in the last inguinal gland.

Weakness of the bladder; he must press strongly when urinating, otherwise the urine would not come away completely. [Hbg.]

Urging to pass water. [MURRAY, l. c., p. 400.]

Burning in the kidneys and bladder. [FALLOPIUS,…..]

Reddish-yellow urine, as in jaundice and acute fevers. [MURRAY, l. c., p. 390.]

110. Urine bright yellow, verging towards green. [Trn.]

Scalding of the urine (aft. 20 h.).

(Frequent discharge of much urine.)

Obtuse, quick stitches under the last rib, on expiration and inspiration (lasting a long time).

Single stitches in the chest (aft. 6 h.).

115. (Oppression on the chest).

First in the left, then in the right pectoral muscles also, a crepitating gushing as in small bubbles, audible to himself and persistent.

Contraction of the chest. [BROCKLESBY, (Observation.) in Murray, l. c., p. 396.]

Tightness of the chest on breathing deeply the chest does not give way sufficiently; just as if a weight lay on the front of the chest under the neck, and pressed it down. [Gss.]

Pressive tightening pain above the sternum, sometimes also single stitches. [Rkt.]

120. A burning pain at the left side of the sternum. [Hbg.]

Dry cough in the evening (aft. 5 h.). [Hbg.]

Cough with expectoration of mucus for five women. [PAULLINI, (Observation.) in Murray, l. c., p. 390.]

Simple pain in both nipples, apparently proceeding from flatulence in the abdomen.

125. A long-continued stitch in both nipples.

Stiffness in the sacrum and hips, he cannot walk upright.

Single stitches in the arms,

Tearing in the upper arms and finger-joints. [Rkt.]

Feeling of twitching in the right elbow.

130. In the morning a twitching in the arms and hands, also at rest and when moving.

Tearing in the forearms. [Rkt.]

The muscles of the forearm are as if contracted, with trembling movement of the hands. [Rkt.]

Sensation as if commencing going to sleep in the under side of the forearm. [Rkt.]

135. Swollen blood-vessels on the hands (aft. 2 h.). [Hbg.]

Hot feeling and heat in the palm. [Rkt.]

Cold sweat on the palm, whilst the back of the hand, as also the rest of the body, was warm (aft. 20 h.). [Hbg.]

Sweat on the palms when the hands were closed. [Rkt.]

A tearing from the thumb to the little finger, across the hand. [Hbg.]

140. A violent shooting tearing pain in the thumb (aft. 3 h.).

Fatigue of the thighs, as after too great exertion.

Twitching, felt sad seen from without, of single muscular parts on the back of the thigh, especially when these muscles are stretched out, when sitting and when drawing up the knees whilst lying.

The legs go to sleep when they are crossed over one another.

Tensive aching pain in the left hough down to the heel.

145. In the hough a gushing gurgling sensation, just as if it could be heard.

Painless gurgling in the hough to the heel.

Stiffness of the knee, which is painful when moved.

When standing a down-drawing tired pain in the left hough.

Tired tension in the right hough.

150. Shooting in the left knee when walking. [Gss.]

A gurgling downwards in the leg, accompanied by shooting.

(In the morning after rising, feeling of dislocation of the left ankle-joint, painful when treading.) [Gss.]

Shooting in the left foot on the border of the sole behind the little toe. [Hbg.]

A burning intermittent pain between the inner ankle and the tendo achillis, as if a red-hot coal were occasionally applied there (aft. 5 h.). [Hbg.]

155. transversely across the instep a pain compounded of tearing and shooting.

A pricking itching in the hollow of the sole.

In the ball of the left big toe a gushing crepitating sensation.

Pricking itching at the root of the little toe, almost as if after frost bite.

Exhaustion in the whole body when walking. [Trn.]

160. Exhaustion and weakness in the whole body. [Rkt.]

Heaviness of the whole body, as if he had not slept enough. [Hbg.]

All the joints are affected with a simple pin when moving (fatigue of all the limbs)(aft,. 12 and more h.).

The limbs on which he lies go to sleep.

Heaviness of the whole body, as when awaking from a deep sleep.

165. Frequent yawning. [Gss.]


Sleepiness. [Hbg.]

Causes sleep. [FORDYCE, in Murray, l. c., p. 393.]

Before going to sleep he involuntary raises the hands over the head. [Hbg.]

170. Nocturnal phantasy in restless sleep, as if he were going about in a half-conscious state, half dreaming half waking. [Hbg.]

During sleep snoring inspiration (aft. 1 h.).

At night dreams of vexatious, annoying things.

Anxious dreams of deceased relations. [Trn.]

Vivid dreams of sad anxious import.

175. During sleep he stretches his hands over the head.

In sleep he is restless, whines and bends the head back.

The child tosses about at night, begins to cry out several times, and asserts while trembling that men werethere.

The child is pale; in sleep she grumbles in a quarrelsome manner, and has convulsive drawing in the fingers, facial muscles and eyelids.

In the evening in sleep he talks nonsense and moves about in bed with closed eyes, without speaking, and has at the same time great heat.

180.In the morning, after sleep, laziness and a violent squeezing and tensive headache across the whole anterior half of the head. [Hbg.]

After waking she is a long time in coming to herself.

After sleeping he feels a heaviness in the whole body.

After sleeping the eyes are sealed up with the eye-gum.

After sleeping the mouth is covered with ill-smelling mucus.

185. After sleeping he has a foul taste in the mouth.

After sleeping he has a foul taste in the mouth.

After sleeping he smells badly from his mouth (has a foetid breath.)

After sleeping he has pressure in the scorbiculus cordis, which on inspiring spreads over the sternum and changes into a bruised pain.

(Slight chilliness, in the morning.) [Trn.]

He has shivering without being outwardly cold (aft. ½ h.).

Alternate chill and hear, only for two minutes, at the same time quite tired and anxious, everything was disagreeable to her, even what she usually liked best.

He feels hot all over, without having thirst (aft. 2 h.).

He has heat in the hands and feet, though the arms and thighs are not hot, and the face is cool.

Heat and hot feeling in the cheeks. [Rkt.]

195.Warmth of the whole body without thirst. [Hbg.]

Heat and hot feeling in the cheeks. [Rkt.]

Quick pulse. [Hbg.]

Sweat smelling of rhuburb and straining the linen yellow. [MENZEL, and TILLING, (Observation.) in Murray, l. c., p. 390.]

Cool sweat in the face especially about the mouth and nose (aft. 3 h.).

200. On the slightest exertion he perspires on the forehead and hairy scalp.

Talking nonsense. [BROCKLESBY, l. c.]

He is silent and nothing makes an impression on him.

He is lazy and laconic.

Sulky, silent and reserved. [Trn.]

205. Whining, anxious peevishness.

The child demands various things impetuously and with weeping.

Mental state as if half asleep (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Rkt.]

Gloomy disposition; he cannot remain long at one occupation. [Rkt.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.