765. In the arm, particularly in the fingers, tearing drawing pain at night.

In the inner part of the arms drawing tensive pain down to the wrists.

In the forearm, paricularly on the back of the hand and between the fingers, an itching which compels scratching, but vesicles do not subsequently appear there.

A rigidity in the right wrist-joint, even when he did not move the hand.

In the wrist-joint pain as if stiff, on moving, and as if he had sprained the hand.

770. In the morning after rising, sweaty hands.

In the bones of the wrist, then in the arm, in the evening, a pain as if he had sprained himself, more perceptible when moving than when at rest (aft. 4 d.)

Drawing pain in the thumb, with stiff sensation on moving it.

Pain in the second joint of the thumb, with stiff sensation on moving it.

Pain in the second joint of the thumb on moving as if sprained.

Stiffness in the second joint of the thumb and in the knees, as if these joints were dislocated, and cracking would occur in them (aft. 2 h.)

775. Tension in the proximal joints of the fingers, in the morning.

Tearing pain in the extensor tendons of the fingers (To be judged in confirmity with the note to 199.).

(aft. 10 h.).

Papules containing water betwixt the fingers, with fine pricking pain, as from a splinter sticking in, on touching them or moving the fingers (aft. 4 d.).

At the side of the nail of the index pain as if an onychia would occur.

Going to sleep of the fingers in the morning in bed (aft. 36 h.)

780. At night going to sleep of the fingers (aft. 30 h.)

In the muscles of the nates a simple pain, as if bruised or as if ulcerated internally, after sitting.

In the hip-joint pain on bending the back, about noon.

An aching in the left hip and at the same time in the head, in the forenoon, which went off on moving (aft. 26 h.).

The hip-joints is painful, as if dislocated (aft 3 d.).

785. A visible painless twitching of some bundles of muscular fibres in the thigh, in the evening in bed.

A twitching, almost sore pain from the hip-joint into the knee, in the morning when lying in bed, which was allyed by walking.

When he is lying, a shooting in the front of the left thigh to the knee and from the right calf to the heel; not when moving.

A violent aching splitting pain in the muscles of the thigh end upper arm (aft. 2 h.).

In the muscles of the thigh a drawing pain at night, which compels him to move them; he knows not how to compose himself; at the same time sleeplessness, tossing about in bed even when there is no longer pain there, and coldness all over.

790. When walking sudden, transient paralytic weakness in the thigh. ( Actually at the commencement of walking after rising up from (prolonged) sitting. See note to 6;5. comp. with 796, 825, t Comp. 777. $ Comp. 825, 8t6,)

(Pain in the right thigh like stiffness; but on grasping (touching) it a pain like shooting in it.)

A drawing and tension in the thighs and legs, in the evening.

Pain in the thighs as if bruised, not in the flesh but in the bones; also when pressing on them it feels as if in the bones; she could not flex the knees nor kneel; it feels as if the bones would break:

Bruised feeling of the thighs in the muscles and bones (aft. 18 h.).

795. (A tension about the thigh when walking and stooping.)

After sitting when he commences to walk a paralytic pain in the knees and heel, as after a long journey on foot.

(A painful stiffness in the right knee when walking, when the limb is stretched out straight.)

Excessive weariness of the legs with trembling of the knees.(Comp. 825, 826,)

Tearing pains (like jerks) in the knees (aft. 3.1/2 h.).

800. Tearing pain from the knee to the hip only when sitting, not when walking.

Tearing and drawing pain in the knee.

Tension in the hough (immediately).

Tearing pain with swelling in the knee.

(Eruption of pimples in the hough.)

805. Painless swelling of the knee.

(At night coldness in the knee, tinder the bed-clothes.)

On one side of the knee there is a small spot that is painful as if bruised.

(She could not move the affected thigh and leg at night, she had to let the limb lie in one position on account of bruised pain in and under the knee; it did not hurt when touched.)

Cracking in the knees.

810. Unsteadiness and weakness of the knees; they bent under him involuntarily when walking.

On rising up after sitting the legs go to sleep. (Comp. 568)

On rising up after sitting a paralytic pain of the legs, which goes off on walking on again.

Pain as if bruised on the tibia.

Simple pain of the legs.

815. Pain in the leg when he lets it hang down.

A drawing pain in the legs, in the evening.

At night he must let the lower limb lie bent, otherwise he had no rest from it.

In the. evening painful drawing in the lower limbs to the knee, with more chilliness than by day, without subsequent heat.

In the legs from the feet to the knees a drawing pain as from a long journey on foot, which in the morning declines and goes off almost completely.

820. He feels bruised in the feet as if he had walked a long way.

Cold sensation in the leg, though it is sufficiently warns.

Heaviness and drawing pains in the legs, less in the arms.

Heaviness of the legs, especially in the forenoon.

Heaviness of the legs by day.

825. The feet were insensible toward evening, and yet very heavy; they trembled when walking (aft. 48 h.).

Trembling in the -lower extremities in the morning. (826, 827. Comp. With 798, 890, 891, 929, 935, 936.)

In the evening after lying down, trembling sensation in the legs and knees (aft. 3 d.).

Weariness of the legs (aft. 50 h.).

Weariness in the knees (not in the feet) when he rises up from a seat.

830. Weakness of the feet, so that he can hardly stand.(Comp. 810.)

In the feet, when standing, (a tingling sensation) a buzzing and grumbling which goes off on walking.

(The varicose veins of the leg bleed.)

The tibia is painful when touched.

On the tibia pain as if bruised, especially on lifting up the foot.

835. On the tibia pain as after a blow with a stick, from afternoon till evening.

Stitches upwards in the shaft if tibia with external burning pains and erysipelatous redness.(In a woman of 58, from 1/100th grain of the juice.)

Papules exuding watery fluid on th leg, with burning pain.

After walking a long way, when sitting in the house, a drawing on the inner side of the calves (aft. 36 h.).

Visible twitching in a part of the right calf in the morning in bed, not without an agreeable sensation.

840. After lying down, especially in the evening, the flesh of the legs is painful, as if festering and gathering, a pain that is relieved by compression with the hands (aft. 3 d.).

Pain in the bones of the legs, like pressure on an ulcerated place, on walking, for a considerable time, especially in the afternoon, which is relieved by pressing on it, as also by sitting, but most of all by the night’s rest.

Drawing tensive pain in the calves.

Tensive pain of the calves.

Cramp of the leg in the evening after lying down, with chilliness. (See note to 818) (aft. 1/2 h.).

845. When walking pain in the calves like cramp.

When walking sudden pain in the ankle-joint, as if sprained.

Tearing in the ankle-joint on moving the foot, with dilated pupils. (847-849, see note to 199)

On the inner ankle tearing pains, aggravated by walking (aft. 4 h.).

Over the dorsum of the foot to the heel a tearing pain, morning and evening.

850. Burning pain on the dorsum of the foot. [Stf.]

Swelling of the dorsum of the foot.

(Swelling of the dorsum of the foot with stretching pain.)

Swelling of the foot above the ankle, not below them.

Increase of the swelling of the foot, the varicose veins become distended. [Stf. ]

855. Swelling of one foot in the evening.

Swelling of the feet:

Hot feet.

Feet swollen as high as the calves, hot swelling.

When at rest a persistent burning and heat of the foot which is increased by walking.

860. Red, hot swelling of the foot, with tensive, burning pain, which changes into a shooting when standing.

Red, hot swelling of the feet, with itching creeping as if frozen.

Profuse sweat on the feet every morning in bed (secondary action? after the cure of a swelling of the feet).

On first treading, in the morning, an over-sensitiveness and formication in the foot, as from excessive acummulation of blood in it

When standing a formicating pricking pain on the soles of the feet as if gone to sleep or numb.

865. A numb pain in the ball of the big too.

In the soles of the feet and in the ball of the big toe a numb (A pain of the periosteum on external pressure accompanied by insensibility of the integuments (skin and muscles).) pain, as after a great jump, and as if benumbed, immediately on putting the foot to the ground after prolonged sitting; a pain that goes off gradually by walking (aft. 1 h.).

The soles of the feet are painful as if bruised.

In the soles of the feet, above the knee, and in the back, a tearing pain. (868, 869, see note to 199)

Tearing pain in the soles of the feet and above the knee.

870. Single stitches in the soles of the feet and the tips of the toes, when at rest.

Pain of the rules of the feet on treading, just as if blood were extravasated in them festering or ulcerated.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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