Drawing tensive pain in the sternum.

675. (A drawing, burning, and clutching in the region of the sternum extending down into the stomach.)

On the upper part of the sternum an eroding itching, not removed by scratching, in the evening (676, 678, comp. with 694, 696.) (aft. 38 h.).

Swelling of the mammae with tensive pain in them, as if milk came into them and pressed, when suckling.

Itching on the right nipple, not removed by scratching (aft. 24 h.).

Cracking in the scapulae on the slightest movement, in the morning (aft. 64 h.).

680. In the right scapulae a sqeezing pain when sitting.

Shooting pain betwixt the scapulae on moving, which impedesrespiration. (It is characterisitc of pullsatilla that sufferings in other parts than those appertaining to respiration cause tightness of chest. Comp. 379, 383. 715, 722, 723.)

Shooting pain betwixt the scapulae, even when at rest. (An alternating action with the symptoms immediately preceding.)

Stitches in the scapulae at night.

A pain as from a weight under the scapula.

685. Drawing pricking pains in the nape, betwixt the scapulae and in the back. (Comp. 354.)

From the scapulae to the middle of the back papules with persistent itching, especially in the evening on undressing.

Shooting pain in the nape.

Drawing tensive pain in the nape.

Rheumatic pain in the nape with fatigue of the feet (aft. 84 h.)

690. In the afternoon drawing into the nape like rheumatism; he could inly movew himself with difficulty.

Pain in then nape, as if he had lain at night in a wrong position.

Swelling in then nape, on both sides of the neck to the large carorid arteries, which is only painful when touched, and then the pain is violent, as if an internal ulcer were concealed beneath it.

Swelling on the right side of the neck, with a sensation of moving the neck or on touching it, as if the parts were lacerated and stretched, (Comp. 367, 688.) or as if in an internal ulcer lay concealed there, and yet nothing is felt when swallowing (aft. 4 h.).

A pimple on the side of the neck, which merel itches, but the itching is not removed by scratching or rubbing (aft. 21 h.).

695. In the first cervical vertebra a painless (creaking) cracking, on moving the head (aft. 1 h.)

After shaving the beard, on the side of the neck a (smarting) itching which is not removed br scratching and rubbing, but this causes pain (Comp. 676, 678, 694) (aft. 5 h.).

By the day an itching on the neck and cheeks; on scratching papules appear.

Eruptions of papules on the neck under the chin, which are painful when touched.

Pain of the cervical (submaxillary) glands.

700. Boring pain in the submaxillary glands even when the parts are not moved (aft. 4 h.)

Drawing tensive pain in the submaxillary glands. (Comp. 367, 701, 692.).

The back is painfully stiff (like a board)

Backache betwixt the shoulders, as if from prolonged stooping and then rising up again; going off on walking.

Tearing pain in the back. (703, 704, 706, 707, comp. With 354, 371.).

705. A throbbing tickling sensation in the back. [Hbg.]

Shooting pain in the back and over the chest.

Pricking pain in the back (aft. 2 h.)

Upward pressive pain in the back.

Itching in the back and over the loins.

710. In the fourth lumbar vertebra an aching pain especially after walking. (See note to 645.).

In the os sacrm an aching pain as from fatigue, in the evening.

In the sacrum an out-pressing pain, in the evening. (Comp. 213, 33, 34, 788.).

Stiffness and pasin in the sacrum when lying, as if festering, and as if from a tight band which will not yield.

Pain in the sacrum on raising up and bending back the upperpart of the body, which goes off when stooping forwards (aft. 12 h.).

715. Pain in the sacrum like labour pains, as if a band went through the sacrum and drew everything together, which takes away her breath, especially in the morning.

Pain in the sacrum on the stooping forwards, which goes off on raising up the upper part of the body and bending backwards( aft. 24 h.)

When lying still in bed pain in the sacrum and knees, as if bruised, which is not felt on rising up and walking about.

Pain in the sacrum after sitting; he can hardly raise himself up.

720. Pain in the sacrum in the evening, as from prolonged stooping, which is chiefly felt when standing and sitting, but on the other hand is relieved by bending the back backwards and by walking; at then same time fatigue in the feet, which compels him to sit down .(This and 713, 717, are similar symptoms, which are alternating states with 714, 719, the first of which are the principal ones.

Shooting pain in the sacrum and abdomen with cutting pains in the bowels which obstruct respiration.

At first shooting in the sacrum; afterwards the pain goes into the abdomen where it becomes cutting and shooting and takes away the breath; then in the head a formication, (Comp. 29, 30, 45, 59, 61, 102.) a weight and a drawing sensation, during which the sight and hearing go away; then chilliness as if cold water were poured over him.

Drawing tensive pain in the loins. (A kind of artificial lumbago.).

725. Drawing pain from. The loins to the scrobiculus cordis where it becomes a shooting, during inspiration.

In the loins a shooting when stooping forwards, in the morning in bed (aft. 10 h.)

In the lumbar region and on the wrist a sore pain as from an external wound.

Pain in the shoulder on attempting to raise the arm.

(Some stitches in the axilla when sitting.)

730. In the shoulder-joint a persistent tearing (See note to 199 and note to 900, 901) pain, which compelled him to (move) bend the arm; it occurs in the morning on awaking, and after half an hour goes off of itself or when he lies on the painful arm.

In the shoulder-joint a shooting rheumatic pain in the morning on moving the arm or on bending the head sideways (aft. 18 h.)

In the shoulder-joint a shooting pain on moving the arm quickly.

Severe stitches in the deltoid muscle of the right upper arm (aft. 1 h.).

In the shoulder- joint a twitching pain (aft. 4 h.).

735. In the shoulder-joint a twitching sensation.

In the afternoon, on the right shoulder a gurgling, a kind of trembling sensation (aft. 3 d.)

In the shoulder-joint a sensation as from a heavy weight and as paralysis in it, on attempting to raise the arm.

In the shoulder-joint pain like squeezing and heaviness (aft. 60 h.).

In the shoulder-joint, on bending the arm backwards, pain as of dislocation.

740. From the shoulder to the wrist drawing pains in short recurring fits.

A burning ran down through the arm from the shoulder, at night.

In the evening a burning pain in the arm with dry feeling in the fingers.(The Symptoms of pulsatilla vary also in reference to the times of the day when they arise and when they usually persist. The principal time of the day for then is the morning, next in frequency the hours until midnight (with reference to the nocturnal symtpom see note to 354). The time of the recurrence of the pulsatilla symptoms is more rarely in the afternoon, about 4 oc’lock, still more rarely the morning, &c.) (aft. 48 h.)

Stitches here and there in the arm. (“In the ” means in the paralysed arm. These stitches occurred in a case of rheumatic paralyisis of the left arm, in which alone they were left.)[STOERCK, l. c.]

Nocturnal itching in the arm. [STOERCK, l. c.]

745. On the arm vesicles, which afterwards fill with pus and fall off as scales. [STOERCK, l.c.]

On raising the arm while holding something with it, or on doing any other work with it, a numb sensation in, an heaviness of it.

Pain of the upper arm when touched.

In the upper arm shooting pain. [H bg.]

The arm is painful even when at rest, as if the shaft the humerous were bruised in the middle; a pain that extends to the thumbs, so that she could not use it.

750. Tearing in the muscles of the upper arm (immediately)

Even when at rest drawing pain in the arm, all night long, from the shoulder down to the fingers, which thereafter go to sleep (die away) to insensibility, but without becoming pale or cold.

( When she holds something in her hand she feels as if the arm went to sleep.)

Pain in the elbow-joint on moving as if bruised, with dilated pupils, in the morning (aft. 8 h.).

Pain in the elbow-joint on extending it.

755. Pain in the elbow itching on the point of the of the elbow-joint, like itching and the friction of wool (aft. 2 h.)

Over the elbow-joint small (not inflamed) swellings beneath the skin, which are painful when touched.

Heaviness of the arms, with tearing pain in the elbow-joint on attempting to flex it, only by day.

A tensive pain of the tendons of the bend of the elbow on movingthe arm.

760. In the bones of the forearm drawing tearing pain in repeated attacks by day and in the evening.(Comp. notes to 199.).

Distented blood- vessels (veins) in the forearm. (See note to 1073, 854)

Sensation of coldness in the arms, as from arms, as if they would go to sleep (aft. 72 h.).

Twitching tearing pain in the arms (763-766 are to be understood in the sense of the note to 199.). (aft. 3. h.)

Twitching sensation in the forearm towards the wrist, especially in the morning after waking.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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