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In the nose, tickling as from fine snuff, sneezing. [Hbg.]

Continual tickling in the nose.

Sneezing (aft. 4, 12 h.).

Sneezing in the evening in sleep.

595. Sneezing in the morning in bed.

Coryza for two hours (immediately and aft. 2 h.).

Coryza with loss of smell and taste.

Scrapy sensation in the epiglottis, such as is usual in hoarseness (aft. 1 h.).

In the morning, after rising oppression on the chest, with cough and expectoration (aft. 24 h.).

600. Oppression on the chest with cough without expectoration. [Hbg.]

Hoarseness with inability to speak a word aloud.

Cough (aft. 4 h.).

A scraping and dryness in the throat which excites cough of two or three impulses.

A scratching on the chest (in the trachea) excites the cough.

605. Cough excited as if by dryness in the chest (trachea).

In the trachea and from the scrobiculus cordis up to the epiglottis an itching which excites cough.

When the child coughs it is much shaken.

When coughing he feels as if the stomach turned over and as if he would vomit; the cough forces tears from his eyes.

(Cough immediately, when she has eaten a morsel.)

610. (Cough excited by a contractive sensation in the larynx, especially after eating, with vomiting and epistaxis.)

During the cough sensation as of sulphur fumes in the throat.

Tickling in the region of the thyroid cartilage causing short (hacking) cough.

Inspiration excites movements as if to cough (aft. 2 h.).

Nocturnal cough, which causes sleeplessness and exhaustion.

615. Nocturnal cough and dryness in the throat therefrom.

Nocturnal dry cough, which goes off by sitting up in bed, but returns on lying down (Comp. 655.) (aft.8, 32 h.).

After lying down in the evening, continual cough.

Dry cough, with difficult expectoration (618. 620. 621. These and the preceding symptoms of dry cough seem to be in alternation with the symptoms of copious expectoration with the cough (625-627. 629-632), but the latter seem to be the principal symptoms, so that diseases, which in other respects are suitable for pulsatilla are removed more readily and permanently when the cough is attended by copious expectoration than those with dry cough. In 624 the chief alternating action with copious expectoration occurred only after dry cough, which is rarer.) (aft. several h.).

The child hacks much after the cough.

620. Severe cough with difficult expectoration of scanty viscid mucus.

Towards evening a hard cough.

Expectoration of blood.

Cough with expectoration of black masses of coagulated blood, until evening (aft. 1 h.).

First, for half a day dry cough, and then for several days mucus constantly in the anterior part of the trachea which can be expectorated in quantity by voluntary coughing.

625. Cough with expectoration (aft. 2 h.).

Cough with expectoration of yellow mucus.

(During the morning cough expectoration with a salt disgusting taste.)

(Ulcerated, eroded lungs, hectic fever, haemoptysis purulent expectoration.( From syrup made with the purple-coloured flowers which a woman administered to a man and two children in fevers, cough, coughness of the larynx, sharp catarrhs, and stitches in the side.) ) [HELLWING,( Not accessible.) Flora compana, Lips., 1719, p. 86.)

Cough with bitter expectoration.

630. The mucus expectorated by coughing of a bitter, bilious taste.

The expectoration from cough tastes bitter to him.

The mucus expectorated by coughing has a pungent empyreumatic taste, almost like cray-fish soup or the juice from a tobacco pipe (aft. several h.).

Nocturnal cough which causes stitches in the side.

Pain in the side during the cough and on rising from bed.

635. From a slight cough, a fatigue pain in the region of the short ribs on both sides, such as is wont to occur from a long continued shaking cough (aft. 20 h.).

Cough with pain in the chest.

Shooting in the shoulder from the cough.

Whilst coughing a pain darted several times down his right arm.

During the cough, stitches in the back.

640. Oppression and pain on the chest.( Comp. 599. In the catarrhal state, which in ordinary parlance is indicated by these symptoms, the internal glands of the trachea seem to be in a swollen and inflamed state, and incapable of secreting the requisite moistening mucus. Hence the sensation of dryness, roughness, painfulness, and the illusory sensation, as if a very viscid and adherent mucus narrowed the lumen of the trachea and could not be detached.)

Shortness of breath immediately after dinner, for several hours.

Loss of breath on drawing the air through the nose, but not on respiring through the mouth (aft. 1/2 h.).

(Asthma, on smoking (the accustomed) tobacco.)

(Tightness of the chest.( From the, allied wood anemone.) ) [BERGIUS, (Observation.) Mat. Medorrhinum, p. 519.]

645. Tightness of the chest and vertigo together with weakness of the head, when lying horizontally on the back, which, however, goes off on sitting upright. (Comp. 616. The occurrence of symptoms from pulsatilla during the horizontal recumbent posture, when sitting up when standing up after sitting, when walking and when standing, are so many different alternating states, which all belong to the primary action but are of very different intrinsic value. As a rule the sufferings occurring when lying quietly on the back from pulsatilla are relieved by sitting up rarely the reverse; frequently the symptoms caused by pulsatilla when sitting still are relieved or removed by gradual movement and walking, rarely the reverse. On the other hand, the act of standing up before commencing to walk usually excites sufferings more numerous and more severe the longer the sitting posture has been continued; and so also prolonged and violent movement excites symptoms no less than prolonged sitting, which, however. generally become perceptible only on again resting and sitting down. But the alternating actions a medicine most frequently displays, and which am most severe and most singular. are the most efficacious for the homaeopathic cure of diseases.)

Oppression as if in the trachea, as though, it were pressed in from without and constricted-so that he was completely deprived of breath for a minute, in the evening when sitting, without any cough.

In the evening tightness of the chest, they slumber, then waking with a fit of suffocation, short or hacking cough, a tearing frontal pain through the eyes formication on the tongue, cold feet, cold sweat on the face, and much eructation.

In the lower part of the chest sensation of tightness of the chest, as if it were too full and contracted there, in the morning. (Comp. 379, 383.)

Spasmodic feeling through the chest.

850. Persistent spasmodic tension under the chest.

When she lies on the left side, she complains of anxiety and great palpitation of the heart, and that she loses her breath.

A single spasmodic inspiration and expiration, which changed into a short suffocative sensation, as though the breath went away and death must ensue. [Hbg. ]

A constriction across the chest. [Rkt.]

On the right side of the chest a spasmodic contrastive tension, with ebullition of blood and internal warmth (heat) (aft. 26 h.).

655. Twitching sensation in the pectoral muscles, especially in the morning after waking.

Spasmodic pain over the chest.

In the morning after rising painful stiffness of the pectoral muscles of breathing deeply and on moving the chest (aft. 12 h.).

Cramp-like pain first in the right then in the left side, then in the chest.

On one or other side of the chest drawing tensive pain that is increased by breathing.

660. A shooting in the middle of the pectoralis muscle on raising up the arm, towards evening and all night until the morning (aft. 4 h.).

Shooting pain in the chest on moving the. body.

Shooting in the side only when lying down.( comp. 378, 645.)

(In the praecordial region obtuse stitches and persistent aching, with anxiety, whereby the breathing was impeded; relieved by walking.)

Pricking pain in the left side after lying down, in the evening (aft. 3/4 h.).

665. Tearing, (Comp, note to 199.) and to a certain extent shooting, pain in the. side of the chest (aft. 1 h.).

(The ribs are painful when grasped.)

Compressive cutting, almost like a stitch, on one of the lower ribs, when lying on the right side, which went off on stretching himself out or lying on the painful side.

In the chest here and there a cutting pain (aft. 6 h.).

An anxious sensation in the chest with quicker pulse (aft. 1 h.).

670. In the morning difficulty of drawing the breath from anxiety in the chest.

Rush of blood to the chest and heart, at night, with anxious dreams (e.g. “that he is walled up”), with starting up in affright, and anxious cry.

In the middle of the chest, in the sternum, pain as from an internal ulcer, with frontal headache, before midnight. (Pains here and there as from (something sore) as internal ulcer are characteristic of pulsatilla. Comp 143 184, 692, 693,713, 778,780,840; as also sore pain chiefly observed on taking hold of the part. (Comp. 151, 727.) (aft..4 h.).

A small spot in the region of the sternum is painful, as if the breath impinged upon it.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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