Haemorrhoidal lumps, with single itching pricks in the anus.

During stool a burning in the rectum.

Blind piles in the evening until about 9 o’clock with sore pain at the anus, when at rest and when moving, but which is somewhat greater when moving (aft. 24 h.).

Sore pain of the anus, immediately after the evacuation of stool (aft. 4, 5, d.).

480. Blind piles, with sore pain (aft. 1 h.).

Sore (excoriation) pains in the anus and the haemorrhoidal lumps (aft. 3 h.).

Painful, protruded blind piles.

(When standing an aching tearing down into the anus.)

After sacral pains, in the morning, blind piles.

485. Excoriation and sore pain on the nates, externally, where the sulcus begins (aft. 1 h.).

In the groins several small pocks the size of a pea containing pus and with burning shooting pains. [Hbg.]

The vesical region is painful when touched externally.

Pain pressing like a stone and constrictive in the hypogastrium down into the bladder.

Frequent call to urinate.

490.At night he wets the bed involuntarily.

Involuntary micturition : the urine dribbles away when sitting and walking.

A persistent, obtuse stitch in the neck of the bladder, as from displaced flatulence (aft. 1 h.).

A sharp (almost cutting) pressure on the neck of the bladder when walking in the open air, as from flatulence, but without call to urinate.

Persistent pressure on the bladder, without. call to urinate, in the evening and night.

495. A pressure on the bladder as from displaced flatulence, towards morning.

Strangury, tenesmus of the bladder.

(Strangury.) [Hbg.]

Frequent almost ineffectual urging to urinate, with (acrid urine) cutting pain when urinating.

Pressing before, passing urine.

500. A pressing and urging to urinate.

The urging to pass urine is only felt when lie lies all his back, and he must soon urinate; but not when he lies on his side.

Copious flow of urine.( Rather secondary or curative action, after removal of a previous strangury, 489. 496, and 500-With these strangury symptoms 490, 491. seem to be alternating Primary actions.)

Increased urinary discharge. [STOERCK, 1. c.]

Diuresis. [HEYER, 1. c.]

505. Almost continual diuresis. [ STOERCK, 1. c.]

When he coughs or discharges flatus some urine passes involuntarily (aft. 48 h.). –

Colourless urine as clear as water (aft. 1.1/4 h.).

Whilst passing watery urine and with feeling of weakness in the loins, acrid (Comp. 467.) slimy stools.

The urine is occasionally red.

510. Brownish-red urine.

Dark red urine, without sediment.

Brown urine.

Urine with a ring of violet foam over a sandy sediment.

(Gelatinous urinary sediment.)

515. Urine with violet red sediment.

Urine with red sediment.

Urine with brick-coloured sediment.

Severe stitches which darted from the abdomen into the penis.

After passing a brown urine, burning in the anterior part of the urethra. (Comp. 553, 520.)

520. Troublesome scalding of the urine.( In a case of chronic gonorrhoea.) [STOERCK, 1. c.]

In the evening before lying down, a burning at the neck of the bladder, as if it urged him to urinate.

Burning in the orifice of the urethra during and after passing urine, which deposits a brick-coloured sediment.

Narrowing of the urethra, thin stream of the urine as it passes (aft. 1 h.).

Drawing pain in the urethra when not urinating.

525. After urinating a. sharp pressive pain, as if with the nail of the finger, in the urethra. [Hbg.]

After urinating all aching creeping pain in the orifice of the urethra.

After urinating, aching and creeping ill the glans penis.

Constructive pain behind the glans penis. [Rkt.]

(Swelling of inguinal glands and bubo, on the disappearance of a venereal chancre.)

530. Fine prickig itching in the prepuce when sitting and lying but not when walking (in the evening).

Pricking itching sensation under the prepuce (aft. 1/4 h.).

Itching smarting pain in the inner and upper part of the prepuce (aft. 6 h.).

Smarting itching under the prepuce on the glans.

(A fine pricking about the genitals.)

535. In the morning in and out of bed, itching of the scrotum.

On the scrotum frequent itching, especially in the morning and evening.

Scrotum swollen on the right side.

Swelling of the testicles (aft. 48 h.).

Very pendant testicles (aft. 1 h.).

540. Tearing pain in the testicles (aft. 24 h.).

The right testicle is drawn up and swollen, the spermatic cord swollen with tensive pain, whereas the left testicle hangs down low (aft. 1.5 h.).

Drawing and drawing tensive pains come from the upper part of the abdomen through the spermatic cord into the testicles, which hang down low (aft. 6 h.).

In the morning after waking prolonged stiffness of penis, not without sexual desire (aft. 6 h.).

In the morning, on awaking, excitement of the genitals and desire for coitus (aft. 24 h.).

545. Nocturnal seminal emission.

At night during sleep, pollutions. [Rkt.]

Two pollutions in one night unaccompanied by amorous dreams, and the following day an intolerable weight and lassitude in the limbs (Alternating action with 1007.) ( aft. 12 h.).

In the morning in bed an itching irritation in the region of the seminal vesicles, which disposes greatly to the ejaculation of semen almost without stiffness of the penis and without amorous thoughts (aft. 12, 36 h.).

Erection of the penis by day and by night.

550. (Frequent stiffness of the penis with discharge,. of prostatic fluid(Comp. 551. ) (aft. 36 h.).

Agreeable tickling on the glans, then discharge of a colourless mucus like prostratic fluid. [Hbg.]

Discharge of an ill-smelling fluid from the urethra (gonorrhoea?).( In the case of chronic gonorrhoea mentioned in note to s, 520) [ STOERCK, 1. c.]

Gonorrhoea of the colour and consistence of semen, with burning pain, especially immediately after urinating.( Comp. 519, 520.)

During the (already present) gonorrhoea, dropping of blood from the urethra (aft. 4 h.).

555. In the vagina and externally on the labia pudendi a burning (shooting?) pain. [Hbg.]

Cutting pain at the mouth of the womb (aft. 6 h.).

Drawing pressing pain towards the uterus, with inclination to vomit towards morning.

Drawing tensive pain in the abdomen, like labour pains (aft. 4, 5 h.).

Contractive pains on the left side of the womb, like labour pains, which compel her to bend forwards.

560. Leucorrhoea with burning pain.( 560, 561, alternating action with 564. 565.)

Acrid thin leucorrhoea.

Milky, painless leucorrhoea.

Milky leucorrhoea, with swelling of the pudendum.

Painless leucorrhoea of thickish mucus, of the colour of milk, observed particularly when lying down.

565. Painless leucorrhoea. like cream.

Before the occurrence of the catamenia, chilliness, stretching, yawning.

Feeling of a weight in the abdomen like a stone, when the menses were about to occur (aft. 1 h.).

During the menses a down-pressing pain like a stone in the abdomen and sacrum, during which the lower extremities have a tendency to go to sleep while sitting, with fruitless, ineffectual call(Comp. 444) to evacuate by stool.

(Spasmodic and almost burning pains in the abdomen during the menses.)

570. During the menses: the blood is thick and black and comes only in gushes two or three times a day.( Difficult, retarded, and even suppressed discharge of the menstrual flux seems to be the chief primary action of pulsatilla, whereas its too early appearance (581)seems to be a rarer alternating action)

(The menses during their flux come away only by day, and but little or not at all by night.)

During the menses: she had nausea at night and water was ejected from her stomach with retching, like water-brash. (Comp, 345, 354, 356, and 380, 365, 366)

During the menses: there is blackness before her eyes, and this is worst when she comes into a warm room.( Comp. 44.)

Non-appearance of the menses, with coldness of the body, chilliness, and trembling of the feet. (Comp. 825, 935, 936.)

575. Suppression of the menses.( In several elderly persons, especially when the menses usually occurred at full moon)

During the suppression of the menses, nausea with inclination to vomit, but not actual vomiting, with good appetite.( Comp. 345.)

During the menses pain in the stomach (precordial pressure, cardialgia).

During the menses pain in the side for a couple of days. (Which went off by perspiration)

During the menses stitch in the chest on drawing a breath.

580. Before the occurrence of the menses and during them a stitch in the side excited by moving the arm, by drawing the breath, and talking loudly, during which the arm is as if paralysed.

The menses come on seven days too soon.( See note to 570.)

The menses that had begin delayed beyond the usual time, came on (aft. 1.5 h. ).

Increased, copious menses.( Literally, “Menses much more copious than usual.” ) [STOERCK, 1. c.]

Stuffed coryza.

585. Stuffed nose, ulcerated nostrils. (Comp. 114.)

Stuffed coryza with ulcerated nostrils.( Comp. 33.)

Green foetid discharge from the nose.

Purulent discharge from the right nostril.( Comp. 687.) (In a case of chronic ophthalmia, where pus was discharged also from the eye) [STOERCK, 1, c.]

The nasal mucus has a bad smell as from old coryza. [Hbg.]

590. In the evening, on going to sleep, stoppage of the nose, as from coryza, and in the morning thick, yellow, opaque mucus is blown from the nose as in an old coryza.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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