First aching then twitching pain in the scrobiculus cordis.
In the morning violent aching in the scrobiculus cordis combined with inclination to vomit.
Aching, squeezing or choking pain in the srobiculus cordis which impedes respiration, in the afternoon.
380. Several attacks of contractive or choking pain in the oesophagus, just as if a large lump of new-baked bread had been swallowed (aft. 10 h.).
Very disagreeable sensation of tight tension in the abdomen, as if all were too full, hard and impassable, and as if no stool or flatus could be expelled, though a stool does pass, slowly but not hard, and yet the flatus is passed with difficulty and in small quantities at a time.
Twitching and shooting in the subcostal region, as if there were an ulcer there, back into the sacrum.
Contractive and squeezing sensation in the epigastric and subcostal (hypochondrial) region, as if the flatus stuck there (especially after eating) which then goes into the chest and stops and impedes respiration (aft. 16 h.).
Drawing tensive pain in the hypochondria.
385. A tension in tile region of the stomach, in the forenoon, which went off by moving (aft. 26 h.).
Stitches in the scrobiculus cordis ( Comp. 391, 725 ) on making a false step on an uneven pavement, &c.
Sensation of anxiety about the gastric region.
Pain in the stomach an hour after eating.
A weight in the stomach like a stone, in the morning in bed, on awaking. (Comp. 377, 378.)
390. After supper immediately aching in the stomach and flatulent colic, followed by nausea (aft. 24 h.).
In the upper part of the abdomen pinching, shooting pains with, flatulent colic, in the morning (aft. 24 h.).
Pinching pains in the epigastrium.
Pains in the abdomen only when walking.
When sitting, obtuse pain and sensation of tense distension in the upper part of the abdomen.
395. The abdominal integuments feel swollen, with tensive pain, and at the same time no flatus passes.
Hard distension of the abdomen, with stretching pain therein, end a feeling as if the abdomen would burst (with swelling of the dorsum of the feet).
Loud rumbling in the abdomen, waking and sleeping. [Fr H-n.]
Tearing pain( Literally, “Tormina” ) in the abdomen. [STOERCK, l. c.]
Shooting (Literally, Somewhat sharp. Both these pains and those of S. 398 were relieved when a loose stool occurred.) pains in the abdomen. [ STOERCK, l. c.]
400. Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. [Hbg.]
Early in the morning, immediately after waking in bed, flatulent colic; flatulence rumbles and moves about painfully, especially in the upper part of the abdomen.
A persistent obtuse stitch in the side of the abdomen, as from displaced flatulence.
Immediately after supper flatulent colic; flatulence rumbles about painfully, especially in the upper part of the abdomen. (Comp. 390, 413.)
Cutting pains in the abdomen above the navel,. as if diarrhoea would come on (Comp. 722, and partly also 723 also 419, 424, and 466.) (aft. 1 h.).
405. A firm prominent ring round the navel, which is painful when walking (aft. 24 h.).
A formicating itching in and above the navel; painful after scratching.
Flatulence moves about like colic in the abdomen, in the evening after lying down in bed.
Flatulence passes with loud rumbling from one part of the bowels to another with a jerking and even a pinching sensation, especially in the evening in bed.
Grumbling and rumbling in the abdomen as from flatulence.
410. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with frequent purging and griping and pinching in the abdomen.
In the evening bellyache or rattling in the abdomen.
After eating fulness and occasional bellyache with rumbling.
Sensation of a flatulent colicky fulness in the abdomen after supper (aft. 2 h.).
Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen just as if the abdomen were eviscerated (emptied of its intestines).
415. She feels as if empty, and there is pinching and bubbling in the abdomen, as from something fermenting.
Bellyache after drinking (aft. 3 h.).
Bellyache after drinking, in the evening (aft. 6 h.).
Flatulent distension after all food.
Cutting pains in the abdomen as from flatulence, before eating in the evening,( 419-423, comp. with 404, 466, 722, and partly with. 723), (aft. 36 h.).
420. Cutting pains in the abdomen by day and particularly in the evening, every other day (aft. 4, 5, 6 d.).
Bellyache: cutting deep down in the abdomen, relieved by stooping forwards, as if about to vomit, towards 5 o’clock after the afternoon’s meal, for three successive days about the same time; in the evening about 9 o’clock it went off when he lay curled up and he fell asleep (aft. 24 h.).
Cutting in her abdomen, after moving.
The flatus is discharged with cutting pains in the abdomen, in the morning (aft. 8, 20 h.).
Very foetid flatus after eating.
425. Pain in the hypogastrium more pinching than cutting, with soft stool.
Pinching pain in the belly, which involves the whole abdomen in a uniform manner.(aft. 1/2 h.).
Griping pain in the abdomen on the left side; she must bind up the belly tightly.( Comp. 410, 373 )
(In the morning pinching in the abdomen, with chilliness and heat.)
Pinching in the abdomen (aft. 4 h.) and sharp stitches which darted from the abdomen into the penis, frequent, thin stools, with great thirst for brown beer.
430. Bellyache as if diarrhoea must ensue, and yet there only occurs a good natural stool .( Comp. 378, 379, 389) (aft. 48, 72 h; ).
Aching pressing pain in the abdomen .( Comp. 378, 379, 389) (aft. 1, 42 h.).
Nocturnal colic: after midnight a pressure here and there in the abdomen as from displaced flatulence, with hot feeling all over the body, without thirst; a discharge of flatus gave no relief.
Bellyache after the stool.
Drawing in the back during the stool, otherwise scarcely at all.
435. After the stool colicky pain in the abdomen as from flatulence (aft. 5 h.).
After the stool aching in the rectum.
When yawning pain as if bruised in the integuments of the hypogastrium (aft. 2 h.).
Chilliness over the abdomen (also round about to the lower part of the back).
A pain in the abdominal muscles when sitting and when coughing (aft. 3 d.).
440. Painful tenderness of the abdomen which is excited by touching it (aft. several h.).
After purging, with violent thirst, painful tenderness of the abdominal integuments; the abdomen could not be touched without causing pain.
Obstinate constipation.
Daily, but hard stool (with pain in the haemorrhoidal lumps).
Difficult evacuation of the stool with painful pressing and pain in the back. (This and the six following symptoms (comp. 568) are the most characteristic and commonest forms of the faecal evacuations from pulsatilla.)
445. In the morning difficult stool, then two soft stools during the day.
He has frequent call to stool with greyish pale complexion (bad appearance) and faintness.
Frequent urging to go to stool (frequent call to stool) as if diarrhoea would occur occasionally.
Without tenesmus, either in the rectum or anus, he has constant call to stool (in remote parts of the bowels) without getting rid of sufficient stool.
Frequent soft stool mingled with mucus (also aft. 2 h.).
450. Frequent evacuation of mucus only (also aft. 48 h.) with bellyache before every stool.
Stool consisting of nothing but yellowish-white mucus mingled with a little blood (aft. 12 h.)
Faecal evacuations coloured with blood, in the morning (aft. 72 h).
Diarrhoea as green as bile once or twice at night: before each stool a working about in the bowels (Comp. 464. These kinds of nocturnal diarrhoea are characteristic of pulsatilla, and are hardly met with in such a marked manner in any other medicine) (aft. 4 d.).
Diarrhoea of green mucus (aft. 2 d.).
455. Diarrhoea first green, then slimy.
A not debilitating diarrhoea. [STOERCK, l. c.]
Diarrhoea without bellyache. [Hbg.]
For five successive mornings, every time immediately after rising; a slimy diarrhoeic stool. [Fr. H-n]
For five successive nights (in sleep) diarrhoeic stool passed without being aware of it; also by day three to four diarrhoeic, stools. [Fr. H-n.]
460. After the stool a slight chill, especially in the lower part of the back (sacrum) (and an aching in the region of the scrobiculus cordis).
(For four days) quite white stool (aft. 3 d., also aft 8, 24 h.).
Stool like chopped-up eggs, with cutting before and after the stool especially; in the morning.
(In the morning diarrhoea.)
At night watery diarrhoea.
465.(The faeces passed are thin in form and as if passed flat.)
Diarrhoea with cutting in the abdomen. (Comp. 404.)
In the morning soft, acrid, smarting stool. (Comp. 508.)
Acrid evacuations by stool.
Blind piles with itching in the evening (aft. 10 h.).
470. Blind piles with itching at the anus.
(Fluent piles) discharge of blood by the anus (aft. 8 d. ).
Severe haemorrhage from the anus (aft. 7 d.). [Fr. H-n.]
Severe haemorrhage from the anus during stool. [Mch.]
Haemorrhoidal flux for three days.( With relief of a chronic sacral pain, and therefore probably a curative effect.) [STOERCK, 1. c.]
475. A persistent obtuse stitch in the rectum as from displaced flatus (aft. 1 h.).
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