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On hawking there occurs, especially in the morning a taste in the mouth like putrid flesh.

Sometimes mattery taste in the mouth, especially in the morning.

Loathsome, fasting taste in the mouth, us when one rises too soon (aft. 12 h.).

A burnt (empyreumatic) taste in the mouth.

265. An earthy taste in the mouth with inclination to vomit (also aft.1 h.).

A flat taste in the mouth, as if he had eaten earthy things (aft. 10 h. ).

Constant sweetish taste of the saliva in the mouth.

Disgusting sweetish taste of beer (aft. 2 h.).

Bitter beer has to him a disgusting sweetish taste.

270. Disgusting taste form smoking tobacco.

Tobacco smoking has no taste, is completely tasteless, but yet it produces no repugnance, towards evening (aft. 20, 50 h.).

Bitter taste in the mouth, at 6 p.m. (Rarely (and then only in the evening or morning) there occurs from pulsatilla a persistent bitter taste in the mouth; the alternating actions. however, when there is no bitter taste in the mouth per se, but when it either comes on when drinking, and when eating and chewing, especially black bread, or when the bitter taste only appears after swallowing drinks and food, are far the most frequent from this plant.)

Bitter taste in the month in.the morning (oft. 24 h.), which goes off after eating.

After eating and smoking tobacco there occurs a bitter, bilious taste in the mouth. [Hbg.]

275. Constant bitter, bilious taste in the mouth, especially after a meal.

After rumbling and working in the bowels and pinching in the abdomen there was a rising up in the throat.

Bitter taste with longing for lemon juice.

Bitter taste of all food, followed by chilliness with cold sweat.

Bitter taste even of the food. [Stf.]

280. In the morning, on an empty stomach bitter taste in the mouth, while persists which smoking tobacco. [Rkt.]

After drinking beer, in the evening, a bitter taste remains in the mouth (aft. 8 h.).

In the morning dislike to milk, though it tasted all right.

Milk taken in the morning has no taste.

All the food she takes tastes too salt (black bread excepted), and after eating it there always rises a scraping salt taste up in the throat for several hours (aft. 4, 28 h.).

285. After drinking coffee, especially in the morning a bitter taste remains in the mouth.

Wine tastes bitter to him (aft. 8 h.).

Dislike to butter, it tastes bitter to him.

Bitter taste of bread, roll and meat.

He has a loathing only at black bread, it tastes bitter, not so other food.

290. Bread sometimes tastes bitter; he loathes bread.

Bread tastes bitter when he chews it, but as soon as it is swallowed the bitter taste is gone.

A quarter of an hour after eating with good appetite the mouth is bitter.

A somewhat bitter taste in the mouth, especially in the morning and home time after eating and drinking, but the taste of the food is all right.

Bitterness after vomiting. (comp. 353.)

295. Eructation (belching) of a bitter fluid up into the mouth.

Loud eructation. [Fr. H-n.]

Bitter eructation at night.

Bilious eructation in the evening (aft. 2 h.).

In the morning beer tastes bitter, and afterwards there remains a sour taste in the mouth (The bitterness and sourness in the taste or on eructation is alternating action and yet both are primary actions.) (aft. 12 h.).

300. Bread tastes sour to her and is too dry.

After eating, a. sourish taste in the mouth (aft, 3 h.).

After drinking coffee a sour fluid is eructated (belched) up into the mouth.

In the morning sour eructation..

Anorexia with pure, proper taste.

305. Dislike to meat and stale baked bread.

Diminished taste of all food (aft. 4, 8, 16 h.).

Meat has no taste to him.

Fresh meat tastes putrid to him.

Though he has some appetite, bread, butter, and beer have little or no taste (plum jam only tastes perfectly good to him) (aft. 12 h.).

310. (He will not eat anything warm, and desires only butter, bread and fruit.)

Want of appetite on account of tastelessness of the food and fulness of the stomach.


In the evening increased appetite (aft. 5 h.).

In the middle of her meal, at noon, she is overcome by sleep and must take a nap.

315. In the morning when rising from bed a kind of clawing in the stomach, as if he had been hungry for a long time; this goes off after eating (aft. 12 h.).

A gnawing sensation in the stomach like bulimy (aft. 8 h.).

Ravenous hunger (immediately, but soon going off).

He has longing for food, but knows not for what. He also relishes nothing that he eats.(Comp.320.)

Is hungry, but no desire for any article of food in particular.

320. Appetite he knows not for what. [Stf.]

Sensation as if the stomach were deranged. (Comp. 81, 259, 260, 261.)

Symptoms of very much deranged stomach.

After a slight overloading of the stomach at breakfast, tension in the feet (aft. 48 h.).

Frequent eructation with the taste of what had been previously eaten. (The eructation with the taste and smell of what had previously been eaten (see also 325) is a much more frequent alternating action of pulsatilla than empty eructation of nothing but air.)

325. After eating, persistent eructation with the taste of what had been eaten. [Rkt.]

After eating cake eructation like old, rancid tallow.

Sensation in the stomach as from eating too much; the food comes up again into the mouth, as if it would be vomited.

Tendency to imperfect eructation; eructation that fails to come to completion.

After eating eructation with the taste of the food, and then inclination to vomit (aft. 4 h.).

330. Nausea rises up into the mouth.

Sick nausea rises up into the throat.

In the morning nausea and sliminess of the mouth, which soon changes into a sour taste in the mouth (aft. 13 h.).

A feeling comes up into the oesophagus, as if a worm were crawling up it.

In the morning, after taking milk, nausea, qualmishness.

335. Sick nausea rises up in the oesophagus with a very disagreeable feeling.

Inclination to vomit solid food, bread, meat.

Intolerable nausea, without vomiting (aft. 1 h.).

Inclination to vomit with chilliness.

Nausea only in the throat, but not when swallowing.

340. Nausea, when about to take food.

She felt nausea when eating, so that food is repugnant to her.

Nausea from smoking tobacco in persons accustomed to smoke.

Dislike to tobacco-smoking, as though he had smoked to satiety (aft. 5 h.).

Extreme loathing to tobacco-smoking.

345.During slumber (or during sleep) there occurs nausea, though appetite is present, even for black bread( Comp.576) (aft. 20 h.).

Nausea which seemed to arise from heat of the body.

Loathing and nausea as if from drinking oil.

Inclination to vomit [STOERCK, l. c.]

After exercise in the open air, towards evening; nausea and vomiting of something salt or sour (aft. 3.5 h.).

350. Sensation of sickness in the epigastric region, especially after eating and drinking (aft. 1 h.).

Inclination to vomit with grumbling and rumbling in the subcostal region.

Vomiting of food that had been eaten a long time previously.

In the evening vomiting of food; followed by bitterness in the mouth with teeth on edge.

Nocturnal vomiting with shooting drawing pain in the back towards the scapula.( Comp. 345, 572. Allied irritations, also at night, see 453, 464, and other nocturnal symptoms. 614-616. 633, 683, 751, 765, 780, 355.)

355. In the evening, after a meal and on lying down in bed, violent, straining vomiting of a green slimy watery matter, which smells sour, and burns like fire in the oesophagus; this vomiting occurred on three successive evenings. [St f. ]

(Vomiting before midnight of a small quantity, almost entirely without nausea.)

Short bilious vomiting.

After the vomiting burning in the, oesophagus.

After the vomiting loss of appetite.( Alternating action in opposition to 345.)

360. She belches from below upwards a watery fluid up into the mouth (without nausea or vomiting), which she must spit out (aft. 3 h.); immediately before this a sensation in the scrobiculus cordis as if something were torn away, and in the same place an aching during the eructation.

Accumulation of saliva in the mouth as after drinking vinegar.[Hbg.]

Salivation. (Stoerck adds, “tenacious.”). [STOERCK, l. c.]


During a flow of saliva that lasted four and twenty hours, inclination to vomit.

365. Frequent flow of watery saliva from the mouth. (365, 366, 360 are allied symptoms to 572.)

Flow of watery saliva, like water-brash.

Jerks from the stomach up to the throat, and in the throat, and in the throat tensive pain, with anxiety and feeling of internal heat, which goes off after eating (aft. 6 h.).

Hiccup when smoking tobacco.

(Hiccup at night in sleep.)

370. After drinking tendency to hiccup.

In the morning, in the scrobiculus cordis aching drawing pain, which sometimes goes into the side of the chest like a shooting, and at last into the back like a tearing (aft. 24 h.).

A tension in the region of the stomach and scrobiculus cordis up into the mammae.

Grasping pain in the scrobiculus cordis. [Stf.]

An arterial pulsation is felt in the scrobiculus cordis.( Comp. 47-50, 926.)

375. On laying the hand on the stomach a throbbing is felt in it.

Pain in the scrobiculus cordis on inspiration.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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