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Chirping in the ear as of grasshoppers, in the morning in bed (aft. 50 h.).

Hardness of hearing, as if the ears were stopped up (162, 163, comp. 107.)(aft. 3 h.).

Hardness of hearing, as if the ears were stopped up, with trembling and perspiration on the back – recurring on alternate hours (aft. 3 h.).

Itching deep in the ear (aft. 24 h.).

165. In the right ear much itching, in the afternoon and evening (aft. 30 h.).

Itching pricking in the interior of the ear (aft. 6 h.).

Single tearing twitching through the ears (aft. 12 h.).

Twitching in the ears.

Twitching in the auricle, then heat only of that ear.

170. Violent pain in the ear, as if something would force itself out there.

Heat, redness and swelling of the auricle (aft. some h.).

On the auricle heat and perspiration.

When blowing the nose the air penetrates from within into the ear, as if it would be distended thereby; at the same time stiches that dart thence to the eye.

Pus flows out of the left ear (aft. 12 h.).

175. A small painful gland rises between the tragus and the maxillary joint.

A large, red lump in the region of the zygoma.

A red hard elevation on the right cheek in front of the ear, with burning contractive pain (aft. 5 d.).

On the tragus there occurs a scabby eruption with burning smarting pain, which exudes a watery fluid, and a glandular swelling further down on the neck, which is painful when touched.

A creaking in the ear on moving the head or the body (aft. 4, 16 h.).

180. In the parotid gland a shooting pain.

In the root of the nose, near the canthus of the eye, an abscess, as if a lachrymal fistula would form there.( Comp. 132, 135.)

(On stooping forwards pain in the root of the nose as from an ulcer.)

Aching sensation in the root of the nose. [Stf.]

In the left nostril sensation as from an ulcer (aft. 8 h.).

185. The ala nasi is ulcerated externally and exudes a watery fluid (aft. 6 h.).

Twitching pain in the nose.

In the morning smell in the nose like old coryza.( Comp. 188, 589.)

Bad smell before the nose, as from old coryza. [Hbg.]

Illusion of smell; he always felt as if he smelt a mixture of tobacco and coffee, even in the open air.

190. Epistaxis.

Flow of blood from the nose (aft. 1 h.).

Flow of blood from the nose with stuffed coryza.

In the morning blowing of blood from the nose (aft. 48.11.).

On the outer border of the lips the epidermis peels off down to the living flesh.

195. The epidermis of the lips becomes chapped (aft. 2 h.).

Quivering in the lower lip for two days.

Lower lip swollen, chapped in the middle, with tensive pain.

Itching in the region of the chin, especially in the evening.

In the lower jaw (drawing) tearing pains. (The so-called tearing pains of pulsatilla are mostly a transient drawing tension, which always changes into a twitching like tearing-somewhat as if a nerve were painfully drawn out and stretched, and then let loose with a sudden, painful jerk.Hence the expression. “single tearing twitching,” 167, “drawing twitching,” 208, &c.)

200. A contractive pain, as from an acid, in the jaws, with shivering and cold sweat on the face.

(Shooting, throbbing toothache, in the afternoon about 4 or 5 o’clock). which is aggravated by cold water.

Toothache renewed every time he eats.

Toothache, which commenced about 2 a.m., did not allow him to lay the head on a cold part of the bed; a shooting digging first in the teeth of the lower jaw then in those of the upper jaw, from the root of one tooth into another, which recurred at noon when eating.

Pricking toothache, which was relieved by vinegar.

205. Pricking gnawing toothache in the gums, especially towards evening, which was aggravated by the warmth of the bed, but was alleviated by throwing off the bed clothes and the blowing in of the cold open air, and was removed by the evening sleep (See note to 215.) (aft. 6 h.).

Shooting pain in the furthest back molar, which was aggravated when he opened his mouth, from 2 to 6 p.m.

Toothache immediately on taking something very warm into the mouth.

Drawing twitching toothache, aggravated by drinking cold fluid.

Twitching in the molars, with a small swelling of the gums.

210. (Twitching toothache, especially in the morning, which was relieved by cold water when it became warm in the mouth, was not increased by chewing, but was excited by picking the teeth.)

In the evening (6 o,’clock) (after heat in the head with thirst) twitching pains in the teeth until 11 p.m.; thereafter sweat.

Tearing toothache.( Comp. 199.)

Pain in the teeth, as if they were pushed outwards. (Comp. 713.)

A tooth is painful when chewing and biting. (Alternating action with 210.)

215. The pains in the teeth are increased in the wind. (The increase or excitation of the symptoms by cool especially open air, is a rarer alternating action which renews the symptoms in the warmth, especially in the warm ar of the room, e. g. 573.)

Looseness of the teeth in the morning.

The gums are painful as if excoriated.

In the gums a beating synchronous with the pulse; aggravated by the heat of the stove. [Hbg.]

The gums are painful on their inner aspect, as if they were eroded (aft. 8 h.).

220. On the back gums feeling of swelling, though there was none; he had then a burning sensation when he took anything into his mouth, food or drink, cold or warm.

The tongue feels to him to be broader.

The tongue is covered with viscid mucus, as with a skin (fur). (Comp. 249.)

Along with white tongue nasty taste in the mouth, in the morning. (Comp. 247. 248, 251, 258, 262.)

On the tongue at first tearing, then persistent heat in it. (From extract placed on the tongue.-Literally-“At first a slight sense of astringency, then painful pungency, and subsequently heat lasting for a long time.”) [STOERCK, 1. c.]

225. On the side of the tongue’s tip a painful blister (aft. 6 d.).

On the middle of the tongue, even when it is moistened a sensation as if it were burnt and insensible, at night and in the morning (Comp. 248.) (aft. 6 h.).

Dysphagia, as from paralysis of the oesophageal muscles. [Hbg. ]

Sore throat: stitches at the back of the throat when not swallowing, none when swallowing.

Shooting sore throat.

230. Sore throat: cutting pain in the throat (aft. 8 h.).

Sore throat: pain on the side of the palate when it is touched and when speaking, as if there were a blister or a painful pimple there, with dilation of the pupils, in the morning.

Painless sensation, as if the palate were covered with viscid mucus or were swollen.

Sore throat: sensation on swallowing, as if the throat at the back were narrowed and swollen up.

Aching and tension in the throat on swallowing.

235. Sore throat : pain when swallowing, as if the uvula were swollen.

Sore throat: sensation as if something were swollen in the aesophagus, at one time up above at another down low (aft. 6 h.).

Sore throat: pain on swallowing, as if the subimaxillary glands projected into the throat, and were as if excoriated and raw (aft. 8 h.).

Sore throat: the palate smarts as if it were raw, on swallowing.

The throat is painful posteriorly, as if it were raw, at the same time a drawing pain in the cervical muscles.

240. Sore throat: rawness and sore sensation in the throat when not swallowing, and as if it were too dry, in the morning (aft. 2 h.).

Sore throat : in the throat as if scrapy, scratchy, and raw, as if after severe vomiting; he feels nothing when swallowing; at the same time dry in the throat.

Raw, scrapy, and scratchy in the throat, with dryness in the mouth.

Sore throat: when swallowing feeling of a swelling in the throat and roughness in the windpipe.

Dryness of the throat after midnight.

245. In the morning dryness of the throat (aft. 6, 20 h.).

Intolerable feeling of dryness in the throat extending to the tip of the tongue (without visible dryness) with thirst; he can drink but little, because it is repugnant to him internally, like sickness.

In the morning the mouth and throat are dry and covered by a tasteless insipid mucus, with a bad smell from the mouth, which, however, he is not himself conscious of (aft. 12 h.).

In the morning dryness of the tongue.

When he wakes from sleep in the morning he feels a dryness of the palate, tongue, and lips, which afterwards changes into very viscid mucus. (Comp. 222.)

250. Slimy taste in the mouth and inclination to vomit, in the morning.

(In the morning a slimy, saltish, bitter taste in the mouth, not without appetite.)

The interior of the throat is covered with a viscid mucus in the morning. (Comp. 222, 247.)

The inside of the mouth is covered with foetid mucus, in the morning on waking from sleep.

He has a bad smell from the mouth in the morning.

255. He has a. foetid smell from the mouth in the morning.

At night there is foetid smell from the mouth.

In the evening after lying down he has a smell from his mouth (aft. 96 h.).

A foetid herbaceous taste at the back of the throat.

He has in his mouth a taste as of putrid flesh, with inclination to vomit (aft. 2 h.).

260. After dinner eructation with the taste of putrid flesh, and this same taste remains afterwards in the mouth, with inclination to vomit .( Comp. 321, &C.) (aft. 14 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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