Dull headache, especially pressive in the forehead (aft. 1/4 h.). [Rkt. ]
55. Aching pain in the whole forehead at once, only when walking.
Aching pain in the occiput; at the same time frequently hot in the body and always in transpiration.
Aching, tearing pain in the left side of the occiput, in the morning (aft. 60 h.).
After lying down to sleep heavy headache, on the side on which he is not lying. (Comp. 27.)
Drawing pain in the occiput above the nape, in the morning. (Comp, 61, 102.) (aft. 60 h.).
60. Headache on awaking and some time thereafter; the brain confused and as if lacerated, as in putrid fever, or after drinking spirits (aft. 6, 12 h.).
Watering of one eye with drawing headache.
Pain on the hairy scalp on stroking back the hair, a kind of drawing pain.
Tensive headache over the brain (aft. 1 h.). [Rkt.]
Tensive drawing pain in the forehead above the orbits; which is aggravated by raising up the eye. (Comp. 33. )
65. Headache: the brain is as if squeezed in, with a boring pain in the vertex..
Headache in the temples, as if constricted. [Stf.]
Above the eyes a contractive headache, which is aggravated if she looks closely at anything.
An out-boring headache with dull stitches.
Single sharp blows or jerks in the right half of the brain (aft.1 h.).
70. Jerking tearing in both temples, as if they would be torn asunder.
Headache: Shooting from the occiput through the ears.
Shooting in the occiput, which is aggravated lying down, but does off on rising up.
Stitches which dart through the whole brain, after dinner till bed-time, mingled with shivering and attacks of faintness (aft.16 h.)
Semilateral shooting in the head.
75. Shooting pain in the head. [HEYER, in Crell’s Journ., ii, p. 205.]
Shooting and tearing in the head, especially in the temples.[Fr.H-n.]
Stitches in the temples.
Stitches out at the forehead, in the evening.
Cutting headache.
80. Evening headache, as from stuffed coryza; followed by dry heat in bed and sopor, with delirious visions and almost waking dreams. (Comp. 999, 1006, 1093.)
Headache as from having eaten too much, or from having disordered the stomach by over-loading it with too fat meat. (Comp. 321, 327.)
Humming in the head.
Rushing in the head, and still louder roaring before the ears, on account of which he must go to bed in the evening earlier than usual. [Fr. H-n.]
Headache, occasionally, as if a keen wind blew through the brain. (Comp. 155.) (aft. 40 h.).
85. Crepitation in the brain, when walking, synchronous with the pulse.
The headache, which ceases and returns at indeterminate time, is especially severe when walking in the open air. [Rkt.]
Contracts the pupils at first.
Dilates the pupils at last.
Dilated pupils. [Rkt.]
90.Swollen eyes and sensation in them as if they were squinting.
He sees objects double (aft. several h.).
Obscuration of the sight with inclination to vomit and pale face. (92, 93, 94, 98, 99,101, 102 comp. with 97, 1078. )
Vertiginous, obscuration of the sight after sitting, on standing upright and commencing to walk (aft. 24 h.)
Dimness of vision, like a mist before the eyes, on rising from a seat and walking (aft.24 h.).
95. Dim vision like a mist before the eyes.[Hbg. ]
Pale vision. [Stf.]
Obscuration of sight. (From the emanations. ) [SAUR,( Effects of emanations while evaporating the juice. -With S. 113.) in Bergius, Mat. Med. p. 517.]
In the morning on rising from bed, it is very dark before his eyes.
Transient obscuration of sight.
100. Greater acuteness of vision for distant objects. (Curative action after a large dose.)
During some days recurring obscuration of sight.
Sight and hearing leave him, with drawing pain in the head and a sensation of heaviness and formication in the brain, followed by chilliness. ( Comp. 723, also 29, 30 and 45, likewise 59, 61.)
(Glittering before the eyes.)
He sees fiery circles before the eyes, which become, more expanded and larger towards noon (this ceases towards evening).
105. The flame of a candle appears surrounded by a star-like halo.
On shaking the head there is shooting in the left eye, and a tear escapes.
One eye or the other suffers shooting pains, almost without inflammation of the white, and he cannot look into the flame of a candle; he can only open the eyelids a little way (aft. 3 h.).
Headache extended into the right eye, there was aching in the latter, and a tear escaped from it.
Headache extended down.into the eyes, so that they were painful, in the evening.
110. In the white of the eye near the cornea, a small (inflamed) red spot (aft. 30 h.).
The bolder of the lower eyelid is inflamed and swollen, and in the morning a tear escapes from the eye.
The eyes are full of water, they weep; eyes deeply sunk. [ANT. v. STOERCK,( Effects observed mainly in patients.) Von der Pulsatille, Frft., 1771.]
Swelling and redness of the eyelids. [SAUR, 1. c.]
A stye on the eyelid, and inflammation of the white of the eye, now in one now in the other canthus, with drawing tensive pain therein on moving the facial muscles, and with ulcerated nostrils. (Comp. 184, 185, 585, 586.)
115. Dryness of the eyelids (aft. 12 h.).
Dryness of the eyelids especially when he is sleepy (aft. 1.5h.).
Dryness of the right eye and sensation as if it were obscured by mucus hanging upon it, which could be wiped away, in the evening (aft. 24 h.). ( Also in the morning after waking, and in the afternoon after the siesta, there occurs with pulsatilla not unfrequently such a dimness of vision as if something hung upon the cornea, whereby vision is impeded more in one eye. less in the other, which seems as if it might be wiped away, but does not actually go away until this Symptom naturally disappears of itself.)
Dryness of the eyes, and in the morning a sensation, as if a foreign body pressed on it (aft, many h.).
Pain in the eye, as if it were scraped with a knife. (In a case of chronic syphilitic ophthalmia.) [STOERCK, 1. c.].
120. An aching pain in the left eye.
An aching pain in the inner canthus of the eye.
An aching burning pain in the eyes especially in the morning and evening.
Aching pain in the eyes as if heat were in them.
Aching burning pain in the eye as if a hair had got into it.
125. Uncommon tearing, boring cutting pains in the eye. (In a case of amaurosis, coincident with improvement of vision.) [STOERCK,1. c.]
When reading, an aching in the eye, as if sand were in it, which went off when he left off reading, and returned on again reading.
In the evening after sunset itching in the inner canthi of the eyes, as if a sore were healing; after rubbing there occurs an aching, pricking pain.
In the eyes a burning and itching, which compels scratching and rubbing.
Itching pricking in the eyes, compelling scratching (aft. 24 h.).
130. Itching in the eyes.
Itching of the eyeball in the outer canthus in the evening; in the morning the eyelids are as if gummed up with matter (aft. 8 h.).
The inner canthus is as if glued up with matter in the morning.( Comp. 139, 181.)
The eyelids are gummed up in the morning.
Itching (eroding) and burning in the eyelids in the evening.
135. In the inner canthus a smarting pain, as if it were excoriated (aft. 8 h.).
In the cold open air the eyes water. (136, 137, 138. This watery state of the eye is an alternating state with 115, 118.)
In the open air there is dimness before the eyes and they weep.
In wind the eyes become full of water (aft. 10 h.).
Blear eyed.
140. Quivering of the eyelids.
( A pimple on the forehead.)
A smarting itching on the hairy scalp (142, 143, comp. with 144.) (aft. 9 h.).
On the hairy scalp, small swellings, with pain like ulceration.
On the hairy scalp in the occipital region, a large pimple or pustule filled with matter, with fine tearing pains. [Hbg.]
145. Sweat on the face and hairy scalp. [Hbg. ]
Quivering in the muscles and cheeks.
Warmth and feeling of warmth in the face. [Hbg,]
Shuddering on one side of the face. (The occurrence of symptoms on only one half of the body is a frequent peculiarity of pulsatilla. Comp. 906, 921, 1073, 1074, 1077, 1098, 1099, 1100, Rhus. belladonna cocculus show something similar.)
Pallor of the face.
150. A tension in the face and in the fingers (especially on taking hold of something) as if the parts would swell.
Painful sensitiveness, like excoriation of the skin of the lips and face, when touched.
Rush of blood to the auditory apparatus (aft. 8 h.).
Murmur in the ear synchronous with the pulse. (153, 154, 155, comp. with 82.)
Frequent humming in the ear.
155. Noise in the ear as from wind, or from the rushing of water, after 4 p.m. (aft. 10 h.).
Roaring in the ears (aft. 7, 8 h.), which lasted two days and went off by a sudden shock which went like an electric shock from the head to over the chest with sensation before the eyes as when a soap bubble bursts. [Mch.]
Sensation in the ear, as if it were stopped up, and a roaring in it, as from a loud distant noise (aft. 21 h.). [Rkt.]
A trembling vibrating ringing in the ears, as when an iron bar is struck (aft. 3 h.).
Ringing in the ears (from the 4th to the 8th h.).
160. A fine ringing in the right ear, then in the left with an agreeable tickling sensation in the region of the membrana tympani. [Hbg.]
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