960. Very light superficial sleep; afterwards he feels as if he had not slept at all.
Comatose, stupid, restless sleep; he tosses about.
He moves about in sleep.
Restless sleep at night; on account of intolerable sensation of heat he must throw off the bed-clothes, during which the insides on the hands are warm, but without perspiration.
(The first three nights) he could only sleep when seated, or with his head bent sideways and forwards, and he did not fall asleep before midnight.
965. He could not go to sleep in the evening. [Stf.]
Sleeplessness with extreme restlessness. [Stf.]
He could not get to sleep at night before 2 a.m. [Hbg.]
Very restless sleep, with tossing about in bed, as from great heat.[Hbg.]
At night in bed, intolerable dry heat. [Hbg.]
970. Intolerable burning heat and restlessness, at night in bed. [Hbg.]
Intolerable itching, in the evening in bed. [Stf]
She frequently jumped out of bed, because she felt better when up. [Stf.]
Cannot get to sleep in the evening owing to anxious feeling of heat (aft. 4 h.).
Wakes from a feeling of heat.
975. Sleeplessness, as from ebullition of blood.
At night anxiety as from heat.
Feeling of heat at night without thirst (aft 36 h.).
He easily wakes up in the evening (before midnight).
In the evening in bed he cannot get to sleep for a long time, and then he generally wakes up early, without being able to go to sleep again,
980. After lying down in the evening he sleeps for an hour and half without dreaming, he then wakes up and remains wide awake until the morning; he must always change his position.
He often wakes up at night and remains awake; on the other hand, he is sleepy by day.
She wakes up before midnight. and dreams much, and only sleeps quietly from 2 a.m., but the following forenoon she is so tired that she could have slept during the entire half of the day.
Sleeplessness: he wakes up completely every three hours during the night.
Sleeplessness, with a throng of ideas.
985. Before midnight sleep prevented by a fixed idea, e.g. a tune always repeated in his thoughts, whilst drowsiness suspends the dominion of the mind over the memory and imagination.
In the evening after going to bed anxiety, with.a profusion of ideas and rush of blood to the head which compels him to get up (aft. 5 h.).
After midnight very vivid dreams and fancies, which incessantly strain and fatigue the thinking faculty their theme is almost always the same subject, until he awakes (aft. 48 h.).
Vivid dreams about events that had been talked about or had occurred the day before.
She sat up in her slumber, stared at every one, and said “Send that man away from me.”
990. Frightful dreams: he must raise himself up (aft. 5 h.).
Wakes up frequently on account of frightful dreams, e.g. as if he were falling.
Frightful dreams: he starts up in his sleep as if terrified.
Dreamful sleep, in which he starts up.
He starts up in affright in his sleep.
995. At night dreams full of fright and disgust.
A slumber with jerks in his arms and starting up in affright.
When he wakes up from sleep the sound of words seems to him to be too loud, and vibrates shrilly in his ears (aft. 2 h.).
At night he wakes up frightened and confused, knows not where he is, and cannot rightly collect himself (aft. 5, 12 h.)
Confused dreams at night.
1000. He dreams of quarrelling (aft. 24 h.).
Cries out and starts up in sleep, terrified about a black dog or cat, wishes the bees to be chased away, and so forth.
Nocturnal anxiety on awaking, as if he had committed a crime.
He dreams horrible things, e.g, that he would be killed, and misfortunes; he sighs and weeps aloud in sleep, and when awake the dream continues to be so vividly present to him that he must draw a deep breath, like sighing.
Chattering in his sleep (also aft. 40 h.)
1005. After midnight half-waking chattering, about trifles which had presented themselves to his mind.
After midnight slight general sweat,: with stupefied slumber and vivid dream pictures.(Comp. 1093.)
Lascivious dreams in the evening and morning, almost without excitation of the genital organs.
In its sleep the child worked its mouth to and fro, opened its eyes, distorted them, and closed them again, and twitched with its fingers.
Twitching in one or other limb, when about to fall asleep.
1010. Single twitches of the limbs or of the whole body in sleep.
Spasmodic shaking and twitching of the head and of the whole body on going to sleep (in the afternoon siesta), twice in succession (aft. 86 h.).
Chilliness during the pains in the evening. (Comp. 818, 843)
After the chilliness of the body in the afternoon heaviness and heat in the head.
1015. Coldness, paleness, and sweat all over the body, for two hours (aft. 2 h.). [ Fr. H-n. J
Chilliness, as on going out of a warm room into the cold[ Hbg. ]
Shivering almost without chilliness, so that the hair stood on end with anxiety oppression.(Alternating action with 1055)[Hbg.]
Slight chilliness in the afternoon. [Stf.]
1020. Repeated shivering.
Shivering, as if sweat would break out.
Chilliness and internal coldness; he always felt as if he would be chilled even in the warm room, in the morning and evening.
Cold hands and feet; they felt dead.
Chilliness on rising from bed in the morning.
1025. In the afternoon warm on the upper part of the body, on the lower part of the body internal chilliness without external coldness.
In the evening chilliness all over, without shivering he felt cold.
Towards evening chilliness only on the thighs, which were also cold, whereas the legs and feet remained warm.
Chilliness all the evening before bedtime, even when walking.
Chilliness towards evening without cause.
1030. Chilliness in the evening with goose-skin.
Shivering along the back all day, without thirst.
Shivering in the back, extending into the hypochondria, and chiefly on the front of the arms and thighs, with coldness of the limbs and a feeling as if they would go to sleep, in the afternoon about 4 o’clock (aft. 10 h.).
Shuddering shiver over the arms, during which heat came into the cheeks, and the air of the room seemed to him to be too hot.
At noon after a meal, a very transient chill (aft. 6 h.).
1035. Chilliness after the midday meal, over the upper part of the abdomen and upper arms (aft. 5 h.).
Chilliness after lying down in the evening; after lying down a slight heat.
Chilly feeling with trembling, which recurs after some minutes, with little heat thereafter and no sweat.
In the evening chilliness in the room.
Towards evening he feels, in the warm room, chilliness or a sensation as if he were cold, intermingled with hot feeling.
1040. All day chill and three times transient heat in the-face.
Chilliness with interposed warmth (aft. 1/2 h.), then increased warmth in the face and the rest of the body. (The intermittent fever that pulsatilla can produce has generally thirst only during the heat (not during the chill), more rarely only after the h=at or before the chill. When there is only feeling of heat, without externally perceptible heat. the thirst is absent. A condition alternating with this consists of a feeling of heat mingled with a feeling of cold. There are some other changes somewhat different from these (alternating actions), which are rarer, and hence are less more rarely available for curative purposes.)
Febrile chill without thirst; thirst in the heat.
Thirst for water in the heat.
In the evening thirst for water.
1045. Thirst for beer and yet it tastes disagreeably to him (aft. 10 h.).
After the cessation of the febrile heat very violent thirst, especially for beer, with white tongue.
Thirst, especially in the morning, and particularly for beer (aft. some h.)
Thirst for alcoholic liquors.
He wishes to drink something strong and of a cordial character,
1050. In the evening, immediately after lying down in bed, heat, without thirst or sweat; the sweat only occurred in the morning between 2 and 5 o’clock, with thirst, and increase of the sweat every time after drinking.
In the evening a chill came over him; then for some hours heat rather externally, with weariness and exhaustion; in the night the heat became internal only, and until 5 a.m. quite dry, without perspiration; then emptiness of the head and in some hours bloody expectoration from the chest, which afterwards assumed a liver-like colour.
Fever: repeated shivering in the afternoon; in the evening general burning heat with excessive thirst, terrified starting that prevented sleep, pains like severe labour-pains, painfulness of the whole body, so that he cannot turn himself in bed, and watery diarrhoea.
He has heat and withal wishes to be covered up; he licks his lips and does not drink; be sighs and groans.
Fever: in the evening very severe chill and external coldness, without shivering or thirst; in the morning feeling of heat as if perspiration were coming on (which, however, does not take place), without thirst or external heat, but with hot hands and disinclination ‘to be uncovered (Comp. The alternating action 1018.) (aft. 26 h.).
1055. Fever: severe chill; then a mixed feeling of internal heat and shivering; afterwards general burning heat with very quick pulse and very rapid deadly-anxious respiration.
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