A burning pain in the soles of the feet.
Pain in the middle (the hollow) of the sole when treading, as if a tumour projected there, or an internal ulcer were there, with stitches thence into the calves.
Boring pain in the heel towards evening (aft. 58 h.).
875. In the morning in bed a pricking in the heel, which goes off after getting up.
In the ball of the heel a burning shooting (The shooting pains of pulsatilla are usually burning shooting.)
pain with itching as in frozen limbs (aft. 4 h.).
In the heel a boring shooting pain (aft. 3 h.).
In the heel a cutting pain in the evening, after he had got warm in bed.
A somewhat red and elevated shot on the dorsum of the foot, with prickling somewhat shooting pain as if an ulcer would form, (To be judged in conformity with the note to 672.) also very painful to the touch.
880. Tearing jerks (ictus) in the big toe (aft. 3 h.).
Shooting in the toes, especially the big toe (aft. 1 h.).
Pain in the toes as if the shoe had pressed them.
Transient burning pains from the toes up to the groin.[STOERCK, l. c.]
Pain in the big toe, increasing in the evening and going off when he lies down to sleep (aft. 30 h.).
885. Itching creeping in the toes, as in frozen limbs, in the evening. (comp. 558.)
In the evening when he has got warm in bed, there occurs in the balls of the little and second toes a burning shooting pain combined with itching, which gradually increases to au extreme degree, as in frozen limbs (aft. 3 h.).
Before midnight a painful intolerable itching and itching pricking of the feet and toes that feel as if inflamed, especially close to the roots of the nails, penetrating through the whole body; the feet feel as if severely frozen, but without leaving any painful numbness when walking, as happens in feet actually frozen.
Great heaviness and great chilliness in the arms and legs, [Fr. H-n.]
(Coldness of the hands and feet when at rest, when sitting.)
890. In the left arm and left leg trembling, with tearing pain. ( 890, 891, Comp. with 825 and note to 199.) (aft. 1 h.).
In all the limbs trembling with tearing pain (aft. 3 h.).
In the evening in bed drawing from above downwards in the legs.
Formicating gone-to-sleep feeling of the forearm (and hands) and of the legs, when they are lying quiet; diminished by moving them (aft. 2 h.).
The limbs on which lie has lain in sleep, are on awaking gone to sleep and formicating.
895. The symptoms are ameliorated in the open air (895, 897, 898. Three alternating symptoms of pulsatilla, the first of which is the most important, i.e. the most frequent and most severe.) (aft. 1/2 h.).
The symptoms are particularly severe on alternate evenings [Stf.]
He longs for the open air, and yet the abdominal pain and inclination to vomit in particular, are aggravated in the open air (aft. 10 h.).
Sufferings from open air; he dreads it (aft. 6 to 8 h.).
After a walk at noon he was altogether so exhausted that he could not refrain front sleeping; and the more he tried to keep awake the more sleepy he became.
900. In the morning and at night, when in bed, he lies most comfortably and best on his back with the legs drawn up; but when lie lies on one side or the other there occur various spasmodic symptoms; e.g. haemorrhoidal pain at the anus, headache as if the skull would burst, pains in the joints, tightness of the chest, anxiety( 900, 901. This condition is the most usual; but it not unfrequently alternated with another, in which the pain of a part occuring when!ying on the back goes off by lying on the affected part (see 730), or on the side (see 501).)(aft. 38 h.).
When lying on the back the pains are diminished and go off; but when lying on either side they are aggravated or renewed (aft. 24 h.).
Drawing tearing pain sometimes in one, sometimes in another limb, with chilliness and coldness. (902, 903, to be judged in conformity with the note to 199.)
Drawing tearing pains here and there throughout the body, in short but speedily resurring fits.
Drawing pricking pain in the limbs, but, especially in the joints, which are painful as if bruised when touched.
905. Twitching drawing pain in the muscles as if they were tugged on one side, not in the joints.(Comp, 199.)
Twitching pain in the left side (aft. 4 h.)
Smarting itching here and there in the skin.
Itching on the dorsum of the foot and betwixt the breasts, in the morning in bed.
Itching pricking sensation in the skin as from a number of fleas.
910. A (burning) itching before midnight when he becomes warm in bed, all over the body, which becomes more violent by scratching; he cannot sleep for it at night; little -felt by day and then only when he has got warm by walking, or.when he rubs himself-no eruption is to be seen.
Boils here and there.
(Red, hot spots on the body, which rise up ill lumps as if stung by nettles, with eroding itching pain.)
The (existing). ulcer is disposed to bleed.
In the ulcer there occurs a severe shooting smarting pain, whilst itching comes on around the ulcer.
915. In the morning in bed a burning smarting in the neighbourhood of the scap (ulcer) (together with dry cough) (aft. 20 h.).
In the morning close to, or above the ulcer on the leg, a burning as from a red-hot coal, for two minutes.
Below the ulcer on the leg a tickling itching.
Around the ulcer there occurs an increased itching as if it were going to heal up.
In the ulcer there occur stitches, which give a shuck to the whole body, whilst round about it only pricking pains, afterwards passing into burning, are felt.
920. Stitches in the recent wound, in the evening.
In the ulcer of one leg there occur stitches darting upwards, but in that of the other leg burning (aft. 24 h.).
Shortly before the time for dressing the ulcer on the leg there occurs in it a smarting, in the morning and evening.
The redness around the ulcer becomes hard and shining.
A part that had previously been burnt, but was now healed, is painful when touched.
925. The pain in the ulcer increases on preparing to eat.
Troublesome throbbing of the arteries throughout the body, felt chiefly when touching.(Comp.47-49, 51, 374)
Drawing pains in the limbs and the whole body, with anxious trembling.
A trembling anxiety, which is increased when, at rest, when sitting and lying, but diminished by movement.
An anxious trembling sensation in the limbs.
930. An extremely disagreeable feeling throughout the body, which brings him to despair, so that lie knows not how to compose him and which lets him neither sleep nor have rest in any way whatever.
A feeling at night throughout the body as if he had been long awake, with emptiness in the head as from a debauch the previous day (aft. 12 h.).
In the morning in bed, simple pain in the limbs, especially in the joints, which compels him to stretch out the limbs, with heat of the whole body, without thirst (aft. 12, 36 h.).
When sitting by day, great inclination to stretch out the legs (aft. 24 h.). egg
In the morning after rising a discomfort in the whole body (aft.22 h.), which went off on moving.
935. On moving trembling of the hands and feet(935, 930, comp. with 798, 3R5-8i7, 890, 891,989, 1103.) (aft. 28 h.).
A trembling weakness.
Inclination to stretch himself. [Rkt.]
Weakness and relaxation of the limbs, without feeling tired, in the morning after rising from bed (aft. 24 h.).
Weariness in the legs, not when walking, taut only on getting up after sitting.
940. An immobility and stiffness in the body.
Heaviness of the whole body (aft. 8 h.).
He is lazy and always wishes to sit and lie down.
The limbs feel bruised.
Prostration of the limbs.
945. Extreme fatigue from a short walk, (The weariness and weakness of any part from pulsatilla generally. shows itself by heaviness) for many days.
Exhaustion of all the body, he must lie down (aft. 3 h.).
Painful paralytic feeling in the region of the articular ligaments. (This symptom comes on also particularly in the evening, when it grows dark, with a painful sensation in the joints of all the limbs, such a.; usually occurs at the commencement of a 6t of ague, with chilliness.)
In the morning, the longer he lies the more exhausted he becomes, and this makes him lie still longer, and even go to sleep again.
In his sleep he lies on his back, the hands crossed over the abdomen, and the legs drawn up.(Comp.900)
950. During the evening sleep, when seated, snoring through the nose in inspiration.
In his sleep he lies on his back, the arms laid above the head.
Persistent, dreamful sleepiness.
In the evening he cannot refrain from sleeping, without being tired (aft. 4 d.)..
On account of exhaustion he call hardly walk for a few minutes and then he again goes to sleep for hours, and so on alternately, all day long.
955. Sleep at an unusual time, either late in the morning, or early in the evening.
Irresistable afternoon sleep.
(Drowsiness during dinner.)
Sleep too prolonged, with closed eyelids, which is from the first only light slumber full of fantasies and dreams.
A slumber full of dreams of unconnected subjects., to each of which the dreamer attaches words thought, though the names do not apply to the things seen in his dreams; hence unconnected loud talking in such sleep.
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