Red swelling below the eyes, looking as if an eruption would break out.

A peculiar numb sensation externally rises from the neck up to the head. [Gss.]

Numb sensation, like a painless pressure on the back of the nose. [Gss.]

Smarting itching in the root of the nose towards the left eye, as if the room were full of smoke. [Fz.]

80. Stupefying, obtuse pressure betwixt the root of the nose and the left orbit. [Gss.]

Burning itching on the forehead, the left cheek, and the point of the chin, on which small pimples appear with elevated hard borders and painless when let alone and when touched. [Fz.]

On the left cheek feeling as if a cold wind blew on it; on laying the hand on it this feeling goes off and it feels hot to the hand, and warmer than the other cheek. [Gss.]

Redness of the cheeks without heat. [Fz.]

Hot feeling and hear of the cheeks without redness, with dryness in the palate and throat. [Fz.]

85. An (itching?) eroding feeling on the right cheek. [Gss.]

Stupefying compression of both zygomatic arches, as if they were grasped with forceps. [Gss.]

On the left zygomatic arch close to the ear, a dull, numb, painless pressure. [Gss.]

Violent pressure on the right cheek near the angle of the lower jaw. [Gss.]

Cramp-like drawing on the external ear and beneath it, as if it was drawn out, at first gradually increasing, then again diminishing. [Gss.]

90. Heat commencing at one time in the right, and at another in the left lobe of the ear, which spreads thence over the corresponding side and from there over the whole face. [Fz.]

In the left temple and external meatus auditorious, sensation such as is apt to occur when yawning. [Fz.]

In the interior of the ear a sharp pressive pain. [Fz.]

Constant howling in the left ear. [Fz.]

Singing in the left ear.

95. A shrill, stupefying ringing in the left ear. [Gss.]

Burning in the orifice of the left ear. [Gn.]

Beneath the ear, above the mastoid process, a pain as if a blunt nail were knocked into the head, with stupefaction. [Gss.]

All the afternoon, itching around the nose. [Gn.]

Burning shooting above the left corner of the mouth. [Fz.]

100. Painless sensation, as if the upper lip were swollen(a kind of numb feeling). [Gss.]

Burning pain in the right lower lip continuing whilst and after moving (aft. 79 h.). [Gn.]

The lips are brown, especially the lower lip, with otherwise unaltered, scarcely pale complexion. [MORGAGNI, de sedibus et caus. Morb. Ep. lix. § 12. (From expressed juice, in a woman of 60.]

Convulsive twitching outwards of the left angle of the mouth. [Gss.]

Sudden swelling about the left corner of the mouth.

105. A suppurating pimple on the right and left side of the chin (aft. 78, 48 h.). [Lr.]

Sensation as if a cool wind blew on the left side of the neck. [gss.]

Sharp pressive pain on the left side of the neck, near the Adam’s apple. [Fz.]

Pain as if a blunt instrument pressed in the right side of the neck on the oesophagus, and on external pressure a simple pain in the cervical muscles. [Gss.]

A pushing pressive in the anterior cervical muscles, so that he must loosen his cravat, a throttling, suffocating sensation. [Fz.]

110. A violent and full, though slow pulsation of the carotids, felt without touching. [Gss.]

Towards evening and in the night, obtuse tearing pain in the left side of the nape and in the left scapula, alternating with tearing in the temple and in the second molar tooth of the left side. [Fz.]

In the night constant toothache, tearing drawing in the first left molar, and sometimes in the hollow tooth nest it; this toothache went off immediately on leaving bed, and returned immediately on going to bed again, with an anxiety as if he should die; at the same time frequent micturition, inclination to vomit and heat in the left cheek (the first night). [Fz.]

In the right lower molars, simple drawing. [Gss.]

Sharp drawing toothache in the left second molar. [Fz.]

115. Whilst chewing, a cutting aching toothache, which goes off immediately after chewing,; but the tooth is not painful when touched or pressed (aft. 2 h.). [Fz.]

Sensitiveness of the molars when chewing as if they were all hollow. [Fz.]

Peculiar sensation in the mouth, as if all the teeth were loose, with bluish white gums of the whole upper and lower jaw (aft. 34 h.). [Lr.]

White furred tongue with dry feeling in the mouth and parched lips (aft. 31 h.). [Lr.]

The papillae of the tongue are all elevated, which gives the tongue a rough appearance, of a dirty white colour. [Gss.]

120. Burning stitches in the left side of the tongue (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Gn.]

Fine pricks in the tongue. [Gn.]

Power of speech almost completely gone, with normal respiration. [MORGAGNI, l. c.(With small and feeble pulse, death following in four hours.) ]

When spoken to she tries to answer, but is only able to produce sounds, but no intelligible words. [MORGAGNI, l. c..(With small and feeble pulse, death following in four hours.) ]

A kind of burning in the gullet down to the stomach (aft. 9 h.0. [Gn.]

125. She relished nothing, would not take anything. [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

An insipid taste in the mouth, when not eating, as from deranged stomach.

No appetite for food or tobacco smoking. [Htn.]

He has no appetite, but is not without hunger; he eats with more discomfort than pleasure and very little. [Fz.]

No appetite; he relished his food, but was immediately satiated (aft. 5.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

130. Thirst; he drinks more than usual. [Fz.]

Thirst for cold drinks, especially for fresh water (aft. 30 h.). [Lr.]

No appetite and yet ravenous hunger; he swallowed much and avidity. [Gn.]

Ravenous hunger with trembling of hands when eating, and great weakness in the whole body (after walking quickly for half an hour). [Gn.]

Trembling of the hands from longing for the food before him. [Gn.]

135. During dinner, which he swallows hastily, as in bulimy, he is giddy in the head, as if he would lose his hearing and sight, and especially as if he would become black before his right eye. [Gss.]

Great hunger with much appetite (aft. 6 h.). [Gn.]

While eating, at noon, violent, frequent, empty eructation. [Gss.]

Eructation with a foetid smell, several times (aft. 4 d.).

Violent eructating, something comes from the stomach into the mouth (belching). [Gss.]

Loathing of cheese that he used to like. [Gn.]

In the evening all food tastes insipid and qualmish. [Gss.]

No appetite, he loathes everything, as though he should vomit or get diarrhoea after it. [Gss.]

He has a sickish rising and water collects in his mouth. [Gss.]

145. He is very sick, and his mouth fills with water, if he swallows this the sickness goes off for an instant; at the same time a peculiar flat taste in the mouth. [Gss.]

The sickness increases on stooping, and is allayed for instants by eructation. [Gss.]

After the sickness great hunger. [Gss.]

Nausea. [Gn.]

Nausea in the mouth, as if he must vomit (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

150. Nausea as if in the mouth, and every time he retches water often runs out of the mouth, like waterbrash, for two hours; at the same tihe has a painful cramp-like contraction of the cervical muscles, as if he should be choked, and also of the abdomen and abdominal muscles; at first, after much retching, he only gets mucus from the fauces; then there followed some of the fluid portions of the food with sour taste, for two hours (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]

After eating a morsal of bread he immediately etched and he must vomit, but he threw up nothing but small pieces of bread and the little food he had just taken along with a quantity of water (aft. 6.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

His dinner was very much relished; but he must soon leave off eating as he become sick and qualmish. [Gss.]

Excessive vomiting followed by thirst. [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

Vomiting of a yellowish green water with a bitter taste (aft. 12 h.). [htn.]

155. General ill-feeling with sickness. [Gn.]

Feeling of emptiness in the scrobiculus cordis with feeling of fulness in the abdomen. [Gss.]

To the left over the scrobiculus cordis, intermitting throbbing. [Gss.]

Sensation in the scrobiculus cordis, as if he felt each pulsation of the heart beat through the whole chest, as after overheating, though he feels nothing of it with his fingers, and the heart does not beat more strongly and perceptibly than at other times. [Htn.]

Painful aching under the short ribs on the left side of the gastric region, on only a small spot, at every expiration, which disappeared at each inspiration, was increased by external pressure, and lasted half an hour (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]

160. Cold feeling as from a cool blast on the right side of the hypogastrium. [Gss.]

On the right near the navel, a prolonged shooting pain, as if twisting out of the abdomen. [Gss.]

In the side of the abdomen, above the left hip-bone a kind of twitching aching pain.[Gss.]

On the left under the navel, obtuse stitches or blows. [Gss.]

165. Itching pricking in the left side of the abdomen, immediately below the short ribs. [Gss.]

A pinching shooting in the abdomen, whist walking (aft. 60 h.). [Gn.]

Intermitting pinching in the abdomen sometimes with diarrhoeic movement. [Gss.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.