Spasms of the abdomen. [STRANDBERG, 1. c. ]

When walking, at every step pain in the abdomen, as if all were sore there.

Pain in the epigastrium, as if the clothes were too tight there.

Contractive, squeezing stomachache.

395. In the side of the abdomen a squeezing, aching pain.

After squeezing aching bellyache and fermenting rumbling in the hypogastrium, watery diarrhoea, quite early (aft. 24 h.).

Contractive pain in the hypochondria (aft. 6, 12 h.). (aft. 6, 12 h.).

Contractive pain in the abdomen.

After eating a little and even on commencing to eat, fulness in the epigastrium.

400. In the side of the abdomen, under the short ribs, sensation of an internal swelling.

Distension of the scrobiculus cordis, which is painful to the touch.

Feeling as if something turned over in the gastric region.

Gurgling in the side of the abdomen with anxiety.

Throbbing in the gastric region.

405. After supper, sensation like a throbbing in the gastric region, chiefly felt on touching it (aft. 24 h.).

Throbbing pain in and under the hepatic region, as if an abscess would from there.

Jaundice, with loathing of food and short attacks of faintness thereafter weak and ill.

Pricking pain in the hepatic region (aft. a few h.). (aft. a few h.).

A chill running over the hepatic region a creeping feeling.

410. Spasmodic pain in the left side of the abdomen combined with a qualmishness, felt especially in the scrobiculus cordis.

Alternate grasping and clawing (now clutching now letting go) in the upper abdominal region.

Griping, bubbling, digging in the abdomen.

When he eats something he has gripping and pinching in the abdomen above the navel.

Sensation as if something drawn down from the limbs were rolled together in the umbilical region, like a fulling and kneading.

415. Spasm in the stomach, clawing in the stomach after midnight towards the .morning, as from a purgative, changing into a burning in the scrobicnulus cordis.

Burning at the mouth of the stomach.

Feeling of burning in the scrobiculus cordis, coming from below upwards.

Especially at night a kind of ,cooling burning (as from saltpetre on the tongue) from the scrobiculus cordis up into the gullet.

Soon after supper a burning pain in the scrobiculus cordis, and further downwards, with anxiety.

420. Sensation of increased warmth in the abdomen, in the morning.

Sensation of a not disagreeable warmth in the abdomen, and as if something unfolded itself there and were in movement.

Ebullition in the abdomen from below upwards without perceptible heat.

(Coarse stitches in the scrobiculus cordis in the evening, and for some time after lying down.)

Shortly before dinner, pain in the scrobiculus cordis as if bruised, which goes off after eating.

425. In the morning in bed, pain as if the bowels were bruised, also m the loins, with a kind of nausea.

Tearing pain in the stomach.

Flatulent colic in the upper part of the abdomen, in the evening after lying down (aft. 5, 10, 13 h.). (aft. 5, 10, 13 h.).

Flatulence rises up in the abdomen, and presses under the short ribs (aft. 20 h.). (aft. 20 h.).

Pain in the abdomen, as from confined incarcerated flatulence.

430. Deep in the hypogastrium, pain as from incarcerated flatulence, with pains in the sacrum, in the morning.

Flatulent colic after stool, as if the bowels were hard pressed by stones here and there (aft. 4 h.).

In the abdomen pressing flatulent distension.

In the hypogastrium a pressure, like distension, when he draws his breath, talks, and touches it externally.

After a meal, flatulent distension in the abdomen (aft. 12 h.). (aft. 12 h.).

435. After drinking, immediately flatulent distension.

Everything he takes seems to turn to flatulence, which rises up and causes anxiety.

Here and there in the abdomen anxious pressive flatulence. [Fg.]

The flatulence seems to rise up into the chest, makes it tight and causes a shooting aching here and there (immediately.)

Early in the morning he has working about in the abdomen (aft.18 h. ).

440. In the abdomen croaking like frogs.

Early in bed along with rumbling and rattling in the abdomen, spasmodic and pinching flatulent colic, with heat in the palms and soles (aft. 20 h.).

Loud rattling and rumbling in the abdomen, in the morning.

Rumbling in the abdomen, in the afternoon.

Loud rattling in the abdomen, with internal movements as if stool were about to ensue ; at the same time she is weak and must lie down.

445. Feeling of a weight in the abdomen.

Sensation as if everything in the abdomen would fall down which compels him to walk softly.

Sensation in the abdomen when walking as if the bowels splashed.

Bellyache with sensation of dryness on the lips, and heat of the face.

Pain like needle-pricks in the abdomen (aft. 4, 6 h.). (aft. 4, 6 h.).

450. Shooting in the left side of the abdomen on breathing deeply.

Stitches in the side of the abdomen on moving.

Severe stitches in the umbilical region. (aft. 1/4 h.).

Shooting in the right side of the abdomen, which takes away the breath, and is relieved by pressing in the hand, in the forenoon.

Deep in the hypogastrium, a kind of flatulent colic; sharp pressure, as with a cutting or pointed instrument, on the bladder, the neck of the bladder, the commencement of the urethra, the perinaeum, the rectum and anus, as if cutting flatus would force itself out at all these parts; intolerable at every step (he walks in a. bent attitude, it draws, him so together), rapidly going off when at rests, when sitting and lying.

455. Cutting bellyache with inclination to vomit.

Continued, cutting pain in the hypogastrium, rising up into the upper abdomen, where it becomes a griping.

Cutting pain in the hypogastrium, with sickness, sweetish, disgusting taste in the mouth, exhaustion and great drowsiness in the morning, returning after 24 hours (aft. 1/2 , 24 h.).

Burning cutting, more in the upper abdomen and more frequently when moving.

More cutting than pinching bellyache, which causes nausea.

460. Bellyache in the open air, as from catching cold.

Bellyache, as if a diarrhoea from a chill would occur (aft. 5 h.).

Pinching in the abdomen (aft 1 h.). (aft 1 h.).

Intolerable pains- in the abdomen (aft. 1 h.). [CONSBRUCH, 1. c.]

After drinking coffee pinching in the abdomen, as from worms, which goes off by bending the body backwards, but is renewed by stooping (aft. 1 h.).

465. Pinching drawing, several times, in the side of the abdomen, from the inguinal ring upwards (aft. 1/4 h.).

Pinching tearing pain the abdomen up towards the chest (aft. 1 h.) (aft. 1 h.)

Drawing pain in the abdomen from the left side over the navel.

Drawing tearing pain in the abdomen.

Drawing tearing pain in the abdomen .from both sides, which unites above the os pubis.

470. Tearing pain in the abdomen, in the afternoon (aft. 4 o’clock) (aft 1 h.).

A forcing down towards the genitals in the hypogastrium.

On walking in the open air a contraction in the hypogastrium and a forcing towards the genitals.

Contractive spasm in the abdomen and uterus, like a griping, and clutching (with increased metrorrhagia in clotted masses).

Weak feeling in the inguinal ring, as if a hernia would come (aft.20h.).

475. Pain in the inguinal ring, in the morning in bed, as if a hernia were incarcerated.

Indication and commencement of an inguinal hernia (aft. 5, 7, 8 h.). (aft. 5, 7, 8 h.).

In the region of the os ilii an aching pain.

Twitching and quivering in the abdominal muscles, under the skin.

Feeling of a running in the right abdominal muscles; on touching the part it is numb, stiff, and feels as if swollen.

480. Pain as if bruised on the side of the abdomen and loins when touched.

The abdominal .muscles are painful as if bruised, only when touched and when moving the body.

Pain of the abdominal muscles as if bruised, especially painful on movement.

The abdomen is painful to the touch.

After quick walking, there occurs on a small spot of the abdomen a pain when touched, or from the pressure of the clothes; at the same place a fine needle-prick is felt.

485.Diarrhoea, especially in the morning and immediately after the (midday) meal of a dark colour.

Diarrhoea. [STRANDBERG, 1. c.]

Evacuation enveloped in white mucus.

Small diarrhoeic motions in the morning, which excoriate the anus.

Diarrhoea of foetid faces. [WIEL1. c.]

490. Green slimy thin motions (aft. 24 h.). (Note.-The production of continual, copius, diarrhoeic motion_actual diarrhoea it is called_is never to be met with in the primary action of nux vomica, as far as my observation goes, and the diarrhoea meet with among its symptoms consists either of very small evacuations, mostly composed of mucus, accompanied by faecal motions and straining ; or when it was a copious, thin faecal evacuation, it was then the secondary action or result in a patient who had previously suffered from constipation and costiveness, with fruitless urging to stool.)

After a motion smarting and sore pain in the anus, in the evening (aft. 10 h.).

Some hours after the motion a burning sore pain, as if a wound had been cut into, at the anus, as from haemorrhoids.

Difficult evacuation passing with burning.

Dr. Manish Bhatia
- BHMS, BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece)
- Ass. Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of
- Editor, Homeopathy 4 Everyone
- Member, Advisory Board, Homeopathic Links
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1 & 2. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- For consultation, seminars or clinical training, write to [email protected]