Sour taste in, the mouth.

In the morning especially, sour taste in the mouth.

Food and drink leave a sour taste in the mouth.

265. Immediately after swallowing food, which tastes properly, there comes a sour taste in his mouth.

Bread and rolls have a sour taste, not so other food.

After drinking milk, sourish taste in the mouth.

Drinking milk seems to cause acidity (aft. 15 h.).

(In the morning a salt taste in the mouth.)

270. Hawking of a salt mucus from the fauces.

Nasty taste in the mouth.

Disagreeable taste and smell in the mouth and nose, almost sulphurous.

(He notices a sweetish disagreeable taste, and a sweetish disagreeable smell about him.)

In the mouth a bad, slimy taste, herbaceous and metallic united, with discontent and relaxation, in the morning.

275. Disgusting herbaceous taste in the throat, almost like carrots (aft. 1 h.).

Beer has a herbaceous taste to her.

Taste in the mouth as if the stomach were deranged.

In the morning milk tastes bad, as if spoilt.

In the morning he wakes with a perfectly dry throat, and after getting up he notices how badly he smells from his throat.

280. After eructating an ill-smelling vapour appears to come out of his mouth.

On coughing a putrid taste deep in the throat (aft. 2 h.). (aft. 2 h.).

Putrid taste in the mouth.

In the morning before eating, putrid taste in the mouth, which goes off after eating.

Putrid taste in the mouth in the morning, as from carious teeth.

285. In the morning putrid in the mouth, but food and drink taste right.

On expectorating the mucus from his chest he perceives a bitter taste low down in the throat.

In the morning bitter taste in the mouth, but food and drink taste right.

Bitter taste in the mouth, not of the food.

On spitting out the saliva he perceives a bitter taste.

290. Bread has to him a smoky taste.

He tastes little or nothing of what he eats; the food seems to him to have no taste at all.

In the morning milk has no taste to him.

Meat has no taste to him.

Continued anorexia. [HARTMANN, Diss. Spicileg. a.d nucis vom.usum Traj. ad Viadr., 1785, p.20.( Not accessible.)]

295. Coffee has no taste to him.

Diminished appetite.

Repugnance to food (immediately). (immediately).

He loathes sour (black) bread.

Dislike to bread.

300. Dislike to rye bread; when he takes it his mouth fills with water.

He eats without appetite.

The smell of food is disagreeable to him.

Food and drink have a disgusting smell to him.

On walking (for half an hour) he loses his appetite.

305. Dislike to ordinary food and drink, and to the accustomed tobacco smoking coffee.

Thirst afternoon and evening.

(Thirst for milk.)

He has thirst and yet water and beer are repugnant to him.

He became sick and inclined to vomit from smoking tobacco (aft. 3, 8 h.).

310. Longing for tobacco (in the first hours).

Great hunger, also in the morning (aft. 15 h.).

Hunger and yet loathing of food.

An hour before dinner disagreeable feeling in the stomach and abdomen, as from emptiness combined with hunger.

Periodical ravenous hunger in the afternoon, especially after drinking small beer ; after a small draught of it he becomes hungry, if be passes over the hunger without eating then he feels as if he were quite full and satiated.

315. Hunger; but if he eats ever so little he, is immediately satiated, and feels quite full (aft. 3 h.).

After eating an ill-feeling as if he were really ill, and in spite of his malady had overloaded himself with food.

After eating, the stomachache and the metallic and herbaceous taste return.

After eating unhappy and quite sad.

After eating quite hypochondriacal, and affected by the least trifle.

320. After dinner chilliness and coldness.

After dinner and after supper chilliness.

After dinner much heat, especially in the face, that seemed to rise up from the abdomen ;he perspired chiefly all over the back.

After eating heat and redness of cheeks, with confused head.

After a meal external heat of the cheeks, with intense feeling of heat, like burning, in the interior of the cheeks, with very dilatable pupils, photophobia, and chilliness on the arms with goose-skin (aft. 3 h).

325. After dinner great dryness at the back of the throat.

During dinner heat in the head.

During dinner a kind of faintness, at the same time nausea and flying heat, which all went off on lying down.

While eating he perspires on the forehead and scalp (aft. 2 h.)

After dinner he had suddenly squeamishness and loathing, followed by vertigo and tendency to faint; later much eructation without taste or smell (aft. 13 d.)

330. After eating and drinking eructation.

Frequent eructation.

Painful eructation.

She often feels as if she should eructate, but it does not take place ; she then feels as if the oesophagus were spasmodically contracted.

After eating a watery fluid belches up into the mouth.

335. When fasting bitter eructation.

Eructation (belching) of a bitter and sour fluid (aft. 6 h.). (belching) of a bitter and sour fluid (aft. 6 h.).

Eructation of a bitter sour fluid, at night (aft. 12 h.).

After a walk in the morning, some eructation up to the front of the tongue.

After eating (three hours afterwards), eructation of a sour taste and smell, with yawning (aft. 8 h.).

340. Frequent hiccup, without cause.

Hiccup before dinner (aft. 24 h.).

Thirst without bodily heat, and yet drinks oppress the stomach (aft 6 h.).

Thirst, and the drinks are relished, but soon after drinking there occurs nausea, in the evening (aft. 12 h.).

Nausea. [MATTHIOLUS, Comment. in Diosc,, lib. iv, cap. 23.( No such observation found in work mentioned ; but other authors mention his case as that of an old woman killed by a small quantity.) ]

345. When she wishes to eat she has nausea.

Nausea an hour before dinner (aft. 16 h.).

Nausea in the morning.

In the morning qualmishness about the heart, with nausea and flow of saliva; in the afternoon shivering.

In the morning nausea, which spread here and there through the body, as if all were in commotion (aft. 12 h.).

350. After a meal, qualmish, anxious, sick and ill, and as poorly as after a strong purgative;

something rose up from the scrobiculus cordis.

After eating loathing of what had just been eaten, especially when sitting up and refraining from lying down.

Nausea after dinner (aft. 40 h.).

Nausea in the afternoon (about 5 p.m.) (aft. 20 h.).

In the afternoon, nausea in the scrobiculus cordis, but not coming to actual vomiting (aft. 3 d.).

355. After eating sick qualmishness (squeamishness).

Inclination to vomit. [FRID: HOFFMANN, Mcd. Rat Syst, ii, p. 175.( From fifteen grains in a girl of ten.- Should be “efforts at vomiting’,’ (p. 283.) ]

After palpitation of the heart sickness with clean tongue.

[THOMAS A THUESSINK, Waarnemingen, xxxiii. (Not accessible.) ]

Immediately after eating inclination to vomit.

After dinner and drinking, nausea, then thirst and after drinking distension of the abdomen, like swelling.

360. After dinner inclination to vomit for an hour (aft. 3 h.).

On hawking (getting up the mucus from the throat) retching as if to vomit (aft. 4 h.).

Vomiting. [STRANDBERG, in Kiernander’s Med. lac., p. 269.( (Not accessible.)]

Repeated vomiting (aft. 1 h.). [Fr. H-n.]

Violent Vomiting. [MATTHIOLUS, 1. c.]

365. Vomiting of sour mucus , in the forenoon (aft. 20 h.).

Vomiting of sour smelling and tasting mucus towards evening, with headache like tearing ( ? ) round the lower part of the skull (aft 9 h.).

Vomiting of blood.

Vomiting of blood, or belching of blood from the stomach (aft.1 h.).

Aching spasmodic pain from the fauces down, to the scrobiculus cordis, in the morning.

370. Scraping sensation in the scrobiculus cordis.

A constant pressure on the heart (in the region of the scrobiculus cordis).

The region of the stomach, very sensitive to external pressure he dare not let the hand lie on the stomach; because it causes nausea.

Towards evening a sick feeling in the scrobiculus cordis, like nausea.

Continued stomachache. [Veckoskrift, 1. c.]

375. Violent oppression of the stomach. [STRANDBERG, 1. c.]

Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone.

After eating little, aching in the stomach (in the morning).

Immediately after eating aching pain in the region of the stomach, as if from eating too much (aft. 5 h.).

After eating, aching in the scrobiculus,cordis and abdomen, with distension.

380. Aching in the heart (scrobiculus cordis).

After drinking, immediately a pressure in the scrobiculus cordis causing tightness of the chest, with distension of the abdomen (aft.2 h.).

Pressure some inches below the scrobiculus cordis, which causes eructation.

An aching under the scrobiculus cordis, especially after walking in the open air, which when sitting does not go off under a quarter of an hour.

Long-continued stomachache and pain in the upper part of the abdomen. [BERGIUS, 1. c.]

385. In the morning, pressing in the scorbiculus cordis, then cutting in the abdomen with constant nausea (aft 24h. ).

In the morning, pressure as from a stone in the epigastrium, aggravated by walking, relieved by sitting (aft. 14 h.).

Tension in the stomach.

Tension over the stomach.

Drawing tensive pain in the abdomen.

390. Tension over the stomach (epigastrium) in the afternoon (3 o’clock), then pain in the abdomen, as if all were raw and sore there.

Dr. Manish Bhatia
- BHMS, BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece)
- Ass. Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of
- Editor, Homeopathy 4 Everyone
- Member, Advisory Board, Homeopathic Links
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1 & 2. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- For consultation, seminars or clinical training, write to [email protected]