Headache, when stooping, as if something heavy in it fell forwards.

Headache, like a heaviness in the brain, in the morning.

Headache after dinner, composed of heaviness .and pressure, especially on moving the eyes (aft. 16 h.).

40. Pressive headache (aft. 5 m.). [We.]

On closing the eyelids (pressive?) headache in the middle of the brain, such as comes on after vomiting.

Aching pain in the forehead, relieved by laying the head on the table; aggravated by open air. with weariness of the legs when going up hill (aft. 3 h.).

Aching pain in the forehead, as if he had not slept enough.

Aching pain over the left eye, and in the bone it pained as if he had got a blow there; he cannot open the eye. [We.]

45. Aching pain over the right orbit, in the morning in bed, when he lies on the right side, and going off when he lies on the. opposite side or on the back.

Aching pain in the occiput in the morning immediately after rising from bed.

He wakes up early in the morning, and with the eyes still closed he has headache in the middle of the brain (aft. 12.h.).

Deep in the brain, in the region of the crown, a down-pressive drawing headache.

Pain in the occiput, as if the brain were pressed or knocked forwards.

50. Tensive headache, at night.

Tensive headache in the forehead,

Squeezing headache.

Headache on the least mental exertion when lying, as if the brain were pressed asunder.

Headache, a. pressing in the occiput from both sides outwards, as if the skull posteriorly were forced asunder, with heat in the brain; relieved momentarily by compressing with the hands for twenty hours (aft. 11 h.). [Fg.]

55. He wakes at night from headache. [Fg.]

From exertion of the head he has pain in both temples.

From prolonged attention an aching and beating pain in the crown.

Headache in the morning in bed, as if on the surface of the whole brain, as if the skull would burst (aft. 10 h.).

Headache; the brain as if pressed and beaten.

60. Headache in the morning in bed, as if some one struck his head with an axe, going off after rising.

Headache, as if the brain were split (aft. 8 h.).

Headache; in the -morning, while lying in bed on the left side, a pain in the right side of the brain as if lacerated, but which goes off when she lies on the right, the painful, side (aft. 52 h.).

Tearing pain in the head to the root of the nose and upper jaw, aggravated by walking.

Tearing in the crown, forehead, eyes with qualmishness, squeamishness and nausea in the region of the chest and weakness of the vocal organs (aft. 2, 12 h.).

65. Drawing tearing headache. .

Tearing in the head at the ear downwards (aft. 40 h.).

Tearing headache, after a meal, with feeling of heat in the cheeks and chilly feeling over the body, at least on the hands.

Drawing tearing and burning pain in the head in the morning (aft. 60 h.).

Burning in the brain beneath the frontal bone.

70. Drawing pain in the head (aft. 6 h.).

Drawing pain first in the temples, then in the forehead, then in the occiput.

Headache drawing upwards in the right side of the brain near the ear (aft. 1 h.).

Drawing in the back of the head as if she were freezing there (aft. 120 h.).

Drawing movement here and there in the forehead towards the root of the nose.

75. Painless drawing here and there in the brain.

Tingling and shaking in the brain when walking and running.

Splashing and bubbling in the head when walking.

Single twitches in the head (aft. 3 d.).

Drawing twitching headache in the morning.

80. Single blows or strokes in the head.

(Headache in the morning, a constant pecking (obtuse shooting throbbing), aggravated by stooping forwards, and then as if a bit of the forehead would fall out.)

Violent jerks or obtuse stitches in the left half of the brain, in the direction from the orbit to the parietal bone and occiput, soon after eating (aft. 10 h.).

Single violent stitches in the head (aft. 6 h.).

Headache, beginning some hours before dinner, increasing after eating : then violent stitches in the left temple, with nausea and very sour vomiting; these ailments disappear in the evening after lying down.

85. Shooting and aching above the eyelids.

From time to time pain in one half of the head, as from a nail driven from above downwards, always deeper and deeper in the parietal bone (aft. 1 h.).

Intolerable (digging?) headache beinning in the morning when lying in bed, going off on getting up (aft some h.).

Shortly before dinner, headache.

Semilateral headache in the afternoon (from 4 a.m. till night) with exhaustion and weariness.

90. External headache, as if the hair on the occiput were painful.

External headache; pain of the integuments of the head as if bruised; the hair stands on end and is painful to, the touch (aft. 8 h. ).

A drawing pain in the outer parts of the head.

External headache; pain on the integuments of the crown, on being touched, as if bruised.

External headache ; pain of the integuments of the head, aggravated by touching.

95. External headache; during cold wind, pain as if the head were sore externally; and yet the part is not painful when touched (aft. 6 h.).

On the hairy scalp and face red, painful pimples or papules, whose apices at length become filled with pus.

(Itching and gnawing on the hairy scalp and nape, as when an ulcer is healing, especially in the forenoon.)

Painful, small swellings on the forehead.

Crawling externally on the forehead.

100. Formication on the forehead and crown.

Itching and crawling in the face as if fleas were creeping on it, which goes off by scratching, but soon returns. [Ws.]

Sensation in the face as if innumerable ants were creeping upon it.[RADEMACHER, Hufel. Journ, iv, p. 573.( From eight grains given to a man in dysentery.) ]

Sensation of tension in the face about the mouth, eyes and nose, with perceptible swelling of these parts. [Stf.]

Painless drawing in the face, on stooping.

105. A twitching as if a thread were pulled in the right side of the face , in the evening.

Twitching in the facial muscles, in the evening after lying down.

Formication here and there in the cheeks, which are red and hot (aft. 1-12 h.).

Small pustules on the cheeks.

Complexion wretched, pale, earth-coloured, yellowish ; but the white of the eye is unaltered.

110. Very red, swollen face. [CONSBRUSH, Hufel. Journ., iv, pp. 443, 444. (From two drachma of the powder taken by a man.) ]

Pain above the left eye in the skin as if he had been burnt. [ We.]

The right eyebrow is painful when touched.

Drawing tearing pain in the eyelids.

Quivering of the eyelids.

115. Contraction of the eyelids, as if from a heaviness of the upper lid, at. the same time gush of tears.

Aching in the upper eyelids, especially in the morning.

Itching in the anterior part of the eyelids (aft. 1/5 h.).

In the evening, itching of the eyelids towards the internal canthus (aft. 12 h.).

On the eyelid a burning itching pain.

120. The border of the eyelids pains as if excoriated, especially when touched, and in the morning.

Canthi pain as if excoriated.

The inner canthus is painful as if excoriated and rubbed raw (aft. 2 h.). (aft. 2 h.).

Mattery canthi.

The outer canthus is in the morning as if stuck together with matter.

125. A sore, dry feeling in the inner canthi in the morning in bed.

Smarting in the inner canthi as from acrid tears, in the evening in bed.

Smarting in the eyes, especially in the external canthi, as if from salt ; they weep.

Dryness of the right eye (aft. 1 h.).

Burning in the eyes without inflammation.

130. Formicating burning in the eyes.

Pain in the left eye as if bruised, with purulent mucus in the outer canthus (aft. 5 d.).

(Pain like needle-pricks in the eyes.).

Itching on the eyeball (aft. 2 h.).

Itching of the eyes relieved by rubbing.

135. The eyes are full of water, as in moist inflammation of the eyes (lippitudo), or as in stuffed coryza.

Painless congestion of blood in the white of the eyeball (aft. 14 h.).

Painless redness in the left outer canthus, in the morning.

Blood exudes from the eye.

Sparkling, staring eyes. [CONSBRUCH, 1. c.]

140. Swelling of the eyes, with red stripes in the white, and aching tensive pain.

Inflammation of the eyes.


Intolerance of daylight, in the morning, with obscuration of vision.

(Complete obscuration of vision, like amaurosis, for a few hours) (aft. 24 h.).

145. Glittering; a shining flickering beyond the field of vision, especially on the left side, in the forenoon

Herz’s false vertigo (aft. 24 h.).

Objects appear brighter to look at than usual. [RADEMACHER, 1. c.]

(Black and grey points hover before the eyes, with stupefaction in the head).

Far sight, presbyopia.

Contraction of the pupils (the first hours).

150. Dilatation of the pupils with very slow breathing.

Externally at the entrance to the ear shooting pressure.

Itching in the internal ear through the Eustachian tube, which necessitates frequent swallowing,

and disturbs the night’s rest.

Creeping, crawling and itching in the internal ear.

Single sharp blows in the inner ear, like earache (aft. 6 h.).

155. Stitches in the ear, in the morning in bed, which cause him to cry out (aft. 9 d.).

Tearing stitches into the inner ear towards evening (aft. 6 h.).

Dr. Manish Bhatia
- BHMS, BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece)
- Ass. Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of
- Editor, Homeopathy 4 Everyone
- Member, Advisory Board, Homeopathic Links
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1 & 2. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- For consultation, seminars or clinical training, write to [email protected]