Great weakness in the knee-joints, compelling him to sit down. [Hrr.]

Weakness in the knee-joints, and when walking a tearing pressure in them [Hrr.]

210. Tearing pressure in the right knee-joint and below it, aggravated by movement. [Hrr.]

Obtuse shooting and pressure in the right knee-joint, aggravated by movement. [Hrr.]

Pain anteriorly on both patella as if bruised, when walking.

Pressure on the right side near the left patella, aggravated by movement (aft. 12 h.). [Hrr.]

In the morning, perspiration on the knee.

215. Swelling and tensive and shooting pain in the knee, when walking.

Itching eruption, in the hough.

A stretching and extension of the thighs.

A grasping pain on the calf, down along the tibia.

Tensive pain in calves, when walking, after sitting.

220. Cramp-like pain in the calves.

At night, cramp in the calves when lying, it went off on rising up, but returned immediately on lying down (aft. 24 h.).

Weakness and feeling of heaviness in the legs. [Hrr.]

In the morning he is stiff and rigid in the legs.

Stiffness of the legs, with chilliness and emptiness of the head.

225. A great weariness in the legs, as if she had walked many miles, she feels this only when sitting or lying, but not when walking.

The legs were heavy; there is often a drawing in them to above the knees.

On bending the legs, feeling as of a twitching and weariness in them.

When sitting, he gets a sensation of coldness only in the legs, but they were not actually cold.

A shooting in the ankle.

230. Pressure above the left inner ankle, aggravated by movement. [Hrr.]

Pressure as with a finger under the left ankle, alike in every position. [Hrr.]

Pain in the ankle-joint, as from a sprain or bending over of the foot.

Pressure in the left ankle-joint, here and there; aggravated by movement. [Hrr.]

On the dorsum of the foot, an eruption of fine pimples, which itches in the evening.

235. Very severe gnawing itching on the dorsum of both feet; after scratching, it always becomes more violent; it was only allayed after he had scratched the feet quite raw; much aggravated by the heat of the bed. [Hrr.]

Pressure on the dorsum of the left foot, in bed. [Hrr.]

Swelling of the feet about the ankles, and intolerable pain in the ankle-joint on treading (aft. 5 d.).

Obstinate swelling of the feet.

Swelling of the legs to above the calves, with tensive pain, especially in the evening (aft. some h.).

240. Swelling of the feet for eight days.

Aching in the feet, here and there, (aft. 11 d.). [Hrr.]

Pressure on the inner border of the left foot (aft. 5 d.). [Hrr.]

Pressure on the inner border of the left foot and on its dorsum. [Hrr.]

The soles of the feet are painful when walking as if they were filled with blood.

245. Pressure on the soles of both feet, aggravated by walking. [Hrr.]

Burning pressure on the sole of the right foot, towards the fore part. [Hrr.]

Pain under the heel when walking, as if bruised (aft. 2 h.).

Pressure above the right heel. [Hrr.]

Feeling of rush of blood towards the big toe.

250. A slow and continued stitch in the big toe (aft. 2 h.).

At night in sleep, a cutting in the toes of the left foot (aft. 48 h.).

Pressure on the proximal joints of the toes of the left foot (aft. 48 h.).

Fine tearing in the toes of the left foot, especially on their under surface. [Hrr.]

Pressure at the junction of the three last toes with the metatarsal bones, aggravated by movement (aft. 3 d.). [Hrr.]

255. The ball of the big toe is soft, swollen and painful when treading.

Heat in the hands and feet, in the evening.

Long continued warm sweat on the hands and feet.

(Tearing pain in the back and knees.)

The gout reappears.

260. Small round, red spots, without sensation, on the inside of the arms, on the abdomen and on the feet (aft. 48 h.).

Eruption: small elevations like red miller-seeds, all over the body (face, neck and hands excepted), with itching by day and only occasionally at night, allayed for but a short time by scratching.

Itching on the knuckles of the joints of the toes, on the ankle-joint and loins.

After a walk in the open air, feeling as of aching and tension comes from the side towards the shoulder, thence over the chest, clutching in the sternum, hearing and sight are lost; he must lie down and he remains pale for a quarter of an hour, is anxious and has cold hands and diarrhoea.

Shooting tearing pain in the joints.

265. (Tearing twitching pain in the joints.)

A throbbing pain in the affected joints, that impedes movement.

Only the pains in the joints became more violent during movement, not those at other parts. [Hrr.]

Painful hard lumps and nodes on the joints.

At night, in bed, on moving the body, a paralytic pain in all the joints.

270. Drawing in all the long bones of the body, when moving. [Fz.]

Transient, tearing, rheumatic pains, especially on movements.

The limbs and the whole body are painful, (oppression in all the limbs), as if they were bruised and beaten.

He cannot bear the heat of the bed, on account of heat and burning in the limbs.

Intolerance of the bed-clothes, because they make her hot.

275. Numb and heavy feeling in the limbs with pains in the bones (aft. 20 h.).

Numbness and gone-to sleep feeling of the limbs.

Dry excessively itching tetter, with anxiety.

Itching of the skin.

On the side of the abdomen and on the arms, itching and gnawing, and after scratching, burning (aft. 24 h.).

280. Itching of the whole body as if an eruption would break out (aft. 48 h.).

A transient, fine shooting itching of the skin all over the body.

Slight itching needle-pricks on several parts of the body, that excite scratching, whereby it is allayed for some time, but recurs with increased intensity. [Hrr.]

Fine itching pricking, and itching gnawing on several parts of the body, especially on the hip-joints, thighs, and upper arms, that compels scratching, by which it is somewhat allayed, but then recurs every time with increased violence.[Hrr.]

Bluish spots on the body, like petechioe.

285. Tiresome weariness and exhaustion when sitting, standing, and walking; when he has sat for some time, he feels pains in the coccyx. [Hrr.]


In the morning, great desire to lie down, he is sleepy, sick and anxious (aft. 4 d.).

Sleepiness. [Hrr.]

She cannot sleep, and always starts up; when she closes her eyes she is delirious and has visions, when almost quite awake.

290. Sleeps restlessly and dreams the most confused things, all mixed up together.

At night, restless sleep; tossing about in bed; in the morning, in bed, great chilliness, he cannot get warm; then unusually long morning sleep. [Fz.]

Deep, but restless sleep; he lies at night on the unaccustomed side, and in the morning he cannot rouse himself. [Fz.]

Waking up from a dream which caused her to start.

Dream full of shame, and perspiration at night.

295. Morning sleep full of dreams of murder and violence. [Trn.]

Dream full of anxiety of conscience, with profuse sweat.

Uneasy dreams; he is sometimes in one place, sometimes in another, sometimes occupied with one subject, sometimes with another. [Hrr.]

Vivid dream of great misfortunes. [Lr.]

Vivid, voluptuous dreams, with erection of the penis, without seminal emission. [Lr.]

300. Lasciviuos dreams. [Hrr.]

He wakes frequently, and it is some time before he can go to sleep again.

Sleeplessness with restlessness and tossing about.

Sleeplessness with midnight. [Trn.]

On waking from sleep, slight sweat all over (aft. 22 h.). [Lr.]

305. On waking from sleep, slight sweat all over, with itching all over the body that compelled scratching. [Lr.]

General coldness and chilliness.

In the morning cold in the body, without sensation of chilliness.

(Rigor with trembling, towards evening, without thirst and not followed by heat.)

Chilliness and febrile drawing in the limbs, without subsequent heat.

310. Chilliness, as though he were sprinkled with cold water no one part or another.

Shivering and chilliness, for twenty-four hours, with goose-skin, without external coldness.

By day, much thirst, and in the evening, febrile chill, shortly before going to sleep. [Bch.]

In the forenoon he is very chilly. [Fz.]

In the morning in bed, severe chill; he cannot get warm. [Fz.]

315. Sometimes more, sometimes less febrile coldness with shivering all over for three days, without heat, but with thirst for cold water, with heat in the palate. [Bch.]

Chilliness, without subsequent heat; the rest of the body was warm, only the limbs were externally cold (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]

Rigor over the whole back, with rather hot cheeks and hot forehead, without redness of face or thirst, with cold hands (aft. ¾ and 2.3/4 h.). [Lr.]

When he perspires while walking, the sweat on the forehead has a bad, sour smell.

He becomes immediately warm and hot while walking, and perspires on his forehead.

320 Sudden perspiration, when walking in the open air, mingled with chilliness.

Ill-smelling sweat all over the body, even the hair of the head was wet.

He perspires and cannot bear to be covered by the bed-clothes.

Perspiration all night long, from evening till morning (aft. 4 h.).

(Heat all over, without thirst).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.