Feet are burning hot.

595. A creeping as if internally in the bones of the whole body.

Creeping, gone-to-sleep feeling in the limbs(Comp 548, 550, 555.)(aft 4 h. several times).

Weariness of the legs and arms.

Sensation of weakness and exhaustion in the arms and legs.

Here and there in the periosteum in the middle of the shafts of the bones (not in the joints) a transient pressure, a3 with a hard body, like contused pain, by day, but especially when lying on one side or the other, in the evening in bed, that goes off by tying on the back(599, 600, and comp. 19, 47 48, 62, in which the pain only goes oft when lying on the k, constitute a third alternating action with 513, 514, and with 511 and 512.) (aft. 20, 36 h.).

600. At night on one or the other side, on which he is lying, pain as if bruised, in the joints of the neck, back, and shoulders, which only goes off when lying on the back (aft. 12 h.).

In the joints of the shoulders, hip and knees, a pain as from a sprain or dislocation (aft. 8 h.).

About the joints or somewhat above them, a continued shooting pain.

A deep shooting burning pain on various parts,( e. g. on the corner of the mouth, under the first joint of the thumb, &C.) without itching.

In the external elevated parts of the joints, a burning shooting pain accompanied by itching (aft. 1 h.).

605. In the evening on going to sleep, jerks and twitches through the whole body(605, 607, comp -with 608, 665, 667. ) (aft. 96 h.),

Jerks and single twitchings of the limbs (aft. 10, 12 h.).

Single twitchings of the limbs when going to sleep (aft. 3 h.).

After lying down twitching and quivering in single muscular parts, here and there on the body (aft. 2 h,).( Another error in the enumeration of the symptoms occurs here in the original.)

Innumerable fine stitches here and there, like flea-bites (especially in bed). (Comp, 604 and the alternating action 603.)

610. Itching here and there on the body, after getting somewhat heated by walking in the open air.

In the evening, after lying down in bed, itching here and there, which readily goes off by scratching.( 611, 612, Characteristic of ignatia is the itching wich is readily removed from the part by slight seratching.)

Itching here and there in the body, under the shoulder, &c., at night, which goes off by scratching,

Itching on the wrist-joint, on the elbow-joint, and on the neck.

The outer skin and the periosteum are painful (aft. 8 h.).

615. Sensitiveness of the skin to a draught of air; he feels in the abdomen as if he should get a chill (aft. 4 h.).

Simple violent pain, only felt when touched, here and there, on a small spot, e.g. on the ribs, &c.

The symptoms of ignatia are aggravated by drinking coffee and smoking tobacco.

Burning in the ulcer.

Renewal of the pains immediately after dinner, immediately after lying down in the evening, and immediately after waking in the morning.

620. Leaves a tendency to swelling of the cervical glands, toothache, and looseness of the teeth, as also to stomachache.

Great general weariness from slight movement.

Is unwilling to move, shirks work.

Exhaustion, weariness, in the evening.

When walking in the open air a heaviness in the legs, with anxiety, which went off in the room, but depression of spirits came on instead.

625. The knees gave way under him from weakness.

Exhaustion and lassitude after dinner; lie felt unfit for his usual work, and contrary to custom fell asleep over, it. [Hb. Ts.]

Discomfort in the morning after getting up (the 2nd d.). [ Hb. Ts.]

Exhaustion in the limbs. [Hb. Ts.]

Great exhaustion and weariness, he felt as if he had had a very long walk. [Hb. Ts.]

630. Exhaustion, as from a weakness about the scrobiculus cordis; he became qualmish; he. must lie down.( Comp. 267, 335.)

So tired that he has no wish to.cress himself and go out; he has no pleasure in anything, prefers to lie down (aft. 4 h.).

Staggers when walking, readily falls and stumbles over the least thing that lies in his way.( Comp. 754.)

Weariness as if his eyelids would close.

He becomes very sleepy on hearing sad news.

635. He falls asleep when sitting reading (aft. 4 h.).

Drowsiness, which invites him to sleep when sitting; but on lying down there ensues a half-waking, dreamful sleep (aft. 1/4 h.).

Very profound and yet not refreshing sleep.( He thinks he has not slept at all when he awakes.)

Profound sleep(637, 638 constitute alternating actions with 639, 647, 648. ) (aft. 3 h.).


640. Frequent yawning. [Hb. Ts.]

Inclination to sleep. [Hb. Ts.]

Early sleepiness in the evening. [Hb. Ts.]

Drowsiness after dinner, and deep, sound. unrefreshing afternoon sleep for two hours; after waking feeling of exhaustion. [Hb. Ts.]

Sound and continued sleep, from which he wakes still tired. [Hb.Ts.]

645. Uncommonly sound but not refreshing midday sleep. [Hb. Ts.]

Restless sleep. [Hb. Ts.]

Sleeplessness; cannot go to sleep, and awakes (at night) from no perceptible cause (aft. 14 h.).

Sleep so light that he hears everything in it, e.g. the striking of a clock at a great distance.

In the evening in bed flatulent colic : a kind of pressure in the abdomen here and there, recurring every time he wakes at night.

650. In the night in bed he often changes his position, lies sometimes in one place sometimes in another.

Moaning talking in sleep; he tosses about in bed (Comp. 652.) (aft. 2, 5, h.).

Stamps with his feet in sleep(Comp. 662) (aft. 4 h.).

He moves the mouth in sleep, as if he were eating (aft. 3 h.).

In sleep she moves the muscles of the open mouth in all directions, almost convulsively, and at the same time the hands ire twitched inward (aft. 2 h.).

655. In sleep, groaning, grunting, sighing (aft. 4 h.).

During sleep short inspiration(656 in alternation with 479, 480.) and slow expiration.

During sleep all kinds of breathing, alternately short and slow, violent and gentle, suspended, snoring.( Comp. 481.)

In the evening in bed, feeling. as of an ebullition;r : the blood, on account of which he could not get to sleep.

During sleep snoring inspiration.

660. Lies in sleep on the back arid lays the open hand under the occiput.

In the morning he lies on the back and puts one arm above the head so that the outspread hand comes to lie under the occiput or in the nape.

Starts up suddenly ire sleep, moans with piteous expression of countenance, kicks and stamps with the feet the hands and face being at the same time pale and cold.

Dreams full of sadness; he wakes up weeping.

Talks in a lachrymose and complaining manner in sleep; inspiration is snoring with quite open mouth, and sometimes one eye sometimes the other is slightly opened (aft. 10 h.).

665. Startings in affright, when about to ego to sleep, on account of monstrous visions which present themselves to him, and hover before him after waking.( 665, 667, comp. with 605, 607 (608).)

In the morning at the instant of waking he feels a heaviness, an accumulation stagnation and ebullition of blood in the body, with sadness.

Starting in affright, in the morning, on waking nut of a sleep so light that he hears every stroke of the clock.

Dreams full of frightful things.

Awakes with sulky expression.

670. Awakes with cheerful countenance (aft. 20 h.).

Awakes in the morning on account of horrible dreams (aft. 18 h.).

On awaking she rises up suddenly and talks nonsense before she comes to herself (aft. 4 h.).

(She dreams she is standing, but riot standing firmly; when awake she examines her bed to see if she is lying firmly, and curls herself up, in order to be sure not to fall; at the same time she is always in some perspiration all over.)

Awakes on account of horrible dreams (e. g. of drowning) from the afternoon sleep (aft. 24 h.).

675. Dreams at night, that he has fallen into the water and weeps.

At night dreams full of disappointed and miscarried expectations and endeavours.

Fixed idea in dream : dreams all night of one and the same subject.

Dreams of the same subject for several hours.

Dreams with reflection and consideration (aft.,4 h.).

680. Slumbering dreams before midnight, with general heat, without perspiration.

At night general anxious heat with slight sweat round about the nose, the greatest heat on the hands and feet, which however he dislikes being uncovered but will always have covered, with cold thighs, palpitation of the heart, short breath and lascivious dreams; chiefly when he lies on either side, less when he lies on the back.

From 2 to 5 a.m. (while wide awake) heat all over, especially on the hands and feet, without sweat and without thirst, and without feeling of dryness.

He perspires every morning, when after previous waking he goes to sleep again, and when he gets up he is so tired and unrefreshed that he feels disposed to lie down again.( Another error of enumeration in the original occurs here.)

At night dreams full of learned mental exercitations and scientific discussions.

685. Dreams which are a strain on the thinking power, towards morning (aft. 10 h.).

Nocturnal phantasies which strain the thinking power.

In dreams the thoughts are engaged on one subject all night through; a fixed idea, which does not leave him even after waking.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.