195. Dislike to wine.
Dislike to fruit, and it does not agree (aft. 3 h.).
Appetite for fruit, and it agrees very well (aft. 3, 10, 20 h.).
Extreme dislike to tobacco-smoking (aft. 6 h.).
Tobacco-smoke tastes bitter to him (aft. 5 h.).
200. Tobacco-smoke causes smarting on the fore part of the tongue and produces (obtuse?) pain in the incisors.
Dislike to tobacco-smoking, though it does not taste disagreeably to him (aft. 2, 5 h.).
Repugnance to tobacco-smoking just as if he were satiated with it and had smoked enough.
Hiccup from tobacco-smoking in one accustomed to smoke tobacco.
Nausea from tobacco-smoking, in an accustomed tobacco smoker.
205. Complete want of relish for tobacco, food and drink, with copious flow of saliva into the mouth, but without disgust at these things or feeling that they taste badly (aft. 8 h.).
When he smokes tobacco in the afternoon, he feels so completely satiated that he can eat nothing in the evening.
Want of appetite for food, drink, and tobacco-smoking (immediately).
Dislike to milk (formerly his favourite drink); it is repugnant to him when drinking, although it tastes quite naturally, and not at all disgusting.
When he has drunk some boiled milk (his favourite drink) with relish, and his extreme necessity i3 assuaged, the remainder is suddenly repulsive to him, although it did not taste disgustingly and he felt no actual nausea.
210. He could not swallow bread, as though it were too dry for him.
He loathes warm food and meat; will only take butter, cheese and bread (aft. 96 h.).
Dislike to meat and longing (Comp. 194, 197 ) for sour fruit (cranberries) (aft. 24 h.).
Want of appetite (from 1 to 7 h.).
Before taking the medicine considerable hunger, a short time after taking it he felt quite satiated, without having eaten anything. [Hb. Ts.]
215. Good appetite; but on attempting to eat, he felt already satiated [ Hb. Ts.]
Want of inclination to eat. [Hb. Ts.]
Increased appetite. [Hb. Ts.]
Gnawing ravenous hunger, whereby he often became qualmish and sick ‘ he lay down after the lapse of half an hour, without having taken anything to satisfy himself. [Hb. Ts.]
Good appetite; food and drink are relished. (Secondary or curative action after previous opposite state (anorexia))
220. Great appetite.( This kind of bulimia seems to stand in the relation of alternating action with 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 213, but to be of rarer occurrence)
When eating, drinking and smoking, as soon as his needs are satisfied, the good taste of all these things goes off suddenly, or changes into a disagreeable taste, and he is no longer capable of tasting the smallest quantity of them, although there still remains a sort of hunger and thirst.
He belches up a bitter fluid (222, 223, alternating action with 225 )(there is eructation, and a bitter fluid comes up into the mouth).
What he has ingested is belched up again into the mouth,( Allied to this is a symptom not inserted in the text : “The taste of the milk taken in the morning can not be got out of the month for a long time” (aft, 21 h.).) comes up into the mouth by a kind of eructation (ruminatio)
When she has eaten something (at noon) she feels as if the food stuck above the upper orifice of the stomach and could not get down into the stomach.
225. In the evening before going to sleep, and in the morning, the food seems to be sticking up high (aft 2. 15 h.).
He wakes up at night about 3 a.m.; he is hot all over, and he vomits the food he had taken for supper.
Unusual and violent thirst, even in the night. [Hb Ts.]
Loathing. [Hb. Ts.]
Nausea; the saliva collected in his mouth. [Hb. Ts.]
230. Nausea and inclination to vomit. [Hb. Ts.]
Empty ineffectual attempts to vomit.
The inclination to vomit goes off after a meal (aft. 2 h.).
After breakfast a kind of anxiety rises up from the abdomen (aft. 20 h.).
During supper his feet grew cold, his abdomen distended (and he became perfectly hoarse).
235. After a meal the abdomen is as if distended.
After a meal the abdomen becomes tense, the mouth dry and bitter, without thirst; one cheek is red (in the evening).
Anxious painful fulness in the abdomen after supper (aft. 36 h.)
A scraping at the top of the larynx, as from heart-burn (in the evening) (aft. 8 h.).
Empty eructation, only of wind (aft. 2 h.).
240. Repeated eructation (soon after taking the drug). [Hb. Ts.]
Bitter eructation (the 2nd d.). [Hb. Ts.]
Eructation with the taste of the ingesta (immediately).
Sour eructation.
Musty, mouldy eructation (in the evening).
245. (Suppressed, ineffectual eructation (in the morning in bed), which causes aching pain at the mouth of the stomach, in the oesophagus up into the fauces) (aft. 48 h.).
Frequent ejection of saliva .( 246, 247, 248, comp with 283, 363)
Flow of saliva out of the mouth during sleep (aft. 1 h.).
Spitting of frothy saliva all day.
After eating and drinking, hiccup( 249, 250, comp. with 203 )(aft. 3 and 8 h.).
250. In the evening, after drinking. hiccup (aft. 6 h.).
Burning on the tongue (immediately).
Coldness in the stomach.
Burning in the stomach (aft. 1 h.).
Painful sensations arising in the stomach and spreading to the spleen and spinal column. [Hb. Ts.]
255. Aching in the region of the floor of the stomach, sometimes intermitting. [Hb. Ts.]
Fixed and aching pain in the region of the stomach, for ten minutes. [Hb. Ts.]
Aching in the stomach and in the region of the solar plexus.[Hb. Ts ]
The stomach seemed alternately to be sometimes as if overloaded, sometimes as if empty, with which latter feeling ravenous hunger was always conjoined. [Hb. Ts ]
Drawing as if the walls of the stomach were distended, sometimes also aching in the stomach.
260. Pains like spasm of the stomach.
Burning, aching, and drawing pains-in the stomach, in the hepatic and splenic regions. [Hb. Ts ]
Increased warmth in the stomach. [Hb Ts.]
Sensation in the stomach as if he had fasted long, as from emptiness, with flat taste in the mouth and exhaustion in all the limbs.( Alternating action with 235, 236, 237.)
With appetite and relish for food and drink, qualmish fasting taste in the mouth.
265. Sensation of fasting about the stomach and debility of the body.
Flabbiness in the stomach; the stomach and bowels seem to him to hang down in a relaxed state (aft. 24 h.).
A peculiar feeling of weakness in the epigastric region and scrobiculus cordis (Comp. 335 and 630. This feeling of weakness in the region of the scrobiculus cordis is a characteristic symptom of ignatia.) (aft. 2 h.).
Aching in the scrobiculus cordis.
Violent shooting in the scrobiculus cordis. [Gss.]
270. Fine shooting in the stomach.
Slow succession of shooting twitching pain in the epigastric region and scrobiculus cordis (aft. 1/2 h.).
First strong then fine shooting in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 1/2 h.).
A pain in the scrobiculus cordis as if it were sore internally, only felt when pressing on it.
Painful aching in the region of the spleen and the floor of the stomach, alternately disappering and recurring. [Hb. Ts.]
275. Shooting and burning in the region of the spleen, recurring several times. [Hb. Ts.]
Aching in the umbilical region. [Hb. Ts.]
Painful sensation as if something passed from the epigastrium up towards the thoracic cavity. [Hb. Ts.]
Stretching pains in the epigastrium (aft. 1 h.). [Hb. Ts.]
Sensation as if the abdominal walls were stretched outwards and the diaphragm upwards; this pain was felt most strongly in the splenic region and posteriorly towards the spinal column, alternately more in one place and then again in another; it also several times extended to the thoracic cavity, changed there into a painful burning; but was chiefly and most violently directed towards the spinal column in the neighbourhood of the solar plexus; eructation of wind diminished this pain. [Hb. Ts.]
280. Pain in the epigastrium as from over-lifting.
An aching in-both sides of the epigastrium or the hypochondria.
A sharp pinching pressure in the scrobiculus cordis and the right sub-costal region (aft.1/2 h.).
A colicky pain as if the bowels would burst in the epigastrium, almost like a gastralgia, which extends into the throat, in the morning in bed, when lying on the side; which goes off by lying on the back( Comp. 48, 62, and note to 599 )(aft. 40 h.).
General pressing in the abdomen towards the anus. [Hb. Ts.]
285. Distension in the umbilical region and cutting there, for a quarter of an hour. [ Hb. Ts.]
Distension of the abdomen. [Hb. Ts.]
Drawing pains in the left lumbar region, lasting a few minutes.[Hb. Ts. ]
Cutting in the umbilical region. [Hb. Ts.]
Cutting pain in the right side of the abdomen. [Hb. Ts.]
290. Cutting and contractive pains in the hypogastrium. [Hb. Ts.]
Considerable cutting in the abdomen, urging him to go to stool, when soft fluid faeces are evacuated. [Hb. Ts.]
Cutting spreading all over the abdomen ending in a diarrhoeic stool. [Hb. Ts.]
Shooting that extended from the epigastrium as it were upwards to the thoracic cavity, but not involving the abdominal organs. [ Hb. Ts. ]
Rumbling and rattling in the abdomen. [Hb. Ts.]
295. Sensation in the abdomen as if a purgative had begun to act.[Hb. Ts.]