Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Inflammation of the left eye (the 2nd d.). [Hb. Ts.]

Swelling of the eyelids; the Meibomian glands excrete much mucus. [Hb. Ts.]

Increased secretion of mucus in both eyes (the 2nd d.). [Hb. Ts.]

Increased secretion of tears. [Hb. Ts.]

100. The objects apparently moved before the eyes. [Hb. Ts.]

Cannot bear the light of the candle(Comp.83.) (aft. 8 h.).

The light of the candle is intolerable to him (aft. 10 h.).

After the midday sleep dimness of vision of the right eye, as if a veil were drawn over it (aft. 6 h.).

A circle of brilliant white, glittering zig-zags beyond the visual point when looking at anything, whereby the letters on which the sight is directed become invisible, but those at the aide are more distinct (104, 105, two alternating actions, very much resembling HERZ’S so-called false vertigo) (aft. 16 h.).

105. A zig-zag like and serpentine white glittering at the aide of the visual point, soon after dinner (aft. 30 h.).

At first contracts the pupils. (106-109, alternating actions; the contraction seems to be first in point of time, and thus has the chief rank.)

The pupils are more capable of dilatation than of contraction (later).

Pupils more easily dilatable and dilated (aft. 4 h.).

The pupils are easily dilated and equally easily contracted.

110. Fine stitches in the cheeks.

Before going to sleep pressure in both zygomatic processes. [Gss.]

Shooting pressure on the zygomatic process, in front of the left ear. [ Gss.]

In the zygomatic process of the left upper maxilla an intermittent, paralytic pressure. [ Gss.]

(Feels a throbbing in the interior of the ear.)

115. Ringing in the ears.

Roaring in the ears. [Hb. Ts.]

Pain in the inner ear.

Stitches in the interior of the ear (aft. 3 h.).

Itching in the meatus auditorius (aft. 3 h.).

120. Music causes an uncommon and agreeable sensation (120 and 121, alternating actions )(aft.2 h.).

Insensibility to music (aft. 30 h.).

Shooting in the lips, especially when they are moved (aft. 1/4 h.).

Shooting in the lower lip, also when it is not moved (aft. 8 h.)

A very penetrating fine shooting on the lower lip on touching a hair of the beard there, as if a splinter had stuck in there (Comp. 533.)

(aft.3 h.).

125. The inner surface of the lower lip is painful, as if it were raw and excoriated (aft. 8, 10 h.).

The internal surface of the lower lip is ulcerated (without pain).

On the inner surface of the lower lip an elevated cutaneous gland become ulcerated, with sore pain (aft. 4 h.).

On the inner surface of the lower lip an elevated little gland, which pains as if excoriated.

The lips are cracked and bleed.

130. One of the commissures of the lips becomes ulcerated (aft. 2 h.).

Pimple-like lumps, only painful when touched, just under the lower lip (aft. 36 h.).

Pressure under both rami of the lower jaw as if the flesh under

The lower jaw were pressed down, when at rest and when moving, [ Gss.]

The lower jaw is involuntarily drawn up and the jaws closed, which impedes him in speaking, for half an hour (aft. J h.). [Fr. H-n.]

The inner side of the gums is painful as if numb, as though it was burnt.( 134, 130 136, 137 seem to be secondary action.)

135. (In the morning) pain of the teeth, as from looseness.

One front tooth is painful as if numb and loose, more painful whenever it is touched by the tongue.

The teeth are loose and painful.

Immovable sore pain in the foremost molars, especially when reading (aft. 3 h.).

Toothache in the molars as if they and their nerves were smashed and crushed.

140. The toothache commences towards the end of a meal and grows worse after the meal.

Routing, digging pains in the incisors, in the evening (aft. 1/2 h.).

Pain in the maxillary joint, in the morning when lying.

The anterior half of the tongue when talking; as if numb–when eating as if burnt or sore.

(In the morning in bed after awaking) the tip of the tongue is extremely painful (sore, tearing) as if it were burnt or wounded.

145. An acrid feeling on the tip of the tongue, as if it were excoriated.

Fine shooting on the extreme tip of the tongue (aft. 2 h.).

Needle-pricks at the frenum. of the tongue. [Fr. H-n.]

He is apt to bite on one side of the tongue posteriorly when speaking or chewing (aft. 5, 8, 30 h.).

Painful swelling of the orifice of the salivary duct.

150. When chewing he is apt to bite on the inside of the cheek near the orifice of the salivary duct.

Sensation in the palate as if it were excoriated (as from frequent swallowing of the saliva.).( Comp. 164, 166, 167.)

Sensation as if the palate were swollen or covered with viscid mucus (aft. 4 h.).

Stitches in the palate extending info the internal ear (aft.1.5 h.).

Sensation as if the whole surface of the inside of the mouth were about to become excoriated. [Hb. Ts.]

155. Aching and drawing in the sublingual glands. [Hb. Ts.]

Difficulty of swallowing food and drink. [Hb. Ts.]

Stitches in the throat, when not swallowing; when swallowing feeling as if swallowing over a bone, during which it jerks (If there is an alternating action of ignatia where it produces a sore throat with shooting when swallowing (though I have never observed such a symptom), it must be of very rare occurrence, and hence of very little use from a curative point of view (aft. 3 h.).

Needle-pricks in quick succession, deep in the throat, when not swallowing.

Shooting when swallowing deep down in the oesophagus, which goes off on continuing to swallow and returns when not swallowing.

160. Sore throat : stitches in the throat when not swallowing. and to a certain degree when swallowing; the more he swallows, the more it goes off; when he has swallowed something solid, such as bread, it seemed as if the shooting went off entirely.

Sore throat : stitches that are not, present whilst swallowing.

Sensation as if a plug were sticking in the oesophagus, observed when not swallowing.

(In the evening) choking (contractive) sensation in the middle of the oesophagus, as if a large morsel or a plug (See note to 61) were sticking there, felt more when not swallowing than when doing so (aft. 4 h.).

Sore throat, like a lump of knob in the throat, which pains as if excoriated when swallowing. (Comp. 166. The ignatia sore throat, in which there is felt, when not swallowing, internal swelling of the throat, like a lump, is generally attended by only sore pain m this lump when swallowing; and the sore throat must be of this description which ignatia (when the other symptoms correspond) will remove, and under such circumstances it will be rapidly and certainly cured by ignatia.) (aft. 16 h.).

165. Aching in the throat.

Sore throat : the throat is painful as if it were raw and excoriated (aft. 1.5h.).

Pain in the throat, as from excoriation, only observed when swallowing.

Sore throat : tearing pain at the larynx, which is increased by swallowing, breathing,, and coughing (aft. 1.5 h.).

Formication in the oesophagus (aft. 1, 2 h.).

170. Shooting in the throat on one side, in the parotid gland, when not swallowing (aft. 20 h.).

Pain in the neck when touched, as if glands were swollen there.

Aching pain in the cervical glands (submaxillary glands).

In the anterior submaxillary gland pain as if it were compressed from without. (On moving the neck and at other times. See also note to 61)

Painful submaxillary gland. after walking in the open air.

175. Pain in the gland beneath the angle of the lower jaw on moving the neck (aft. 18 h.).

First aching then drawing pain in the submaxillary glands (aft. 4 h.).

Drawing pain in the submaxillary glands, which extends into the jaws, whereupon these glade swell (aft. 5 h.).

Taste in the mouth as if the stomach were deranged.

Symptoms of impeded or weak digestion.

Consequently I have never been able to cure a sore throat with ignatia, even when the other symptoms resembled those of this drug, in which there was shooting only when swallowing; but, on the other hand, when stitches in the throat were only felt when not swallowing, ignatia cured, and that the more certainly, more quickly and more permanently when the other morbid symptoms could be covered by similar ignatia symptoms.

180. The mouth is always full of mucus.

The inside of the mouth is covered with ill-smelling mucus in the morning on awaking.

The salivary glands excreted a perfectly white frothy saliva in great quantity. [Hb. Ts.]

Increased secretion of saliva. [Hb. Ts.]

Chalky taste. [Hb. Ts.]

185. Flat, insipid taste, as if chalk had been eaten (aft. 1/2 h.). [Hb. Ts.]

After eating (morning and noon) watery, flat taste in the mouth as from deranged or overloaded stomach (aft. 16 h.).

The taste of what has been taken especially of beer, is bitter and putrid.

Beer tastes bitter (aft. 8 h.),

Beer tastes flat, stale and flavourless (aft. 2, 5 h.).

190. Beer easily goes into the head and causes intoxication (aft. 3 h ).

At first the taste is bitter, afterwards (aft. 10 h.) sour, with sour eructation.

Sour taste of the saliva (a sour taste in the mouth) (aft. 1, 6 h.).

Dislike to acids (aft. 1st h.).

Appetite for sour things (194, 197 ate alternating: actions with 193, 196, 328 )(aft. 10 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.