In the evening darkness before the eyes; he got an aching pain over the orbits, and some blood dropped out of the nose.

Pain externally on the head, as if blood were extravasated; the hairs are painful to the touch.

30. Earthy complexion, with blue spots on the face.

Earthy jaundiced complexion.

Paleness of the face and lips. (Effects of uterine haemorrhage induced by iron, not of the metal itself.) [RITTER, l. c.]

In the evening itching in the eyes and aching as from a grain of sand in them.

For five days, red eyes with burning pains (aft. 3 d.).

35. Burning in the eyes.

The eyes are painful, as when one is very sleepy, and they tend to close; also burning in them.

An aching in the right eye; the eyelids stick together at night.

When he writes for only a couple of hours, he is unable to open the eyes wide; they become watery, as if he had not slept enough.

Redness and swelling of the upper and lower eyelids; in the upper a kind of stye filled with pus; the lower eyelids are full of eye-gum (purulent mucus).

40. (Shooting in the left eye.)

The pupils are only capable of slight dilatation.

In the evening on stooping some bleeding from the nose.

Bleeding from the left nostril(four times in ten hours.)

Painfulness of the left auricle, as if there were an ulcer on it. (aft. 12 h.).

45. Stitches in the right ear, in the morning (aft. 12 h.).

Rushing in the ears, which, as well as the disagreeable feeling in the brain, is relieved by laying the head down on the table.

Stinging before the ears, as from crickets.

Pale lips.

At the back and on the middle of the tongue a continued painfulness, like fine uninterrupted pricks, which is aggravated by the contact of the food and drink; when not eating and drinking the part has the feeling as if it had been burnt, and is numb and stiff.

50.(Swelling of the gums and cheeks.)

(Rough and sore throat with hoarseness.)

(On swallowing, an aching with sore sensation in the gullet, as if blisters had been crushed there and so the part had become sore.)

(Sometimes a sensation as from a plug in the throat, when not swallowing, not whilst swallowing.)

On swallowing, aching pain in the throat, with heat in the fauces; the cervical muscles feel stiff, and are painful when moved.

55. Sensation as of constriction in the throat.

Chronic glandular swelling in the neck.

Very great nausea in the throat, as if vomiting would ensue; it ended with eructation. [Gss.]

As soon as she eats something it is ejected by vomiting.

Vomiting only of food, immediately after eating, for eight days.

60. When she eats something she heaves, like nausea from loathing. The vomiting is before midnight, worst when she is lying, and especially when she lies on the side.

Vomiting of food, immediately after midnight, whereupon there follow dislike to food and repugnance to the open air (aft. 6 h.).

She vomits every morning and after eating, only mucus and water (not food); a kind of water-brash; the water runs from the mouth and the throat feels as if drawn together.

She has always loathing and nausea.

65. Inclination to vomit for three hours.

Everything she vomits is sour and acrid.

She vomits much after taking acids and beer.

After sourish beer (in the evening) heart-burn.

Beer gets into her head.

70. From beer-soup, heat and anxiety.

Anorexia without bad taste and without thirst.

(She became pale, had rumbling in the abdomen; the chest was squeezed together, a rushing up to the head; she got spasmodic violent eructation, then heat in the face, especially in the right cheek, and pain in the crown of the head like shooting.)

Constant eructation, as soon as she has eaten anything.

Little appetite, least of all for meat; he felt full.

75. He eats with normal appetite and taste at noon; but after eating there comes eructation in jerks and the food is belched up, without nausea or inclination to vomit.

After a walk such a feeling of fulness, as though he would eructate; this went off after eating.

As soon as she eats anything it oppresses her.

Aching, very acute pain in the stomach. [SCHMIDTMULLER, (From very fine iron powder.) in Horn’s Archiv, ix, 2.]

Violent stomachache and extraordinary tension. [ZACCHIROLL, (From some grains of iron filings.) in Kuhn’s Magazin fur Arzneimittelehre, I, St., Chemnitz, 1794.]

80. Distension of the gastric region. [SCHMIDTMULLER, l. c.]

Spasms in the stomach. [NEBEL and WEPFER, Diss. de Medicamentis Chalybeatis, Heildelb, 1771. (Not accessible.)]

An aching in the abdomen, immediately below the stomach, as soon as she has eaten or drunk anything.

After drinking and eating violent stomachache.

Cramp-like pain in the stomach.

85. Stomachache from eating butcher’s meat.

He can only eat bread and butter; butcher’s meat does not agree with him.

Solid foods taste too dry, as if they had neither juice nor strength in them; they have, certainly, the natural taste, but it is not pleasant; he prefers thin warm articles of food.

He has no appetite, because he always feels satiated; but drinks taste well, and are taken with relish.

Even when she has appetite, she can eat but little; she is immediately full, and food oppresses her.

90. After dinner he is thirsty, but he does not know for what.

Complete adipsia.

He feels very full.

(In the morning, sourish taste in the mouth.)

Everything she eats tastes bitter.

95. Sweetish taste in the mouth, as of blood. (With SS. 157 and 181.) [RITTER, l. c.]

Sometimes an earthy taste in the mouth.

In the afternoon, a putrid taste rises up into the mouth, which destroys all his appetite.

When he has slept an hour before midnight, a heat rises as from his abdomen; the mouth becomes dry, and a nauseous vapour and putrid taste rise up into his mouth.

(Burning in the stomach.)

100. The scrobiculus cordis is painful when touched.

Some stitches in the abdomen.

Fine shooting pain in the abdomen.

A severe stitch in the side, beneath the ribs(aft. 24 h.).

Quiet swelling of the abdomen, without flatulent sufferings.

105. Great rumbling in the abdomen by day and night.

Hard distension of the abdomen.

Distension of the abdomen. [SCHMIDTMULLER, l. c.]

A quantity of flatus passes away. [LENTIN, Beitr., p. 75. (Symptoms not found.) ]

Violent contractive pains in the abdomen and back. [RITTER, l. c.]

110. Colicky pains (immediately). [RITTER, l. c.]

(On touching the abdomen, and on coughing, the bowels are painful as if bruised, or as if they were irritated by purgatives.) (aft. 36 h.).

Especially when walking, painful heaviness of the hypogastric intestines, as if they would fall down.

Contractive spasm in the rectum, for some minutes.

Itching and erosion in the rectum, and thread-worms pass away in the slimy stool.

115. The thread-worms seem to be increased by it; he cannot sleep at night on account of itching in the rectum; the worms crept out at the anus at night. (From drinking Pyrmont waters.)

Obstinate constipation. [RITTER, l. c.]

Constipation and piles, which cause painful pressure during stool.

Tearing in the rectum.

With every stool mucus, and also some discharge of blood.

120. Protrusion of large at the anus.

Violent discharge of blood from piles. [RITTER, l. c. ]

Frequent urging to stool with burning at the anus and backache during movement.

Frequent diarrhoea.

Diarrhoeic stool. [Fr.H-n.]

125. Diarrhoea with nervous spasmodic pains in the abdomen, back and anus. [RITTER, l. c.]

Severe diarrhoea. [LENTIN, l. c.]

Frequent, diarrhoeic stools. [RITTER, l. c.]

Violent purging. [RITTER, l. c.]

Involuntary emission of urine, especially by day.

130. Erections of the penis.

Erections of the penis by day, almost without cause.

Nocturnal seminal emission.

(When urinating, burning pain in the urethra, as if the urine ran out hot.)

(Clap) discharge of mucus from the urethra after a chill.

135. Leucorrhoea, like milky water, which (at first) scalded and excoriated.

A previously painless leucorrhoea became painful, as if the parts were excoriated.

Before the occurrence of the menses, discharge of long strings of mucus from the womb, during which she had pain going about in the abdomen, such as usually occurred during the menses.

Painfulness of the vagina during coitus.

Before the appearance of the menses, shooting headache and singing in the ears.

140. In the morning bearing-down pains in the abdomen, as if the menses were coming on (aft. 12 h.).

The menses, which were due, came on immediately after the chalybeate bath, and twice as profusely as usual. (This is the primary action of iron; the following symptoms are secondary actions, hence it is only in those cases of suppressed menstruation, in which the other symptoms are in homoeopathic accordance with iron, that this metal can be curative.)

The menses cease for two or three days and then reappear.

Metrorrhagia. [RITTER, l. c.]

The menses come on one day later, little and watery blood comes away with severe cutting in the abdomen (aft. 6 d.).

145. Menses delayed some days beyond the proper time.

The menses are delayed for eight weeks.

The menses are absent for three years. (During continued use of chalybeate water.)

Prolapsus of the vagina, only during pregnancy, not otherwise.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.