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Contractive pains in the sternum itself; they are increased by bending forward the head and upper part of the body (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Bch.]

250. Sensation as if raw in the chest and stitches in it.

When raising up the body tension on the left side of the chest, as if that part were contracted. [Fz.]

When sitting in a bent position pressure on the lower part of the chest; the breathing is shorter and not enough; he cannot hold his breath long but must quickly breathe again. [Fz.]

Breath drawn with difficulty, slowly and deeply. [Rkt.]

Tension on the chest and pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, which often forces him to take a deep inspiration. [Rkt.]

255. For many days a painful tightness of chest; he must often draw a deep breath, and yet he felt as if he had not breathed in sufficient air, especially when sitting. [Stf.]

Drawing pain in the middle of the sternum when walking. [Fz.]

Pressive drawing on the chest when coughing. [Fz.]

From violent exertion of the arm he gets immediately cutting pressure on the opposite side of the chest, anteriorly in the region of the third rib, externally. [Fz.]

Great heat on the chest, as if he stood undressed in front of the warm stove, soon followed by coldness about the chest. [Hbg.]

260. On the right, above the scrobiculus cordis, sharp stitches. [Gss.]

Eroding, itching pricking synchronous with the pulse in the left side, close above the scrobiculus cordis. [Gss.]

Below the right axilla, under the ribs, obtuse (squeezing) stitches. [Gss.]

On blowing the nose, pain in the sacrum as if bruised.

In the left side of the loins eroding itching, compelling him to scratch. [ss.]

265. In the left side, in the region of the lumbar vertebrae, drawing cutting pain, which is relieved by pressing on it with the hand. [Fz.]

Drawing in the pine, the limbs, and fingers as sometimes after a chill. [Rkt.]

In the first dorsal vertebrae a sensation like a blow (aft. 2 h.). [Hbg.]

In the junction of the first dorsal and last cervical vertebrae, the joint pains as if excoriated on bending forward the neck, but not on touching.

(Eruption of pimples on the back.)

270. Cutting pain, with numbness of the skin, in the upper part of the nape, which comples the head to be drawn backwards, whereby it appears to him as if a soft dead part were jammed in between the joint, that did not allow the head to be bent backwards. [Fz.]

Tearing under the right scapula. [Gss.]

Obtuse stitches betwixt the scapulae.

Voluptuous itching in the axilla. [Fz.]

On moving the arms tensive aching pain of the muscles of the arm and shoulder. [Stf.]

275. Paralytic weakness in the left arm; he could scarcely raise it up or close the fingers to make a fist without pain. [Hbg.]

On the right arm a sore burning.

Heaviness in the left arm, also felt when at rest.

In the left upper arm a burning shooting sensation. [Hbg.]

A painful twitching beating in the flesh of the upper arm and thigh.

280. Tearing stitches on the right upper arm when walking (aft. 74 h.). [Lr.]

Needle-pricks on the lower part of the left upper arm, continuing on moving it. [Rkt.]

Tingling sensation on the inner side of the right elbow-joint, as if the arm would go to sleep, ans as if the nerve were somewhat pressed (aft. ½ h.), and the same sensation there on touching this part (aft. 18 h.). [Rkt.]

In the middle of the shaft of the ulna paralytic pain, on extending the arm and when it lies outstretched. [Fz.]

The right hand, together with the fingers, greatly swollen at night; the swelling lasted three hours (aft. 22 h.). [Myr.]

285. Above the right wrist-joint on the back of the ulna, a pinching and squeezing sharp shooting. [Gss.]

Severe stitches in the muscles of the right forearm (aft. ½ h.). [Lr.]

Paralytic tearing in the bones of the right wrist. [Gss.]

Severe tearing on the right forearm, more externally, when at rest and when moving (aft. 32 h.). [Lr.]

On the back of the hand a kind of miliary eruption without sensation.

290. An itching on the back of the hand, mostly at night.

Paralytic tearing in the right metcarpal bones (aft. 8 h.). [Gss.]

Spasmodic stitches in the ball of the left thumb, when at rest and when moving (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]

Twitching paralytic tearing in the right index, front and back. [Gss.]

Paralytic tearing in the finger-joints, when at rest and when moving. [Gss.]

295. Involuntary twitching of the left index, which is drawn outwards by it. [Fz.]

Burning shooting on the left thumb just above the nail, which is much aggravated by pressing on it. [Fz.]

The nates go to sleep in the evening when sitting, and become as if quite dead. [Fz.]

Slow drawing above the nates. [Fz.]

After sitting (in a carriage) great stiffness in the joints of the lower extremities, which went off by walking.

300. On the upper anterior part of the thigh an eroding itching. [Gss.]

On the thigh, somewhat above the left knee towards the outside, sharp stitches (aft. ¼ h.). [Gss.]

Aching drawing in the anterior muscles of the thigh. [Fz.]

Drawing on the inside of the thigh, when sitting, and on the inner side of the left foot, when it hangs free and is not supported. [Fz.]

Pressure in the right thigh on its anterior aspect of a pressivdrawing character, that gradually increased and then diminished. [Hbg.]

305. On crossing the lower extremities on over the other, cutting sensation in the thigh, which goes off on uncrossing them. [Fz.]

Cramp-like drawing in the muscles above the hough when sitting, which goes off after walking a little. [Fz.]

When he moves the knees after lying, on commencing to move, the thighs and legs and sacrum are painful, as if bruised.

Painless stiffness on the outer condyle of the knee-joint, as from internal swelling, with sensation of coldness. [Fz.]

On going upstairs a sensation in the knees as from great fatigue. [Bch.]

310. Under the left knee, on the outer side of the tibia, sharp stitches, during movement and when at rest (aft. 1 h.). [Gss.]

When walking tired pain in the knees and tibiae, as after a long walk. [Bch.]

Prostration n all thelimbs, especially the feet, in the joints, as after a long journey.

Twitching of the muscles under the left hough synchronous with the pulse, which goes off on touching, [Fz.]

Tension in the houghs, which does not permit them to be straightened. [Fz.]

315. In the left leg a heaviness, just as if it were in the shaft of the tibia, that hinders him in walking.

Drawing on the shaft of the left tibia, as if a part were torn out there. [Fz.]

Constant stretching of the legs, compelled by the weariness. [Hbg.]

When standing the left leg has sore pain, and as if shattered. [Fz.]

Burning in the right calf as soon as he lays it over the other leg. [Fz.]

320. The ankle-joint pains on extending it, as if over-stretched. [Fz.]

Eroding itching above the outer ankle of the foot. [Gss.]

An itching on the dorsum of the right foot, chiefly at night.

In the evening painful sharp stitches in the right sole, so that the whole lower extemity twitches. [Fz.]

Penetrating pain in the joints.

325. After the midday sleep all the joints are painful, as if broken on the wheel.

General soreness of the whole body. [PENKIVIL, l. c.]

(In the warm room the sufferings seem to be increased.) [Stf.]

The epidermis of the body scales off. [VON HALLER, in Vicat’s Mat. Medorrhinum, I, p. 112. (Statement from authors.) ]

Tearing, burning (and slightly itching), sow stitches on various parts of the body.

330. Eroding itching on various parts of the body, which compelled him to scratch, whereby it remits somewhat, but soon recurs. [Gss.]

When, during the eroding itching on almost all parts of the body he does not scratch it usually becomes ever more severe, an at last develops to intolerable burning needle-pricking, that at one time declines, at another returns in greater intensity. [Gss.]

Pain on the affected part. [QUARIN, l. c.]

Weakness and weariness of the lower exrtemities, with trembling sensation. [Rkt.]

335. exhaustion, powerlessness, and paralytic weakness of the lower exrtemities, withour pain. [Hbg.]

Laziness and heaviness of the limbs. [MOSSMANN, Essays, l. c.]

On rising from bed in the morning, lazy and tired. [Ln.]

Sinking of the vital powers.

Weakness, sinking of the strength. [WITHERING, l. c.]

340. Sudden sinking of the strength, with general sweat, and, some hours afterwards, cough.

Sudden exrteme exhaustion, as if he should lose consciousness (after the midday meal) with general heat and perspiration, without thirst.

All his muscles are relaxed; he feels as if he had not slept enough. [Fz.]

Frequent exhaustion; she must go to bed because sitting up fatigues her. [PENKIVIL, l. c.]

Extreme lagour. [MACLEAN, l. c.]

345. Considerable degree of langour and vertigo, with intermitting pulse. [DRAKE, l. c., p. 132.]

General loss of power. [LETTSOM, l. c.]

General weakness, as if all parts of the body were exhausted (aft. 2 h.). [Hbg.]

(Fatal) apoplexy. [SHERWIN, ((From an overdose. The reporter writes: “he was suddenly and unexpectedly carried off with all the draeful distress and jacitation which an overdose of digitalis sometimes produces. His death was pretty generally ascribed to apoplexy, and was indeed truly apoplectic.”) in Phys. Medorrhinum Journ., 1801, Jul.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.