Sharp stitches in the navel. [Gss.]
A persistent stitch in the left infracostal region, with sensation, especially during expiration, as if the surrounding parts were gone asleep. [Fz.]
(While eating) above and to the right of the navel obtuse, as it were, squeezing stitches. [Gss.]
Single stitches and pinching in the abdomen, sometimes with paroxysms of sick feeling (aft. 24 h.). [Rkt.]
160. Pinching in the hypogastrium, as from a purgative (aft. ½ h.). [Myr.]
Flying needle-pricks in the whole abdomen. [Gss.]
Fine stitches in the right side of the abdomen on expiration, when standing and walking. (aft. 58 h.). [Lr.]
Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, during expiration, while sitting, in the morning (aft. 75 h.). [Lr.]
Single fine shooting in the left side of the abdomen, when at rest and during movement, which was increased on expiration (aft. 88 h.). [Lr.]
165. Just above the umbilical region digging, aching, shooting internally (aft. 10 m.). [Gss.]
Shooting in the bend of the groin when walking. [Fz.]
Tearing pains about the navel, in the morning (aft. 8 h.).
When walking shooting tearing in the umbilical region. [Fz.]
In the evening cutting tearing in the abdomen, as from a chill, especially when rising up from a seat, with aching pain in the vertex. [Fz.]
170. Cutting in the whole of the epigastrium and hypogastrium. [Gss.]
Under the third left false rib a part that is painful, as if all inside were lacerated. [Fz.]
Twitching tearing from the pubes to the left groin, on leaning the body backwards. [Fz.]
Simple pain, as from excoriation, in the left inguinal ring, as if a hernia would come out (aft. 6 h.).
In the bend of the groin (in the tendon of the psoas muscle that becomes prominent on moving), almost only when walking, pressive tension; when pressed on it is painful, as if a hard body lay under the skin, which increased the pressure. [Fz.]
175. Drawing cramp anteriorly in the bend of the right groin, which after moving the tendon of the psoas muscle is increased, and becomes, as it were, throbbing, and then continues even when sitting. [Fz.]
Aching, rumbling, gurgling in the abdomen. [Gss.]
Colic-like rumbling and rolling in the abdomen, for half an hour.
Flatulence and discharge of flatus. [Rkt.]
Noises in the abdomen, without sensation of flatulence therein, and without discharge of flatus. [Bch.]
180. Tension of the skin on the abdomen when he raises himself up. [Fz.]
The abdomen is painful, as if ulcerated, when moving, but not when touched. [Fz.]
Forcing downwards and boring anteriorly in the left side of the abdomen. [Fz.]
In the left side of the abdomen sensation as if something were forcing itself through. [Fz.]
Urging to stool. [Hbg.]
185. Before stool, chilliness.
After constipation for forty-eight hours there occurred a quite soft, yellow stool, without suffering. [Fz.]
Ash-coloured diarrhoea, as in jaundice. [SCHEMANN, l. c.]
After vomiting four times, faintness, followed by violent diarrhoea of an ash-coloured pappy matter, as in jaundice. [MEYER, in Richter’s Chir. Bibl., v., p. 532. (Effect of digitalis given for mammary scirehus.) ]
Jaundice. (This indeed occurred in several of Withering’s patients, but always in the natural sequnce of their maladies, and never traceable to digitalis.) [WITHERING, l. c.]
190. Diarrhoea.
Purging. [WITHERING, l. c.]
Thin stool. [Hbg.]
First two or three thin stools (aft. 24 h.), then constipation in the morning; and only in the evening evacuation with many threadwotms (aft. 55 h.). [Stf.]
After seventy-two hours the stool became quite soft and liquid and also much more frequent. [Fz.]
195. For several days two ot three stools. [Lr.]
Violent diarrhoea. [LENTIN, – BAYLIES, l. c.]
Painful purging for three or four days. [WITHERING, l. c.]
Bellyache, more tearing than shooting, in the morning in bed, followed by two attacks of diarrhoea anf thereafter urging to stool in the rectum.
Diarrhoea with cutting in the abdomen. [Bch.]
200. Several diarrhoeic stools, preceded by cutting in the abdomen (aft. 8 h. and longer). [Bch.]
Diarrhoea of faeces mixed with mucus, preceded by bellyache, sometimes pressive, sometimes cutting (aft. 6 – 8 h.), which went off each time he went to stool. [Bch.]
Almost incurable dysenteries. (As in note to S. 94.) [BOERHAVE, Rar. Morb. Historioe, Jenae, 1771, hist. 308.]
He passes stool and urine involuntarily.
In the left renal region a fine shooting, when sitting. [Hbg.]
205. Urging to urinate (aft. ½ h.). [Hbg.]
Retention of urine. (Rather,”suppression.” It lastednearly three days.) [HENRY, l. c.]
Straining, ineffectual urging to pass urine. [MANGOLD, in Horn’s Archiv f. pr. Medorrhinum, l, p. 141. (Not accessible.) ]
A contractive pain in the urinary bladder, whilst urinating; the urine was evacuated with difficulty owing to this pain. [Ln.]
The first day he only passes urine twice and but little, but without suffering; after forty-eight hours the urine becomes much more copious and accompanied by cutting drawing in the bladder. [Fz.]
210. Diuresis.
She must get up every night to pass urine.
Frequent urging to urinate; the urine only comes away by drops, with burning sensation in the urethra and the region of the glans; the urine had a reddish appearance (aft. 3 h.). [Myr.]
The urine commences to be passed less frequently, but in greater quantity and with less burning (aft. 20 h.). [Myr.]
At night constant urging to urinate, and when he got up to make water, he had dizziness and vertigo (aft. 12 h. and beyond till morning). [Myr.]
215. Without urging to urinate, dark urine, which on standing grew redder and cloudy (aft. 14 h.). [Bch.]
After the diuresis, retention of urine, then nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. (This is a very rare alternating action of foxglove, and only happens from excessive doses. Much more frequent and usual is the difficulty of urinating in the primary action of this medicine, see – 205 – 209, 212, and 222, owing to which it can be not unfrequently of great use homoeopathically in dropsical diseases, which it can be not unfrequently of great use homoeopathically in dropsical diseases, which are accompanied by similar difficulty with regard to the urinary secretion and other symptoms of a similar character only in the primary action of foxglove. The copious, often involuntary, passing urine occuring during the use of foxglove, see 213, 214, 217 to 220, and diuresis 210, are only secondary action and reaction of the organism after the above – mentioned primary action.) [WITHERING, l. c.]
While urinating, in the moddle of the urethra, a pressing (burning) sensation, as if the urethra were too narrow, which, however, goes off on continuing to urinate.
During the diuresis and diarrhoea small quick pulse, whilst the hands and feet are icy cold. [WITHERING, l. c.]
The urine is acrid. (Not found.) [WITHERING, l. c.]
225. Inflammation of the neck of the bladder. [DON. MONRO, in Samml. f. pr. Aerzte, xiii, p. 2. (Effect of digitalis given for dropsy. – Literally, “urging to urinate even to inflammation of the bladder.”) ]
Several times in the night sensation as if pollutions would occur, but none came; in the morning a sticky moisture at the mouth of the urethra.
In the right testicle a pain as if contused.
In the morning, with some coryza, stoppage of the nose (aft. 73 h.). [Lr.]
Coryza and cough to a great degree; he could scarcely speak for coryza.
230. In the morning he is hoarse.
After a night-sweat, in the morning such great hoarseness, that he could not speak.
In the morning mucus adheres in the larynx, which is easily detached, but when he wishes to cough it up it generally gets into the fauces, so that he must swallow it. [Gss.]
In the morning expectoration of mucus by voluntary hacking cough, (aft. 73 h.). [Lr.]
The irritation to cough extends to the palate
235. A dry dull cough, as from tickling in the trachea. [Stf.]
(After a meal the cough is so severe that he vomits his food.)
(About 12 p.m. cough and sweat.)
Dry cough which excites tensive aching pains in the arm and shoulder (aft. 26 h.). [Stf.]
Pain in the chest, which makes the cough difficult. [BRADIS, in Schiemann, l. c., p. 6 (A standing symptom with the patient.) ]
240. In the morning, after rising, tightness of the chest, with dry cough.
Expectoration from the lungs coloured with blood. (A standing symptom with the patient.) [PENKIVIL, l. c.]
At every breath sensation as if he were electrified. [SACKENREUTER, in Annalen der Heilkunde, 1811, March. (Not accessible.) ]
Palpitation of the heart.
245. Almost audible, strong heart’s beats, with anxiety and contractive pains under the sternum. [Bch.]
Aching (pressing contractive) heart’s beats, with anxiety and spasmodic pains in the sternum and under the ribs, which are increased by bending forward the head and upper part of the body (aft. ½ h.). [Bch.]
In the right side of the chest a strong perceptible beating as from an artery synchronus with the pulse (aft. ½ h.). [Hbg.]
Painful suffocating constriction of the chest, as if its internal parts were all grown together especially in the morning on awaking, owing to which he must quickly sit upright.