215. (Retention of the urine for 10 minutes.)

Watery urine (aft. 2.1/3 h.).

(He passes at very short intervals a great quantity of watery urine and the urging is constantly renewed, on account of fulness of the bladder.) [Gss.]

Frequent urging to urinate, every quarter of an hour, with discharge of very little urine, for 30 hours (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

During the urging to pass water, pain in the urethra. [Hbg.]

220. Pricking itching in the forepart of the urethra (aft. 13 h.0. [We.]

Tensive aching pain in the urethral orifice when not urinating (aft. 1 h.).

Shooting pain in the urethra (aft. 12 h.).

Shooting pain at the end of the prepuce.

Itching on the scrotum.

225. Itching in the scrotum.

Itching burning in the scrotum. [Hnl.]

Violent pains in both testicles as if bruised, especially when touched (8th d.). [Hnl.]

Shooting pain in one of the testicles.

Drawing pains in the testicles.

230. Catamenia seven days too soon, with distension of the abdomen, and cutting contractive pain in the abdomen at every movement and every breath; at the same time a contraction in the rectum (aft. 48 h.).

Catamenia eight days too soon with distension of the abdomen and a pain in the epigastrium, not only at every movement – every step gives pain – but also while sitting, as if the internal pats suffered a sharp pressure from a stone; the parts are painful on external pressure as if there was an ulcer internally.



The catamenia, which had ceased for a year, come on immediately in 2 cases. [Ts. Hb.]

235. Excitation of the genitals and inclination for coitus.

Increased sensitiveness of the genital organs. [Hnl.]

Nocturnal emission of semen (aft. 6 h.).

In the night relaxed genital organs and prepuce retracted behind the glans (aft. 12 h.).

Sneezing. [Gss.-We.]

240. Sneezing.

When walking in the open air, he cannot sneeze.

(She blows bloody mucus from the nose.)

Pain in the anterior angle of the nostril at the point of the nose, especially on touching it.

Severe coryza all day. [Lr.]

245. In the left nostril pain as from an ulcer, when not touched.

Violent coryza for four days.

Viscid mucus adheres to the larynx and compels him to cough and hawk.

Irritation to cough in the upper part of the larynx.

Cough that strains him much on account of an oppression of the chest, that comes on every time when he begins to cough (in 48 h.) [Fg.]

250. In the evening in bed irritation to cough in the back of the larynx; the cough always consists of two impulses.

In a quartan type, every four night, about 12 o’clock, also at coughing it feels as if the glottis were not wide enough.

A suffocating sensation, as if something were there that takes away the breath; the glottis is constricted. [Ts.Hb.]

Audible rattling as if in the left side of the chest, as from an emptiness there, especially perceptible on walking (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]

255. She has no breath, must always breathe short, gasp. [Ts. Hb.]

Tightness of the chest and difficult respiration. [Hbg.]

Tensive constriction of the right side of the chest, which oppresses the breathing (aft. ½ h.).

Oppression of the chest especially in the upper part of the sternum, which impedes respiration (aft. 4 h.).

A whistling, snoring breathing, oppressed almost to suffocation, especially the inspiration; very slow breathing alternates with complete cessation of respiration, and the face is swollen as in apoplexy.

260. (Rawness and sore feeling in the chest.)

Aching pain in the middle of the sternum with anxiety, afterwards shooting pain in the sternum (aft. 3 h.).

In the middle of the sternum a pain as if a blunt instrument were pressed on it. [Gss.]

In the sternum a sudden pressure, as if from a push with the fist. [Hbg.]

On bending the body towards the right side, when sitting and standing, a dull drawing pain in the right side of the chest as long as the bending is continued. [Hnl.]

265. Reading aloud fatigues his chest to such a degree that he cannot continue reading without great effort. [Hnl.]

265. Reading aloud fatigues his chest to such a degree that he cannot continue reading without great effort. [Hnl.]

Stitches in the interior of the chest synchronous with the pulse, when sitting, lasting continuously for a quarter of an hour. [Bhr.]

When walking, an extraordinary violent stitch through the left side of the chest as far as the back. [Hnl.]

Anteriorly on the right false ribs intermittent blunt stitches. [Gss.]

Fine shooting pain in the right side of the chest (aft. 2 h.). [Hbg.]

Stitches in the right side (aft. 3 h.).

Stitches in the left side (aft. 3 h.0.

Fine stitches in both nipples (aft. ½ h.).

275. Shudder over the breasts (aft. 1/8 h.).

Some stitches in the left side of the chest, near the scrobiculus cordis, in the evening (aft. 24 h.).

In the articulations of the thorax, and in all the vertebrae, a penetrating pain, as if they were dislocated or spasmodically contracted, particularly when moving (aft. 20 h.).

A paralytic pain in the sacrum like weak back.

A paralytic pain in the sacrum with spasmodic drawing over the hips, which hindered him greatly when walking, with anxious timid disposition.

280. In the lumbar region, paralytic aching pain. [Gss.]

Bruised pain in the bones of the sacrum, not increased by touching.

Through the abdomen out to the lower part of the back, several stitches in the morning on bed.

Trembling in the back.

An itching in the back, in the evening after undressing, with an eruption of red pimples.

285. in the side through to the back a drawing pain when talking, walking, and stooping; when lying the drawing becomes worse for a few minutes; then goes off completely.

Aching pains in the back, especially on his left side (when sitting) (aft. 5 h.). [Lr.]

Drawing pains in the back.

Tearing pains in the back.

Boring pains in the back.

290. Pain in the back when standing, as if over-tired or sprained (aft. 12 h.0.

Paiin the spine as if it were broken.

Tearing pain betwixt the shoulders and spine, in the evening before going to bed. (aft. 26 h.0.

Immediately beneath the left scapula, drawing pains when standing and lying, worst in the morning(aft. 6 h.). [Fg.]

Under the left scapula intemittent aching paralytic pain, when at rest. [Gss.]

295. When he moves the shoulders, his back feels stiff and painful. [Gss.]

Shooting pain in the nape on moving the head backwards and forwards. [Hnl.]

Stitches in the scapulae from right to left.

Pressure in the scapulae from right to left.

Pressure in the scapulae and nape.

Painful cracking of the cervical vertebrae when moving the head.

300. After a meal, on raising the arm, a very severe drawing pain in the shoulder-joint and the shafts of the bones of the arm; on touching the parts they pain as if bruised and crushed.

In the shoulder-joint and in the muscles of the upper arm single stitches when at rest (aft. 1 h.).

Itching pricking in the left axilla, as from a flea. [Hnl.]

Under the shoulder a pimple which itches under the bed-clothes. [Hbg.]

Under the right shoulder, a sort of living crawling and throbbing, and a burning which extends to the fingers (aft. 1 h.).

305. In the shoulder and elbow-joints; as also in the shaft of the humerous between them, a pain compounded of crushing, tearing, and shooting, which is intolerable when at rest, with a sensation of heaviness; he dreads moving the arm and yet at rest, with a sensation of heaviness; he dreads moving the arm and yet the pain is alleviated by moving (aft. 5 h.).

Paroxysms of burning pain in the left arm.

Conclusions of the arms with the thumb turned into the fist.

During and after a meal, suffering in the arms as if asleep and paralysed (aft. 4 h.). [Hbg.]

During violent movement of the arms an acute paralytic pain, as if its bones were broken in two. [Gss.]

When he raises the upper arm it pains as if it was broken. [Gss.]

The shaft of humeri, just above the elbows, are as if bruised and have paralytic pains when moved. [Gss.]

The arm on which he lies in bed pains as if bruised. [Gss.]

315. In the shaft of the left humerus, a digging (undulatory drawing) bruised pain. [Gss.]

Drawing in the humerous with bruised pain. [Gss.]

Twitching in the muscles of the left upper arm. [Hnl.]

Pulse-like visible twitching in the muscles of the left upper arm, and immediately afterwards above the elbow of the right arm. [Hnl.]

Stitches in the right upper arm. [Hbg.]

320. On the outer side of the left upper arm below the head of the humerus, intermitting, obtusestitches (like blows). [Gss.]

While eating the right arm gives him great pain, it is very heavy and tired, when he tries to raise it up high.

Sudden; paralytic pain in the bend of the right elbow. [Gss.]

Continued shooting in the left elbow (4th d.). [Hnl.]

Shooting pan in the outer side of the left forearm down to the little finger. [We.]

325. Pressive pain on the right forearm.[We.]

In the anterior muscles of the forarm, intermitting, very acute, almost tearing, paralytic aching, especially when at rest.

In the radius of the forearm, a pain as from dislocation, when moved or touched.

The forearm gone asleep, with a sensation in the hand, as if it were swollen, and a constrictive pain in the muscles; the fingers are cold, with an internal sensation of icy coldness (aft. 3 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.