Burning shooting in the left hip-bone. [Hbg.]

Frequent involuntary twitching of the lower extremities. [Fr. H-n.]

180. Painful tense and stiff feeling in the muscles of the lower extremities, so that he cannot walk at all, for three hours (aft. 1 h.). [Fr. H-n.]

Tearing pain in the thighs and heaviness of them when walking. [Fr. H-n.]

Pain, like tearing in the thighs, immediately after rising from a seat, and pain, as if bruised, in the knees; on walking the pain in the thighs increases, like a deep-seated stiffness. [Fr. H-n.]

Burning itching on the right thigh, so that he must scratch, whereupon it went off. [Hbg.]

Creeping close beneath the skin of the thighs and legs, and especially of the soles of the feet, as if the limbs would go to sleep, only when sitting. [Fr. H-n.]

185. Perceptible trembling of one thigh. [Fr. H-n.]

Very violent trembling of the left leg. [Fr. H-n.]

When walking she does not tread properly on the soles of the feet; they tip over towards the inside. [Fr. H-n.]

Tearing round the ankles of the left foot.[Hbg.]

Frequent needle-pricks in the heel, when sitting. [Hbg.]

190. Tingling and “pins and needles” in the left sole. [Hbg.]

Drawing twitching pains in the toes. [Hbg.]

Trembling in the upper and lower extremities.[Hbg.]

Burning itching all over.

Itching all over the body, so that he must scratch. [Fr. H-n.]

195. Spasmodic stiffness of all the body, with coldness thereof. [BRESL. Samml., 1727, p. 314.]

(About noon, anxiety, perspiration in the face, and trembling of the hands; about his heart [in the middle of the chest] he feels as though he woulf faint.)

Whilst lying in bed a peculiar sensation, as if his whole body were swollen, and at the same time (while awake) frequent starting, as though he were falling out of bed (aft. 15 h.). [Lr.]

Catalepsy; the limbs hang down loosely, as in a corpse, without breathing. (Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

The most violent (tonic) spasms, so that neither can the flexed fingers be stretched out, not the limbs be either flexed or extended.(Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

200. Tossing of the limbs to and fro. [WEPFER, l. c.]

He threw the limbs now on one side now on the other. [WEPFER, l. c.]

Epileptic convulsions in three children, one of whom recovered. [Breslauer samml., l. c., p. 313.]

Spasmodic distortions of the limbs which threw him a distance of two feet. (Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

General convulsions. [WEPFER, l. c.]

205. Very violent convulsions. [WEPFER, – ALLEN, l. c.]

Epiplepsy. [WEPFER, – ALLEN, l. c.]

Frightful epilepsy, recurring first at shorter, then at longer intervals, the limbs, head, and upper part of the body are moved in a wonderful manner, with closed jaws. [WEPFER, l. c.]

Epileptic fits with wonderful distortions of the limbs, upper part of the body, and head, with bluish complexion, and for some instants, interrupted respiration, with foam before the mouth; and after the convulsions, when the breathing was free, he was unconscious and lay as if dead, gave no sign of sensation when called to or pinched. (In a young man of twenty, whose death took place in two hours, the body remained warm for a whole day without any blue discoloration or swelling; the limbs were stiff, the lungs full of blue and yellow spots, the blood red and fluid, the heart empty of blood, the oesophagus internally bluish and dry.) (Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

She lies like a corpse, with closed jaws. [WEPFER, l. c.]

210. Immobility. (Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

They all lay prostrated with weakness, without consciousness and immovable, like blocks or corpses. (Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

Frequent yawning. [Hbg.]

Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough (aft. 1.3/4 h.). [Lr.]

Drowsiness, so that his eyes always closed. [Hbg.]

215. At night, vivid dreams about events that had occurred during the day.

Vivid but unremembered dreams. [Lr.]

Many confused dreams with much restlessness. [Hbg.]

Sleeplessness, all night (immediately). [Fr. H-n.]

Sleeplessness; he woke up every quarter of an hour with a painful feeling of wieght in the head. [Fr. H-n.]

220. Every morning he has not slept enough, is not satiated with sleep. [Fr. H-n.]

Frequent waking up out of sleep, in which he perspired all over, but from which he felt strengthened. [Lr.]

They all wish to come near the warm stove. (Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

She has a feeling of coldness running down her thighs, then coldness in the arms – the coldness seems to come chiefly out of the chest – then comes on a greater inclination to stare fixedly at one point. [Fr. H-n.]

Uncommonly strong heat in all parts of the body from beginning to end of the action of the drug. [Hbg.]

225. Perspiration on the abdomen at night.

He became indifferent to everything, and began to doubt whether this was really the condition in which he was.

He confounded the present with the past.

He thought with anxiety of the future and was always sad.

Anxiety; he was violently affected by sad stories. (Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

230. Moaning, whining and howling. [WEPFER, – ALLEN, l. c.]

Excitement, with concern for the future, he represented to himself as dangerous everything that would happen to him.

When others were gay he was sad.

Sadness for several days. (Not found.) [WEPFER, l. c.]

Great liability to be startled; every time a door is opened, or a word spoken, even not loudly, he starts and feels stitches in the (left) side of the head. [Fr. H-n.]

235. He did not think he was living in the ordinary conditions; everything appeared to him strange and almost frightful; it was as if he woke up out of an acute fever and saw all sorts of figures, and yet he did not feel corporeally ill.

Mania; after unusual sleep, heat of the body; she leapt out of bed, danced, laughed, and did all sorts of foolish things, drank a great deal of wine, jumped about constantly, clapped her hands, and at the same time was very red in the face – all night long. [Bresl. Samml., l. c. p. (In an adult woman.) 58.]

Depreciation and contempt of mankind; hefled from his fellow creatures, was in the highest degree disgusted with their follies, and his disposition seemed to change into misanthrophy; he withdrew into solitude. [Lr.]

Want of trust in people and anthrophoby; he fled from them, remained solitary, and thought seriously about their errors and about himself. [Lr.]


240. He felt like a child of seven or eight years old, objects were very dear and attractive to him, as toys are to a child.

Tranquillity of mind; he was extremely satisfied with his position and with himself, and very cheerful. (Curative secondary action.) [Lr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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