Several single stitches in the inner canthus of the left eye and in the eyelid itself (aft. 36 h.). [Hrr.]

Contraction of the pupils (aft. 2, 3.3/4 h.). [Lr.]

Dilatation of the pupils (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

It seems as if the upper half of the right eye were covered by a black body, so that he can only see with the lower half objects below him, but those above remain invisible. [Hrr.]

60. It seems as if a black veil were drawn over the eyes, whereby distinct vision is impaired (aft. 6 d.). [Hrr.]

Sparks of fire appear suddenly before the eyes. (Sparks of fire in the eyes are usual prodromata of partial paralysis of the optic nerve, or obscuration of the sight by black spots always hovering before the eyes. I cured one such case by means of gold.)

A smarting pain on the left upper eyelid.

A painless smoth pimple on the right lower tarsal edge.

Swelling of the lower eyelids. [Fr. H-n.]

65. (Bluish internal canthus.)

The face swollen and shining, as from perspiration; the eyes as if distented and protruding.

On the right side of the face itching needle-pricks.

Drawing tearing on the left side of the face (aft. 2 h.). [Ws.]

In the face, on the neck, and on the chest an eruption of small pimples with purulent apices, for some hours.

70. Excessive tearing in the frontal process of the malar bone. [Gss.]

A tearing in the right zygomatic arch. [Gss.]

Aching tearing in the left external meatus auditorius (aft. ¾ h.). [Hrr.]

Humming before the left ear.

Creptitation in the left ear.

75. In the morning in bed roaring in the ears.

A tickling formication internally in the alae nasi, as during coryza (aft. 2 h.). [Lr.]

A tickling formication internally in the alae nasi, compelling him to scratch (aft. 2.1/2 and 21 h.). [Lr.]

Sensation of stoppage of the nose as in stuffed coryza, and yet he could draw air through it very well (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

The nasal bone of the right side and the neighbouring part of the upper jaw are painful to the touch, expecially to the touch, especially where the facial nerve comes out.

80. After walking in the open air the nose swells in the room.

Twitching on the septum of the nose from above downwards. [Ws.]

He cannot get air through the nose; the nostrils are ulcerated and agglutinated and painful.

The nostril appears to him to be stopped up, and yet he can get air through it. [Fr. H-n.]

A transient smell of brandy in the nose, with oppression of the chest.

85. (On blowing the nose he percievies a foetid smell in the nose.)

Extremely sensitive smell; everything smells too strong. (aft. 48 h.).

Smarting pain in the lower part of the nose. [Fr. H-n.]

Smarting pain in the lower part of the nose, so that tears came into the eyes, as when strong sunlight excites an inclination to sneeze, or during exalted religious sadness, or the highest degree of compassion. [Fz.]

Sore feeling in the nose. [Fr. H-n.]

90. Sore pain in both nostrils, especially on taking hold of them. (This symptoms, though without name attached, is among the “Observations of others.”

Ulcerated scab in the right nostril, almost painless, yellowish, and almost dry. [Fr. H-n.]

Dark, brownish-red, slightly elevated spots on the nose, which are the seat of aching pain only when touched (aft. 24 h.). [Hrr.]

Swelling on and under the right nostril, with redness. [Fr. H-n.]

Both cheeks, lips, and nose are much swollen ( in the morning).

95. Swelling of one cheek with drawing and tearing in the upper and lower jaw, and a sensation as of grumbling and hacking in the teeth, which feel longer.

Tearing pressure in the right lower jaw, especially in its ascending ramus, which goes off by pressing on it (aft. ½ h.). [Hrr.]

On the outer border of the lower jaw intermittent obtuse shooting (aft. 24 h.). [Gss.]

In the right half of the chin a tearing. [Gss.]

(On the red of the under lip a burning vesicle.)

100. Dull aching pain per se and when swallowing in the gland beneath the angle of the lower jaw, as in a swelling of the cervical glands (aft. 3 h.)

Pain in one of the submaxillary glands as if it were swollen.

The gland beneath the ear lobe (parotid glands) is very painful when touched. Like a gland pressed and squeezed between the fingers.

Tearing pressure on the right side and lower part of the neck, near the clavicle (aft. 14 d.). [Hrr.]

(A jerking, tearing shooting on the external cervical muscles of the left side) (aft. 7 d.).

105. Ulcer on the gums and swollen cheeks (aft. 4 d.).

Swelling of the gums on the posterior right upper molars, with aching sore pain when touched and when eating, whereby the pain extends to the two backmost molar teeth, where it becomes an obtuse tearing (aft. 14 d.). [Hrr.]

On chewing the upper incisors are very sensitive.

(Single stitches in the teeth.)

Sudden attack of painful loose teeth, even the incisors.

110. The molars feel on edge (aft. ½ h).

Twitching pain in the upper row of teeth. [Fr. H-n]

An agreeable milky taste in the mouth.

Sweetness in the fore part of the tongue.

Insipid taste in the mouth.

115. Putrid taste in the mouth, when not eating, like high game.

Sometimes a sourish taste in the mouth (aft. 2.1/2 h.).

Bitter taste in the mouth with feeling of dryness (aft. 8 h.). [Lr.]

Pleasantly sweetish saliva collects in the mouth. [Fz.]

A kind of aching in the region of the palate, lasting several hours.

120. (Attacks of stretching asunder of the gullet, as if going to vomit, but without nausea.)

(Sore throat, like shooting soreness, only when swallowing) (aft. 7 d.).

(Much mucus in the fauces, for several days.)

Putrid smell from the mouth.

Smell from the mouth like old cheese.

125. Bad smell from the mouth, in the evening and at night, which he is not conscious of himself.

His food tastes well, but does not quite satisfy his appetite, and he could again eat immediately. (This symptom also os among “of others,” without name attac.)

Whilst eating the anxiety goes off. [Fz.]

Great thirst for six days. [Fr. H-n.]

Nausea in the stomach and throat. [Hrr.]

130. Scrobiculus cordis as if swollen; the whole epigastrium also swollen, and when pressed on, or when she laces herself tight, there is shooting there.

Pain in the stomach as from hunger.

(At noon, aching in the region of the stomach.)

Aching in the abdomen.

Aching (continued) in the subcosal region, as from flatulence, especially after taking something (food or drink), often increased by movement and walking; it goes off at last almost without any discharge of flatus.

135. Weight in the abdomen, with icy cold feet and hands.

Aching in the abdomen and heaving as though she would vomit. [Fr. H-n.]

Tensive pressure in the hypogastrium just below the navel and on both sides in the lumbar regions, with feeling of fulness. Most severe under the navel (aft. 53 h.). [Hrr.]

Tensive pressure in the hypogastrium on both sides in the lumbar regions, but most severe just below the navel, with call to stool (aft. 6 d.). [Hrr.]

Single tearings in the right side of the abdomen up to beneath the ribs, as if all there were smashed, which compels him to bend double, when sitting (aft. 36 h.). [Fz.]

140. In the afternoon shooting in the left side of the abdomen, like stitchesin the spleen.

Pinching pain in the hypogastrium, someimts here, sometimes there (aft. 12 h.). [Hrr.]

Pain like contraction in the abdomen.

Flatulent colic about midnight; much flatulence is quickly developed, which cannot find an exit, and painfully rises up here and there, presses and resists and causes anxiety, equally felt when at rest and when moving.

Flatulent colic soon after the lightest, most moderate meal.

145. Rumbling in the abdomen.

Grumbling in the abdomen.

Grumbling and rumbling in the abdomen (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Grumbling in the abdomen. [Hrr.]

Discharge of much foetid flatus (aft. 8 h.). [Hrr.]

150. Colic. (From swallowing gold.) [Ephem. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 6, app., p. 6.(A casual mention of “aurea colica” as having occasionally, but rarely, occurred. Preparation of metal not stated)]

Pain as if bruised in the right hypogastrium, when sitting, which goes off on rising up and when he draws up the thighs (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]

Pain in the groin as from a swollen inguinal gland.

Protrusion of a hernia with great pain, like cramp; flatus seems to get into the hernia.

A weakness in the groin.

155. Drawing out of the groin down into the thigh.

In the bend of the groin and in the tendons of the lumbar muscles a want of mobility and stiff pain when walking and spreading out the legs, as after a long journey on foot (aft. 3.1/2 h.).

Cutting blows in both groins, during which he is obliged to draw in the abdomen and to draw up the legs. [Ws.]

Forcing in the right groin, in the inguinal ring, as if a hernia would protrude, when sitting; on stretching out the body; it goes off on standing up. [Fz.]

A twitching pinching in the left side of the pelvis, which makes him start and jump (aft. 4 h.). [Ws.]

160. Cramp-like pain on the inner border of the pelvis in the neighbourhood of the hip, which is increased by rubbing )aft. 36 h.). [Ws.]

Pinching pain on the inner side of the ischias.[Ws.]

Sharp stitches in the anus and rectum (aft. ¾ h.). [Hrr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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