Some time after writing above I had an opportunity of convincing myself that a hundred-fold higher attenueation of the above preparation ( made by triturating gold with a hundred parts of milk-sugar), consequently 1/10000th part of a grain of gold for a dose, showed itself not less powerful in a curative point of view, especially in caries of the palatal and nasal bones, caused by the abuse of mercury preparedwith mineral acids. (This remedial power of the internal employment of gold in the evil effects of mercury was observed by ANT, CHALMETEUS (in Enechiridien Chirurg., p. 402.) In the subjoined schema the symptoms of gold homoeopathic to these affections will be readily observed.

By further triturations and dilution the power of gold is still more developed and spiritualized, so that I now employ for all curative purposes only a very small portion of a grain of the quadrillion-fold dilution for a dose.

Would our physicians, by their customary method of fabricating the virtues of medicines out of airy hypothesis, and constructing a materia medica of such fanciful materials, ever have discovered this remarkable power of a metal which their learned speculations had consigned to the category of utterly powerless subsyances? And which other of the favourite methods of our materia-medica-manufacturers would have taught us these remedial properties of gold? These have been clearly and certainly taught to the homoeopathic physician by the symptoms it produces, which resemble the morbid states it is capable of curing.

Poor, fabulous materia medica of the ordinary stamp, how far dost thou lag behind the revalation which medicines in hteir action on the healthy human body clearly make by the production of morbid symptoms, which the homoeopathic physician can employ with infallible certainty for the cure if natural disease!

The duration of the action of gold is not extremely small doses is at least twenty-one days.


The only old-school authorities referred to for symptoms are-

Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 6.

Ephem. Nat. Car., Cent. 10.

HOFFMANN. FR., Medorrhinum Rat. Syst., ii.

LUDOVICI, Pharmac. Medorrhinum Secale appl., Gotha, 1685.

Pharmac. Wirtemb., ii.

SCHULZE, J. H., Proelectiones in Phar.

The 1st Edit, has 313 symptoms, this 2nd Edit. 379. In the Chr. Kr. there are 461.]


(This is called Aurum muiaticum in the Chr. Kr. It will be noticed that the usual order of the schema is departed from here, the nose coming before the ear. In the Chr. Kr. the usual arrangement is adopted and the signs of parenthesis omitted.)

Drawing pain in the forehead (aft. 2 h.)

A tickling itching on the forehead (aft. 1 h.).

Tearing pain in the left eye.

Redness and itching inflammation on the nose, which afterwards desquamates.

5. Red swelling of the left side of the nose; the cavity of the nose is ulcerated deep in, with a dry, yellowish scab, with sensation of internal stoppage of the nose, although the air passes readily through it.

Red swelling on and under the right nostril; in the nostril itself there is a painless ulcer-scab; it feels to him stopped up, although the air passes through it. [Mch.]

Externally in the upper part of the nose a burning (and somewhat itching) pain.

A crawling in the interior of th nose, as if something were running about in it.

Discharge of a greenish-yellow matter from the nose, without bad smell, for 7 days (aft. 10 d.).

10. (Ringing in the ears) aft. 6 h.).

(After the ringing in the ears a kind of dulness of hearing, as if the ears internally were wide and hollow, owing to which nothing was heard distinctly.)

Twitching toothache sometimes on one side sometimes in the upper incisors.

Twitching toothache also in the anterior upper row of teeth. [Mch.]

Distension of the abdomen.

15. His breathing is very short, and as if the larynx were stopped up, for some days.

(A couple of stitches just above the heart.)

(Swelling in the wrist, without pain per se, only a tension on bending back the hand; on grasping, however, he has stitches in it.)

Tearing pain in the middle finger (after dinner).



More acute thinking faculty, and more accurate memory. (Curative action)

Intellectual labours affected him much; he felt exhausted.

On stooping, vertigo, as if all turned round in a circle; on assuming an erect position it went off each time (aft. 40 h.). [Lr.]

On walking in the open air there occurred a vertigo as if he would always fall to the left side and was intoxicated, which obliged him to go to bed, and for some time whilst lying in bed it returned on the slightest movement (aft. 43 h.). [Lr.]

5. In the morning, on rising, confusion of the head; great weight in the occiput. [Ws.]

Confusion of the head. [Hrr.]

When standing he is suddenly seized with vertigo, which compels him to sit down (aft. 28 h.). [Hrr.]

Headache as from commencing catarrh.

Headache (increasing from morning onwards), as if the brain were bruised, which by merely thinking and reading, but especially by continued talking and writing, is increased to the extremest violence, so that the ideas become confused, and it is only by the greatest effort that anything connected can be spoken or written; but when he ceases to speak, reflect and write, the headache always departs; at 7 p.m. it spontaneously ceases entirely (aft. 6 h.).

10. Headache, which is felt partly like bruised pain, partly in one portion of the brain, sometimes like painful pressure, sometimes like a tearing, increases from morning onwards aand goes off about 3 p.m. (aft. 24 h.).

(One sided headache like digging, boring, pecking, in the morning immediately after waking, increased by coughing and bending the head backwards.)

One-sided sharp beating, hacking headache.

Tearing pressure in the head, here and there, especially in the forehead, with giddy feeling. [Hrr.]

A prickling sensation in the sinciput.

15. Headache, anteriorly in the forehead and temples, deep in the brain, a very severe tearing, which is allayed in the open air. [Gss.]

Aching stupefying headache, as if excited by a strong wind (aft. 11 h.). [Lr.]

Pressure in the left side of the forehead (aft. 1.1/4 h.). [Hrr.]

Aching tearing from the right side of the occiput to the right side of the forehead (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]

Tearing pressure in the left side of the crown, worse on movement. [Hrr.]

20. Tearing in the left temple. [Fz.]

Fine tearing in the right side of the crown (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]

Tearing pain in the left side of the crown (aft. ½ h.). [Hrr.]

Tearing pain in the left side of the forehead, worse on movement. [Hrr.]

Fine tearing in the forehead. [Hrr.]

Tearing cutting pain in the right side of the crown (aft. 17 d.). [Hrr.]

Fine tearing from the right side of the occiput through the brain to the forehead, worse on movement (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Tearing pressure in the right side of the occi. [Hrr.]

A roaring and rushing in the head, as if he were seated beside rushing water (aft. 15 d.).

Rush of blood to the head.

30. Rush of blood to the brain (aft. ¾ h.)

Violent rush of blood in the head, on stooping, which goes off again on rising up (aft. 8 d.). [Hrr.]

Shooting on the frontal bone, like a slow drawing (aft. 6 h.). [Fz.]

A sharp stitch on the centre of the forehead, where the hair begins.

Needle-pricks on the forehead externally (aft. 24 h.) [Hrr.]

35. A small osseous tumour on th right side of the vertex, with boring pains per se, but worse when touched.

A small osseous tumour on the left side of the forehead superiorly.

Pressure on and in the left side of the forehead externally and internally (aft. 10 h.). [Hrr.]

Painful pressure in the temples.

Pressure on the left temple (aft. 32 h.). [Hrr.]

40. Aching externally on the left temple, worse when touched 9aft. ¼ h.). [Hrr.]

On lying down the cranial bones are painful as if broken to pieces, so that it took away all his vital energy.

(His head is shaken sideways and up and down.)

Feeling of weakness and aching in the eyes.

Pressure from without inwards on the left eye. (aft. 8 d.). [Hrr.]

45. Pressive pain from above downwards on the right eyeball. [Hrr.]

Pressive pain from without inwards on the right eyeball, worse when touched(aft. 6 h.). [Hrr.]

Aching in the eyes as if a foreign body had got into it.

On looking, a sensation in the eyes as when one has been much heated, as if the blood pressed strongly on the optic nerves.

(A kind of burning in the eyes.)

50. An obtuse stitch outwards on the lower part of the left orbit.

Extreme pressure in the left orbit almost like a spasm, on its internal aspect posteriorly. [Gss.]

Fine tearing in the right orbit in the vicinity of the external canthus (aft 5 h.). [Hrr.]

Sensation of pressing out of the left eyeball in its inner and upper angle.[Fz.]

Tension in the eyes which interferes with vision (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

55. Extreme tension in the eyes with diminution of the visual power; he cannot distinguish distinctly, because he sees everythingdouble and one object seems to run into another; the tensive pain is worse when he fixes the eyes on something, and less severe when he closes them (aft. 9 d.). [Hrr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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