Jerking, shooting headache on stooping, as if all would come out at the forehead; at the same time nausea, qualmish about the heart. [Stf. Gss.]

Twitching, tearing headache, increased by stooping and coughing.

Twitching headache, in the sinciput (aft. 1 h.). [ Ws.]

50. Tearing in the left temple, and, when walking in the open air, recurrence of the aching outstretching headache (aft. 10 h.). [Fz.]

Repeated tearing headache in the left temple. [ Hbg. ]

Great internal and external heat of the head. [Bhr.]

Transient burning on the crown and neck externally. [Fr. H-n.)

Formication in the forehead.

55. Formication above the orbits.

(Headache only tolerable when lying, but on rising up and sitting in bed intolerable.)

Formication on the crown, externally.

Sensation of coldness on a small spot on the forehead, as if he were touched there by a cold thumb.

A pain as if a knife were thrust through from the left side of the head across to the other side; at the same time internal coldness in the head, so that the hair stood on end. [Stf. Gss.]

60. On some parts of the occiput pain as if the hair were pulled out or like sharp electric shocks. [Stf Gss.)

Shooting itching on the hairy scalp, not removed by scratching. [ Ws. ]

The scalp down to the eyebrows lies closely attached to the skull, and is almost immovable (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Ws.]

On the side of the forehead pimples, partly filled with pus (aft. 3 d) [Kr. ]

The face is very much fallen in. [THOMAS A THUESINK, Waarnehm Groning., 1805.]

65. Dry heat in the face towards evening to behind the ears, without thirst, with very cold nose (aft. 24 h.). [Hbg.]

Cramp-like tearing on the left eyebrow. [Gss.]

Contracted pupils (aft. 2 h.). [Lr.]

Staring eyes, betraying anxiety.

The border of the upper eyelid, where it touches the eyeball internally, is painful when the eyeball is moved, as if it were too dry and somewhat sore.

70. Contracted pupils, with cloudiness of the head. [Stf. Gss.]

Sharp, fine stitches in the inner canthus. [Stf. Gss.]

When during the noon siesta he has the eyes closed, he feels comfortable; on opening them nausea in the pit of the stomach. [Stf. Gss.]

Dilated pupils (aft. 26 h.). [Lr.]

Stitches in the eyes. [COLLIN, (Effects of arnica when given for paralysis, amauroeis; epasnts, fever, and dysentery. SS 74 and 76 occurred in amaurotic eyes sight under the influence of the medicine (comp. note to S. 403) Oba. circa Morbos, iv, p. 5, and v, p. 108.]

75. Itching in the canthi (aft. 27 h.). [Lr.]

Burning in the eyes. (See note) (COLLIN, l. c.]

Burning in the eyes, without dryness. [Bhr.]

Sometimes hot tears flow which burn like fire. [Bhr.]

The right eye protrudes somewhat from the head, and looks higher and larger than the left. [ Bhr. ]

80.Drawing pain in the right eyeball (aft. 2 h.). [Kr.]

On the border of the left orbit very painful, intermittent, obtuse aching. [Gss.]

Spasmodic aching twitching underneath the left eye on the nasal bone, which spreads over the eyeball. [Gss.]

On the left ear-cartilage internal pain as from a blow or a bruise. [Hbg.]

In bath ears in the neighbourhood of the membrana tympani, intermittent aching (aft. 10 h.). [Kr.]

85.Obtuse stitches inwards through the internal ear (aft. 1 h.). [Ws]

A shooting pain darts into the right ear, immediately after into the left, at last into the eyes, with the feeling in the latter as if they were forcibly turned upwards. [Stf. Gss.]

Heat and burning in the lobe of the ear. [Stf. Gss.]

Feeling as if one ear were hot, which it is not (aft. 1 h.).

Behind the ear dull long shoots.

90. First stitches, then tearing pain in the ear (aft. 1 h.).

Aching in the ear.

Perceptibly diminished heating (aft. 30 h.).

Much increased acuteness of hearing (aft. 10 h.).

Roaring in the ears.

95. Ringing in the left ear (aft. 3 h.). [Kr.]

Buzzing in the ears (aft. 7 h.). [Lr. ]

External hot feeling on the left ear and in the cheek. [Hbg.]

Small-pox-like eruption on the cheeks; mostly under the eyes.[Fr. H-n.]

Twitching throbbing in the left cheek (aft. 1/8 h.). [ Ws.]

100. In the swollen cheek throbbing and pinching, as when two hammers are knocked together bruising the flesh. [Bhr.]

(Pain as if bruised in the right maxillary joint, on moving the jaw backwards and forwards, in the morning) (aft. 20 h.).

Redness and burning in one cheek, the rest of the body being cool, at least not hot.

Red swelling of the right cheek, with throbbing nipping pain, swollen lips and great heat in the head and cold body; only the feet were sometimes hot.

Heat running over the head, at the same time her face becomes bathed in perspiration. [Stf. Gss.]

105. Heat running over the face, in the evening (aft. 36 h.). [Stf. Gss. ]

Hot, shining red, stiff swelling of the left cheek. [Bhr.]

On yawning, cramp-pain in the cheek (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

Running formication, like shivering without chilliness, on the left cheek, to the side of the occiput (aft. 6 h.).

Cramp-pain in the root of the nose (aft. 2 h.). [Ws.]

110. The nose pains from above downwards, as if he had had a severe fall upon it [ Hbg.]

Shooting tearing pain in the nose.

Swelling of the nose.

Sensation as if the nostrils were ulcerated;the nose is sore internally.

In and under the nose, pimples which get pus in their apices, with smarting pain.

115. Hot feeling in the nose, and yet it is cold to the touch. [Hbg.]

Frequent epistaxis. [ Bhr.]

The nasal bones ate the seat of obtuse pressure combined with numbness. [Gss.]

Sensation as if an insect was crawling near the nose; not removed by wiping. [Gss.]

Itching formication on the side of the nose, going off by rubbing (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

120. Itching on the upper lip, which becomes burning on rubbing. [Ws.]

The outer border round about the lips, especially about the upper lip, becomes rough and as if cracked, as from cold (aft. 8 h.). [Lr.]

On both sides of the upper lip a pimple (aft. 2 h.). [Kr.]

A pimple in the depression in the middle of the upper lip, with redness round about it and tensive pain. [Fr. H -n]

Dry lips as if parched by thirst.

125. Chapped lips.

Ulcerated angles of the mouth, with burning pain, especially on moving these parts.

Fornication in the lips, as if they had gone to sleep (aft, 2.1/2 h.).

Burning heat in both lips with moderate warmth of the body. [Ws.]

Thick swollen lips. [Bhr.]

130. Violent trembling of the lower lip. [A THUESSINK, 1. c.]

Commencing paralysis of the lower jaw.

Swelling of the submaxilIary glands.

In the muscles on the ramus of the lower jaw, aching jerking (intermitting tearing). [Gss.]

The submaxillary glands are swollen and painful, especially when he raises and turns the head, but particularly when touched (aft.4 d.). [Kr.]

135. The cervical glands are projecting and swollen, and are excessively painful per se, but more especially when moving and when speaking. [Bhr.]

Rough drawing in the left cervical muscles, with bruised pain. [Hbg. ]

Tearing pain in the neck. [COLLIN, 1. c.]

Aching in the cervical muscles, as if the neckcloth was tightly tied.[Hbg.]

Her head is so heavy that it always sinks to one side. [Bhr.]

140. The head is heavy and on account of weakness of the cervical muscles so movable that it easily falls to either side (aft. 4 h.). [Kr.]

Pain in the teeth, as if their roots were scraped with a knife. [Bhr]

In the gums formication, as if they had gone to sleep. [Gss. Stf.]

Slimy teeth (aft. 1 h.).

Looseness and elongation of the teeth, without pain.

145. (Toothache as from bitten out-dislocated, loose-teeth, aching throbbing, as if they were pressed out by afflux of blood;they are more painful on being touched.)

Pressure on the lower gums internally, as from a leaden ball. [Fz.]

While eating, tearing pain in the left upper molars, going off after a meal. [Fz.]

When chewing, the gums are painful as if ulcerated, particularly also the part under the tongue. [Fz]

Dryness in the mouth, without thirst. [Fr. H-n.]

150. Dryness in the mouth, with great thirst. [Bhr.]

Tongue furred quite white, with good appetite and proper taste (aft. 2 d.). [Hbg.]

In the morning dryness of the mouth, without thirst, with foul, taste in the mouth (aft. 14 h.).

Sensation of thirsty dryness on the tip of the tongue, the palate, and the lips, with rigor over the arms and thighs (aft. 2 h.).

Smarting sensation on the tongue (aft. 4 h.).

155. Sensation of soreness of the tongue (aft. 4 h.).

Corrugating sensation on the palate as from an astringent (aft.5 h.).

Aching pain on the hard palate.

Burning posteriorly in the throat, with sensation of internal heat, or rather of that anxiety that heat occasions (without perceptible external heat.).

Shooting posteriorly in the throat when not swallowing.

160. Pain in the gullet as if something hard and rough (e. g. a crust of bread) were sticking in it, in the afternoon when lying down, which goes off on standing up (aft. 6 h.).

Noise when swallowing.

Swallowing prevented by a sort of nausea as if the food would not go down.

Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning after waking.

Putrid slimy taste in the mouth.

165. (All he takes tastes sour.)

(Distaste for milk.)

The (accustomed) smoking is distasteful to him, he has no relish for it.

Distaste for meat and meat-soup.

Longing for vinegar.

170. Want of appetite in the evening.

Want of appetite, with yellow and white furred tongue.

Dysphagia. [Bhr.]

Rotten-egg taste in the mouth when not eating. [Fr. H-n.]

Mucus is the.throat, which tastes bitter on being hawked up (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]

175. Bitter taste in the mouth (aft. 4 h.). [Hbg.]

Blood in the saliva ejected (aft. 2 d.). [Hbg.]

After eating a kind of suppressed incomplete hiccup. [Fz.]

Empty eructation (aft. 1/4 h.). [Hby.]-(aft. 1/2 h.). [Kr.]

Tendency to eructate. (DE LA MARCHE, (Effect of arnica in cases of injury treated with it.-This symptom preceded the vomiting of S. 200 (see note there).) Diss. de arnica vera, Halae, 1719, pp. 15-22.]

180. On eructating a bitter mucus rises up. [Kr.]

Empty eructation.

In the morning eructation like rotten eggs.

Eructation bitter and like rotten eggs (aft. 2 h.)

Salt water rises up and is belched up.

185. In the morning nausea and inclination to vomit (aft. 14 h.).

Heartburn. [A CRICHTON. ( A brief statement of the observed effects and virtues of arnica This symptom does not appear in the English original (Lond. Medorrhinum Journ., 1789, p, 236). in Samml. br, dbh. fur pr. A. xiii,3.]

She wants always to drink, and knows not what, because everything is repugnant to her. [Bhr.]

Half-suppressed eructation. [Stf. Gss.]

Inordinate appetite in the evening, and after eating immediately a sensation of fulness and a colicky aching in various parts of the abdomen, especially in the sides.

190. (When eating, at noon, a perceptible warmth in one cheek.)

After the (evening) meal she weeps, is peevish, will listen to nobody, and will not hear of anything.

Total want of appetite with nausea. [Bhr.]

Nausea. (MURRAY, (Summary of observed effects of arnica.) Appar. Mediaam., i, p. 234.]

Nausea in the stomach, with empty eructation. [Ws.]

195. Nausea without vomiting and without stool. (DE LA MARCHE. 1. c.]

On reading for a long time he grows giddy and sick. [Hbg.]

Retching. [STOLL, (As in note) Rat. Medorrhinum, iii, p. 162.]

Violent retching to vomit. [AASKOW (Not found at place referred to.) Actea soc. Medorrhinum Hafn. Ii, p. 162.]

Vomiting. [MURRAY,Collin, 1. c.]

200. Vomiting of coagulated blood. (In a case of fall from a height, where the chest was bruised.) [DE LA MARCHE, 1. c.]

Empty retching, ineffectual inclination to vomit (aft. ¼ h).

She must get up at night and retch as if to vomit, -but is unable to vomit; she feels a weight like a lump in the acrobiculua cordis.

Above the scrobiculus cordis, in the sternum, violent aching, [Stf. Gss]

Violent jerks under the stomach [Stf. Gss.]

205. In the scrobiculus cordis a digging, and sensation as if something knotted itself there together. [Stf. Gss.]

After eating a fulness in the scrobiculus cordis, and a painful aching on a small spot deep in the hypogastrium, just behind the os pubis (tn the bladder?), most felt when standing, which almost constantly urges to urinate (aft. 4 h.).

The stomach is as if full; a satiety combined with loathing.

Pressure as with a hand on the scrobiculus cordis; this pressure rose up gradually to the throat; then she became sick, and water collected in the mouth;after lying down this went off, and then she had only pressure in the abdomen (aft. 1 h.).

A pinching spasmodic grasping in the stomach.

210. (A smarting pain in the stomach (immediately)

Flatulence with stomach-ache.

In the cardiac region pain as if it was compressed, or as if it got a severe blow. [Stf. Gss.]

Cardialgia. [CRICHTON-STOLL, 1. c.]

Pressure as if a stone lay in the stomach (immediately). [ Hbg. ]

215. Rumbling in the stomach and colic. [Hbg.]

Painful pressure in the scrobiculus cotdis transversely across, with tightness of breath. [Hbg.]

Spasm in the region of the lower ribs (praecordia). [COLLIN, 1. c.]

Pressure under the last ribs (aft. 2 h.). [ Ws. ]

Digging in the scrobfculus cordis (aft.1/2 h.), and sensation as if something knotted itself there (aft. 24 h.). [Hbg.]

220. Pinching in the stomach. [Hbg.]

In the splenic region a pressure darting upwards, with a continual stitch (what one calls a stitch in the spleen) when walking (aft. 6 h.). [Fz.]

Stitches under the false ribs of the left side which take away the breath when standing. [Hbg.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.