Fine painful stitches on the malar bone. [Ws.]

40. Cutting stitches from the interior of the left ear, extending into the brain.

Sensation in the right ear as if it was stopped up.( [SS.40 and 41, though they have no name attached, are among the symptoms observed by others, therefore not by Hahnemann.])

Above the left ear, on a small spot, aching tearing (aft. 12 h.). [Gss.]

Great itching on the external ear, causing scratching till blood comes.

Gnawing itching on the lobes of both ears, in the morning, after rising (aft. 24 h.).[Gss.]

45. From the depression under the lobe of the right ear to the skin of the cheek, a drawing pain, that extends to the lower jaw, as if it were in the periosteum. [Fz.]

On chewing, cutting sensation, as if he had taken some acrid acid, in the Eustachian tube towards the parotid gland. [Fz.]

Profuse epistaxis from blowing the nose (immediately after dinner), and again three hours afterwards.

Epistaxis came on after creeping and tickling in the nose.

Swelling of the upper lip, close below the nose.

50.The gums are painful per se, but more when touched.

(An incisor tooth pained when it was pressed forwards) (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]

On the outside of the neck, left side, aching while walking in the open air. [Fz.]

Cutting stitches inwards under the right lower jaw, as if in a gland. [Hnl.]

The neck in the neighbourhood of the sub-maxillary glands is swollen, and in consequence the neck is stiff and tense when moving; at the same time swallowing is rendered difficult by internal swelling of the throat, and he must force every mouthful with an effort through the gullet (aft. 48 h.). I Ws.)

55. Dry feeling of the tongue, which, however, is moist. [Fz.]

A small vesical on the tongue with burning sore pain.

In the throat he has a raw and sore pain.

Boring and digging pain in the throat.

Soreness and rawness in the throat when expiring and swallowing. [Fz.]

60. Rough and scraping in the throat, lasting all day. [Hnl.]

On the velum palati a scraping sensation, as if a rough body were adherent there, not exactly painful but disagreeable, more felt during empty deglutition than when swallowing a morsel, but constantly felt and compelling him to swallow his saliva; after several hours this secretion goes deeper down in the faeces. [Fz.]

When yawning, a painful tension in the fauces; as from a swelling.[Gss.]

The collection of viscid saliva in the mouth renders speaking difficult. [Fz.]

Collection of saliva in the mouth, with shivering shaking. [Fz]

65. Viscid, grey, gelatinous mucus in the fauces, which can be easily expectorated by hawking, in the morning. .[Gss.]

(Great longing for wine.)

Appetite quite gone; he feels a loathing at food, when he merely thinks about it.

Indifference to all food, and he is easily satiated. [Fz]

The morning hunger disappears. [Fz.]

70. Very great appetite (aft. 40 h.). [Gss.]

Though the stomach is full, the appetite still continues great. [Gss.]

Excessive gnawing hunger all day, not extinguished by eating.

Afterwards, for several days, it could only be allayed for a short time by eating. [Hnl.] t

In the morning in the abdomen, stomach, and chest, a burning sensation as from heartburn.

Sensation similar to heartburn (aft. 1 h.). [Myr.]

75. Hiccup during (accustomed) tobacco smoking (aft. 1.1/4 h.).[Lr.]

Almost uninterrupted qualmishness and nausea. [Fz.]

Sick feeling in the throat, and immediately afterwards heat all over, but chiefly on the head, redness of face, without thirst (aft. ½ h.). [Myr]

Retching, whereby a bitter, pungant, ill-tasting fluid is brought up from the stomach into the mouth, after which a scraping, scratching very burning sensation remains permanently in the fauces (heartburn) (aft.8.h). [Gss.]

Aching in the scrobilibcus cordis. [Fz.]

80. Pinching over the stomach and in the left hypochodrium. [Fz.]

After he has commenced to eat, there occurs a severe aching from the abdomen towards the pubic region, which is aggravated by inspiration, and is relieved by rising from his seat. [Gss.]

At night an aching painful distension in the abdomen, which went off without discharge of flatulence.

Rumbling in the abdomen at night and discharge of flatus.

Loud noises in the abdomen, on the left side, like the croaking of young frogs. (aft. ¾ h.) [Lr.]

85. After the morning stool, contractive belly-ache, as from a chill, when sitting.

Belly-ache, as in diarrhoea. [Fz.]

Cutting internally, transversely through the abdomen.

Contraction of the abdominal muscles when walking, with tension in them, so that he must walk bent forwards. [Fz.]

In the abdominal muscles, near the last two ribs, sharp stitches from within outwards, which outwards, which end in a fine pinching, and are somewhat allayed by rubbing (aft. 60 h.) [Ws.]

90. A boring pain in the right hypogastrium, just above the groin (aft. 34 h.) [Lr.]

Shooting cutting on bith sides in the region of the inguinal ring (aft. 3.1/2 h.) [Hnl.]

In the bend of the left groin, sensation of straining of the tendon ( of the lumbar muscle) which pains as if bruised when pressed on.[Fz.]

Pressing in the hypogastrium during the stool, which is moderately soft, and also thereafter (aft. 72 h.).[Ws.]

Frequent (never ineffectual) urging to stool in the lower part of the rectum, and evacuation of a scanty soft stool (aft. 2.1/2 h.), lasting several days. (This symptom has no name attached but being among the “observat others” must not be attributed to Hahnemann).

95. During the evacuation of a soft stool, a painful urging in the hypogastrium.

During the evacuation, in the afternoon, he vomited twice.

After dinner, a stool which is very dry and sandy, but is passed without difficulty (aft. 8 h.) [Fz.]

Very frequent micturition (aft. 6 h.) [Gss.]

Frequent urging to urinate and copious flow of urine for several hours (aft. 2 h.) [Lr.]

100. Almost every night an emission of semen.

At night pollutions, without lascivious dreams. [Lr.]

A pain in the left testicle, as after a contusion (aft. 49 h.) [Lr.]

Irritation in the nose, as if coryza were about to c(af.t. 1 h.) [Myr.]

The nose is as if stopped up anteriorly in both nostrils, and there is smarting in the left nostril.[Fz.]

105. Fluent coryza; the nose is always full of mucus.[Gss.]

Excessive fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, for two days. [Hnl.]

Severe fluent coryza, without sneezing (aft. 10 h.) [Lr.]

Raw and sore pain superiorly in the larynx, when coughing, not when swallowing.

By day (not at night and not in the open air), several attacks of short rattling cough, with white, thick, easily detached expectoration, like boiled strach, but opaque, without taste or smell.

110. (In the morning, cough.)

By laughing mucus is produced in the trachea, and cough excited.[Fz.]

Mucus in the chest and cough with expectoration (aft. 26 h.) [Lr.]

On going upstrairs and stooping mucus comes in the wind-pipe, which is expectorated by a single impulse of cough.[Fz.]

On stooping mucus comes into the wind-pipe, which is expectorated by a single impulse of cough.[Fz.]

115. In the morning after rising from bed, an irritating tussiculation without expectoration (aft. 48 h.) [Lr.]

Obtuse cutting, passing into shooting, rises up into the wind-pipe, and compels him to cough two or three times, and thereafter continues for some time; the cough brings watery expectoration, which does not remove the irritation to cough (aft. 24 h.). [Fz ]

In the right side of the chest, from within outwards, such a violent stitch, lasting about a minute, that he can neither inspire nor expire (when sitting) (aft. 28 h.). [Lr.]

Fine stitches in the interior of the upper part of the sternum, from within outwards (aft. 48 h.). [Ws.]

Sharp stitches on the right side, near the nipple. [Hrr.]

120. Under the right nipple, a shooting, not connected with inspiration or expiration. [Gss.]

Tearing under the right nipple. [Gss.]

Gnawing scraping on the left side of the chest when at test. [ Ws.]

Cramp pain on the left side of the chest, and when it is gone the part still pains when touched (aft. 9 h.). [Ws.]

(Oppressive burning in the region of the heart. [Hnl.]

125. Feeling of pressure and oppression in the left side of the chest above the heart (aft. 78 h.). [Ws.]

A shooting, squeezing pain on the left side of the sternum, most severe when sitting bent forwards, unconnected with expiration or inspiration (aft. 8 h.). [ Ws.]

Aching shooting on the right side of the chest and sternum, only slightly increased by inspiring deeply (aft. some m.). [Ws.]

On inspiring deeply an out-pressing pain on a spot the size of a florin under the second and third right ribs. [Hnl.]

On the right side of the chest, a spot with aching pain, as if something hard was pressed against the ribs. [Fz.]

130. Violent aching in the middle of the sternum, internally, very much increased by every movement, especially by stooping forwards and then rising up. [Hnl.]

Aching pain on the sternum, externally. [Hrr.]

Needle-pricks under the ensiform cartilage of the sternum. [Hrr.]

Sharp stitches on the right near the manubrium sterni (aft. 3 h.).[Hrr.]

On some ribs, a spasmodic aching tensive pain.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.