Violent cough from deep down in the trachea, in the morning, with expectoration of yellow mucus (aft. 24 h.) [Lr.]

145. Often scrapy in the throat; he must hawk, without being able to bring up anything (aft. 6 h.) [Ws.]

In the trachea viscid mucus, which is not easily coughed up (aft. 10, 11 h.) [Fz.]

Cutting pressure in both sides of the chest, at first only when inspiring, afterwards increased to cutting blows, which continue even when holding the breath (aft. 1 h.) [Ws.]

Transient tightness of the chest (immediately)

On walking quickly, tightness of the chest and aching in its left side (aft. 12 h.) [Fz.]

150. Pain in the pectoral muscles in the morning, which she moves in bed, and during the day, when she lays the arms together, they pain as if bruised; on touching the parts she feels nothing, not even when breathing.

A sharp aching, as it were pinching pain in the upper part of the chest, on a small spot.(aft. 15 h.)

Cutting stitches in the last rib during inspiration, and besides that shortly before going to sleep and after lying down.

Spasm of the chest, as when suddenly exposed to serve cold. [Myr.]

Pressure over the whole of the right side of chest and abdomen, as it were compressed from before and behind, with sharp inward-cutting down the sternum and behind on the spine, increased by inspiration and every movement of the trunk (aft. 5 h.) [Ws.]

155. Towards evening, on going upstaris, great oppression and pressure on the chest, with aching on the sides of the frontal bone and violent palpitation of the heart (aft. 2 h.) [Fz.]

Cutting blows on the strenum and spine, towards the interior (aft. 36 h.) [Ws.]

When sitting and bending forwards, violent palpitation of the heart, with painful sensation of contraction of the heart.[Gss.]

In the evening, in bed, while lying on the left side, he feels a violent palpitation of the heart; relieved by sitting up.[Gss.]

A beating pain in the cardiac region. [Hsch.]

160.When he takes as deep a breath as he can, it seems to stop under the upper part of the sternum, he feels there a pain, almost like obtuse shooting or pressure (aft. 72 h.).[Gss.]

On drawing in the breath, intenally a trembling feeling, like hiccup, so that he has to draw his breath, as it were, in two jerks (aft. 8 h.) [Fz.]

Cutting pressure out from the thoracic cavity, with feeling of anxiety (aft. ½ h).[Ws.]

Single stitches on the sternum when sitting (aft. 28 h.) [Lr.]

Painful sensibility of the chest when he presses but lightly on it (aft. 24 h.) [Ws.]

165. Pressure on the chest towards the axilla and on the tendon of the pectoralis major. (aft. 3 d.) [Fz.]

Very sharp, shooting, itching in front at the last right true rib, which at first does not go off even by scratching, but afterwards disappears spontaneously (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]

In the morning, in bed, pain in the sacrum as if all were broken; after rising she could not lift anything from the ground for some hours; then hunger, followed by cutting in the abdomen and purging, at last mucous evacuations.

All night a pressing in the sacrum as if bruised; she often woke up from this pain; it was worst about 4 a.m., but when she got up it was gone.

In the morning, in bed, pain of stiffness betwixt the scapulae and in the nape, like drawing; on getting up she could not move herself with the arms for pain nor turn her neck all the forenoon – for several successive mornings, until noon, with exhaustion of the whole body.

170. Stitches below and near the sacrum when sitting. [Fz.]

Dull clucking in the os sacrum (aft. 1 h.) [Ws.]

Sacral pain more to one side, as if bruised, and drawing aching, when sitting (aft. 35 h.) [Fz.]

At night in bed he often feels in the right side, near the spine, betwixt the scapulae, when moving, a stitch, that seems to penetrate deep into the chest.[Gss.]

In the left cervical muscles, towards the shoulder, only when moving a bruised pain, and as if over-stretched, which is relieved in the open air.

175. Tension in the dorsal muscles at the axilla; he has a difficulty in raising up the arms(immediately).[Ws.]

Cutting stitches on the scapula.

In the nape a drawing stitch.

Strong quivering in the cervical muscles of the left side (aft. 2 h.) [Mss.]

Even when at rest tension anteriorly on the right side of the neck, together with sharp stitches (aft. 3 h.) [Ws.]

180. Obtuse stitches betwixt the top of the left shoulder and the neck.[Gss.]

On the shoulder a quivering pain.

Aching cutting in the axilla (aft. ¼ h.) [Ws.]

Aching pain in the humerous, like bruised pain (aft. 1.3/4 h.) [Lr.]

The left arm is heavy when walking, with aching externally on the bend of the elbow, as if it were drawn down, when he lets it hang freely (aft. 4 h.) [Fz.]

185. On stretching out the arm sensation as if he had held a great weight for a long time in the hand- a kind of paralysis.

Stiffness in the elbow-joints, with weakness of the forearms.

Pain on the elbow-joint, as if in the sinews, as if he had received a blow there, increased by moving the arm and by leaning upon it (after walking in the open air) (aft. 24 h.)

Fine itching on the arms which goes off by rubbing (aft. 1 h.) [Ws.]

Fine tearing in the arms, rather as if in the bones, worse when at rest than when moving (aft. 2 h.) [Ws.]

190. Drawing in the forearm and hand, like cramp.

Single, deeply penetrating stitches above the right wrist. (aft. 7 h) [Ws.]

Hot feeling on the back of the left hand (aft. 6 h.) [Fz.]

Rheumatic drawing aching on the back of the right hand, in the evening. [Fz.]

Obtuse stitches on the back of the right hand, in front of the wrist. (aft. ½ h.) [Ws.]

195. Drawing in one finger of the left hand.

Pain in the right middle finger as if it torn out.

Pain in the proximal finger-joints as when an ulcerated part is moved.

Insensibility of the ring-finger, as if numb, stiff, and dead.

The fingers of the right hand only are cold to the touch, with feeling of cold. (aft. 8 h.) [Fz.]

200. Aching pain internally in the flesh of the left thumb-ball (aft. ¼ h.).[Mss.]

Drawing round about the thumb-joint, as if it were sprained, especially when he bends the thumb.[Fz.]

The whole right side of the abdomen and of the thigh and leg is as if bruised, and as if it would break on account of rheumatic drawing when walking (aft. 1.1/2 h.)[Fz.]

Sudden heaviness and exhaustion in the lower limbs (aft. ¼ h) [Mss.]

In the pelvis, when walking, a drawing squeezing sensation.

205. Cramp pain on the superior border of the os ilii extending to the spine (aft. 12 h.) [Ws.]

Frequent pain in the hip, on moving, as if stiff, or as if dislocated, almost like cramp.

On the left os innominatum, just behind the hip-joint, obtuse stitches in short fits, increased by every movement.[Gss.]

The hip-joint superiorly pains as if dislocated, and is almost useless for walking.[Fz.]

On the sciatic nerve, on the back of the thigh downwards, a boring paralytic pain. [Fz.]

210. In both inguinal joints, deep in the sinews, an aching drawing pain when rising from a seat (aft. 7 h.) [Fz.]

Fine stitches dart through the skin of the gulteal muscles, with external formication (aft. 6 h.) [Ws.]

Sharp stitches in the anterior muscles of the right thigh. [Gss.]

Twitching stitches in the left thigh and the superior border of the os ilii, extremely painful, only when sitting (aft. ¼ h.) [Wsl.]

In the anterior muscles of the right thigh a tensive pain when he flexes the knee.[Gss.]

215. After walking in the open air, excessively tired, especially in the thighs.

A fatigue and lassitude in all the limbs, without sleepiness.

The anterior muscles of the right thigh ars as if paralysed; when moving he feels a painful tension. [Gss.]

Fine tearing in the thighs, more as if in the bones, worse when at rest than when moving (aft. 2 h.) [Ws.]

On the outside of the thigh a drawing aching pain when walking. [Fz.]

220. Cramp pain in the middle of the posterior part of the thigh, only when walking (aft. 21h.) [Ws.]

Anteriorly superiorly in the recti muscles of the thigh a tensive aching pain on extending it (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

Fine itching on the thighs that goes off by rubbing (aft. 1 h.) [Ws.]

He can not walk at all quick; the lower limbs feel stiff. [Fz.]

Weakness of the lower limbs, especially felt above the knee-joint, as after a long journey on foot.

225. In the lower extermities feeling of stiffness, almost as if contact with a sickly person had bereft him of strength.

In the right knee-joint, when walking and when lifting the leg stretched forwards, a drawing squeezing sensation.

In the external tendons of the hough stitches daring upwards, when walking in the open air (aft. 13 h.) [Lr.]

Intermittent needle-pricks on the left patella, when walking in the open air (aft. 6 h.) [Lr.]

Spasmodic stretching drawing in the calf, and from the hough into the thigh.[Fz.]

230. Paralytic sensation, as from contraction of the ligaments, from the middle of the hough to the calf, when at rest and when moving (aft. ½ h.) [Mss.]

On crossing the legs he feels a spasmodic tearing drawing in the heel of the left foot that is planted firmly on the ground and in its ball, and an aching drawing on the knee of the other leg that is thrown across (aft. 10h.) [Fz.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.