X-ray – Medicine

Dreams of strife, busy dreams.

Very vivid lewd dreams, repeated night after night.

Unnatural lewd and disgusting dreams, occurring on several nights and several times in one night.


      Chills as soon as beginning to sleep, running up back, preventing sleep.

Chilly while undressing in warm room.

Chilliness on moving or from draft.

Chill going own back, followed by paralytic feeling in right cheek.

Wave-like sensation as if it would break out in perspiration.

Profuse perspiration on getting into bed, keeping him awake.

Spells of feverishness, perspiration and weakness.

Chills as soon as beginning to sleep, running up back, preventing sleep.

Chilly while undressing in warm room.

Chilliness on moving or from draft.

Chill going own back, followed by paralytic feeling in right cheek.

Wave-like sensation as if it would break out in perspiration.

Profuse perspiration on getting into bed, keeping him awake.

Spells of feverishness, perspiration and weakness.


      Reappearance of an old, slight, pimply eruption on left side of forehead.

Return of a slight eruption on outside of lower legs, burning when scratched, worse after scratching.

August 28, I took a dose of a few globules of X-ray 45M. for some urinary trouble, which ameliorated without being removed.

September 13 I felt a stinging and smarting on a place behind the left hip joint while sitting at the dinner table. In the course of the afternoon this symptom disappeared and reappeared on the right side, precisely corresponding to the place on the left side. Toward evening in burned like fire, and, on examination, a place as large as a silver dollar on the right buttock was red and tough as if the skin were abraded. On going to bed a blister as large as a hickory nut, not unlike a fish bladder, was present, from which smaller blisters extended down in a curve.

The redness and roughness was enlarged to about three inches in diameter. On being quiet there was no pain, but on the least motion or friction, the part burned like fire, or a severe burn.

In the night the blister opened, and another had come opposite to the first, as large as a chestnut. The pains on motion, touch, or friction, continued like a real burn. The skin was red, rough and inflamed, like raw meat, for four inches down, with small blisters of different size extending downward. The large blister discharged gradually, and a scab formed, which, under cessation of pain, fell off, so that by the end of September the skin was as sound as before.

This reminds me of a similar experience observed from repeated action of the X-rays upon the skin, resulting in a denudation of the tibia for the space of about six inches, as far as the leg was exposed to the rays, because it would not heal from an ulcer consequent upon an injury. ” On the red erythematous surface elevations begin to appear, of different sizes and which may be acuminate or papular. In the early stage they are barely visible, and resemble ordinary congestion papules. If however, their surface is scratched with a needle, a yellow serous slightly opaque fluid exudes and the papule disappears. These elevations, though of small size, are in reality vesicles. They occur in groups or disseminated over the surface, and ultimately develop into vesicobulle, or vesicopustules which have the appearance of an ordinary eruption.” ” In a weeping eczema the exudation disappear after one to four exposures, and does not return.” ” In pruriginous eczema the itching often ceases after a single application. “On dry eczema the effect of the rays is most marked.” A single application is frequently sufficient. “It is in the more obstinate, chronic, and recurring types that they are the most useful.”

To quote now from Dr. Hall-Edwards. “The disease generally makes its first appearance in the form of mild erythema around the roots of the nails. The nails begin to thicken and their substance to degenerate, until they become shapeless masses. The skin becomes uniformly red, and later small warty growths appear. These gradually increase in size and number, while the skin generally becomes dry and wrinkled. At this stage, apart from the disfigurement, the patient suffers no inconvenience. The warty growths continue to increase in size, and the skin loses its elasticity to such an extent that it cracks with the slightest exertion. These cracks are very painful and difficult to heal. Pain of an almost indescribable character, which appears to come from the bones, and which is aggravated by holding the hands downwards, is felt. Loss of power in the arm muscles is also experienced. At this stage the skin between the warty growths exhibits marked telangiectasis, is considerably thickened, and is tied down to the subjacent tissues. There is an ever-present sensation of burning and extreme itching, so that it requires no small amount of self-control to keep from scratching.

The bases of some of the larger warts become inflamed, and the thickened mass come away, leaving an ulcer which takes months to heal. These ulcers are so tender and painful that words fail to convey any idea of the suffering of the patient. They occasionally refuse to heal, become gradually larger, and may assume malignant characteristics, which demand operative interference.”

Dr. J. T. Pitkin, in a paper read before the ” American Roentgen Ray Society, ” in 1903, thus graphically describes the sufferings of this terrible disease: “For a description of the pain and suffering, hyperesthesia and paresthesia, no language, sacred or profane, is adequate. The sting of the honey bee or the passage of a renal calculus is painful enough, but they are comparative pleasure; being paroxysmal, they have a time limitation. Extreme tenderness to the slightest touch, hot and cold waves and flashes, warmth, tingling, pricking, throbbing, stinging, crawling, boring, and burning sensations, as if the parts were on fire and contained bugs and other living things; feeling as if the anatomical structures were being removed from one position to another; all of these sensation are proportionate to the depth of the inflammatory process.

General tired and sick feeling.

Persistent exhaustion and languor, not attributable to spring.

Lame an sore all over.

Trembling all over.

Body tired and exhausted.

Nervous powerlessness in limbs.

Sensation of swooning at times during day and night, feeling like dying.

Prostrated for a long time.

All symptoms worse in bed.

All symptoms worse toward evening and at night.

Mental and physical aggravation markedly pronounced toward evening.

Symptoms intermittent in character, the first observed symptoms have all returned at irregular intervals.

Muscles feet soft objectively. Generally worse in open air.

Twitching internally in various parts.

Symptoms gradually increasing in severity after noon.

For many years have removed the sensitiveness of nervous persons in electric storms with electricity cm.

Case of Dr. John B. Campbell. A patient for three years has gout, which is the summing up of a history of suppressed chills.

He got X-ray 30th cent., which seems to have helped him somewhat.

Swelling of legs and knees disappeared, after being present for weeks. Some of the pains were better. 1897, March 29th, 2: 30 P.M., took X-ray 30 cent., one powder; at 5 P.M., the second-no symptom-at 1 P.M. the third, which produced little itching. At 10P.M. took a hot bath with some improvement, and 11 P.M. the fourth powder, all of the 30 cent.

After that decided glow of heat all over body with some itching.

Little rash on both legs, with decided pricking on both legs from knees to toes.

Pain in region of spleen for one hour which passed away in bed, during which time no twitching or jerking of muscles, could stretch out both legs comfortably.

Very good night’s sleep.

March 30th, 7 A.M., slight perspiration on legs from knees to toes.

March 31st, took the remaining powder of same potency.

Some itching on left shoulder blade and arm from shoulder to elbow, with considerable increase of pain in elbow and hands, and sensation of heat all over body, but no fever.

Stiffness of back and neck, necessitating moving of whole body to turn his head.

Slight rash on left leg above knee.Some itching of arms and chest in bed, especially when beginning to get warm.

Could walk a little better the first two days after taking medicine.

More thirst than usual.

Had no chill 21st, until today, when he had a slight chill from 2 to 4 P.M.; no fever thirst or sweat.

Appetite and bowels extremely good.

Some itching or prickling pains above knees.

The swelling from legs and feet has gone down immensely, though pain does not abate.


      AGGRAVATION: In bed; towards evening and at night (both mental and physical); in the open air; in the afternoon. “Six years ago I received a severe X-ray burn on my left hand and finger. Eighteen months afterwards warts appeared-one seedy old chap, near knuckle of left index finger, second joint, gave me much concern. Various remedies were tried. Five months ago it became exceedingly annoying to me, and then I looked up the Materia Medica carefully, and there, sure enough, was the remedy.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.