X-ray – Medicine

Pain darting upward in region of left ovary when sitting, walking or standing.

Second day of menses a violent sick headache, pulsating pressure outward in forehead as if bursting, vomiting (pain relieved by hot water application).

After cessation of menstruation for six months it reappeared again, violent, profuse, without pain but prostrating, the flow lasting several days.

Three or four days before menstruation, felt from waist down as if bursting with distention and weight in abdomen, and wanted to hold herself up, relieved by the flow. Mental condition upset, she would like to kill somebody (three years ago she proved Uranium nitrate. Up to that time had never missed a regular menstruation, but irregular ever since.).

Flushes of heat; better afternoons and evenings.


      Cough caused by palpitation during evening.

In morning after rising and before, a cough caused by irritation in larynx, accompanied a pain in right side just above the crest of ilium, eating relieved cough, but side felt bruised when bending, jarring or pressing it.

In less than a week a cough with tearing sensation in bronchi, hoarseness, palpitation.

Phlegm of greenish hue causing cough in crawling up.

On rising in morning expectoration of considerable white mucus.

Much expectoration of tough mucus as large as fingers ends, whitish like gelatine, raised easily.

Raising of jelly-like mucus, worse in forenoon, tenacious and tough.

Grayish expectoration.

In two cases of gonorrhea, obstinate in character, deficient in symptoms, on which to make an accurate prescription, due, probably, to the deep sycotic diathesis, the X-ray not only developed all the acute symptoms of original attack but revealed the remedy (Mercurius Cor.) which promptly and permanently cured the disease and an old catarrhal deafness as well.

In two other cases, which had resisted the best of treatment for months, the remedy developed numerous sycotic excrescences on glans and the symptoms calling for the simillimum were sharply indicated, and it cured permanently. The physical and mental incubus, which for months had made one patient’s life a burden, was immediately removed on the reappearance of the condylomata, which had followed suppression by injection and were subsequently disbursed by cauterization.


      Wandering sticking pains in chest, worse on right side.

Stitching pain in right upper chest going through to upper part of scapula.

Sense of contraction across middle chest.

Contraction of chest at night relieved by belching.

Left chest bulged out like enlargement of heart (old symptom of inflammatory rheumatism twenty-five years ago.).

Sensation of drops of water trickling down on inside of chest.

Sensation in left side as if fingers pressed costal cartilages in, followed by sensation as if something broke inside, with temporary relief.


      Palpitation during evening causing cough.

Pulsations greatly diffused and violent, provoking an exclamation, which was suppressed, accompanied with a desire to walk in open air, and entirely relieved by lying down. Sharp pain at apex of heart, better by lying on left side.

Palpitation with a cough with tearing sensation in bronchi and hoarseness.

Painful bulging of left chest over cardiac region (old symptom of inflammatory rheumatism twenty-five years ago).

Heart’s sounds keep him awake while lying on left side.

Dull and constant soreness around heart, and worse in legs and arms.

Wind around heart; flatus and flatulence as though diarrhoea would begin.

Back and neck

      Stiffness on left side of neck, turning in bed.

Stiffness on right side of neck, with intense pain at night; occurs in paroxysms during the day amel. somewhat by hot applications.

Sudden “cricks” attack first one side of neck, then the other, agg. on getting cold; turning the head nearly produces convulsions.

Pain more severe behind the ears-the mastoid process.

Aching pains in left side of neck.

Clutching, shooting, aching pains begin behind left ear and in muscles of let side of neck on sitting up over twenty minutes; amel. by lying on left side.

Pain on both sides and in muscles of neck when lifting head from pillow.

Pain relieved on keeping perfectly quiet; sometimes by gentle motion.

Stinging contracting pain.

Awakened earlier than usual by dull aching in left occiput, and immediately in left sacro-illiac region, then posterior thigh and calf for fifteen minutes.

Pain in dorsal region.

Lame and stiff in back.

Aching whole length of spine.

After waking at daybreak next morning, sensation in dorsal region of spine as if its convexity were interior and drawn far forward, lasting but a minute, and followed by a very uncomfortable feeling in that region, lasting a much longer time.

Sore feeling across loins as after a heavy cold.

Sensation as if a cool drop of sweat going down left side of spine.

Soreness in small of back.

A paralytic sensation extending from spine down left leg.

Rheumatic-like fever in trunk, steady dull pain going steadily from trunk to legs, and finally to heels, worse in left knee, worse stepping on heel, on underside of heel (old symptom of inflammatory rheumatism twenty-five years ago). Pressure in small of back as from congestion about kidney.


      “At first sight it may seem contradictory that the same agent will, in one case, cause the hair to fall out, and in another case favor its growth. The contradiction, however, is only apparent, as the results depend on the amount of rays absorbed by the hair papilla and the consequent inflammatory reaction. It is evident that if this factor is varied the results will be altered.”.

Upper limbs

      Magnetic thrill in right hand, extending up forearm.

Tingling in both arms as of electric current, or as if asleep.

Intermittent, slightly burning, rheumatic-like pain in right carpometacarpal articulation, extending from index finger up outside of right forearm.

Rheumatic pain in left wrist and forearm.

Rheumatic twinge in last two phalangeal articulations of index and middle fingers for a short time in forenoon.

Grating heard in shoulder joints, as well as nearly all other joints of the body.

Aching extensor muscles of right forearm going up to shoulder.

Rheumatic pain in right wrist and arm.

Tingling like pins and needles in left hand.

Tingling in right hand.

Can’t hold things in left hand, powerless or clumsy.

Palms of hands, which were rough and scaly and bleeding at times, became smooth and natural during the proving.

Healing action. (Afterward they went back to former state when general health improved.).

Lower Limbs

      Lower part of both legs asleep, tingling, as if from electric battery more in right, immediately.

Sciatic pain in right hip.

Rheumatic pains in limbs.

Dull aching posterior aspect of thigh and calf in morning, from above downward.

Pain in right sciatic nerve on walking.

Rheumatic pains in front of right thigh.

Drawing aching discomfort in right thigh through hip and knees down through toes, immediately.

Feeling as if somebody were drawing icy hands over thigh downward, aggravatingly slow (this occurred first twelve years ago after a nervous shock and did not return for five years.)

Varicose veins inside of knees and legs, with swelling and soreness (returned after years).

Had always heat and swelling of feet in spring, which is better now, although it is spring. Healing action.

On inside of left knee sensation in different spots painful as if hairs were being pulled, worse walking, better rubbing or scratching.

Rheumatic-like fever in trunk, steady dull pain going steadily down to legs and finally to heels, worse in left knee, worse stepping on heel, on underside of heel (old symptoms of inflammatory rheumatism twenty-five years ago.).


      Kept awake by heart’s sound while lying on left side.

Sleepy with headache.

Only snatches of sleep during these twelve days, always followed by mental depression, during suffering from nephralgia.

As soon as she begins to sleep, chills running up back preventing sleep.

Sleepy, but unable to sleep for some hours after retiring.

Sleeplessness constant and troublesome (relieved permanently by a bottle of Pabst Malt Extract).

Drowsy all night while sitting up.

Drowsiness leaves the instant when lying down, so cannot sleep.

Goes to sleep on right side, but wakes on left side.

Symptoms worse when getting into bed, worse after sunset.

Profuse perspiration on getting into bed, keeping him awake.

Sleepy during day.

Awaking frequently at night from no apparent cause.

All symptoms worse in bed.

Frequent urination, worse after getting in bed. (Symptoms better after Belladonna or Aconite for a short time; better from ale, which puts him to sleep).

Dreams of distressing nature.

Sleep not unrefreshing, though apparently dreaming all night.

Awaking with a headache lasting all day.

Recurrence of a dream which used to trouble her many years ago. (This dream was repeated at wide intervals over twenty years ago; now it came every night for five times.)

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.