X-ray – Medicine

Sleepy with headache.

Headache gradually extending to frontal region, worse in center of forehead.

Sense of pressure in center of forehead.

Dull headache in morning, worse when stooping and after rising.

Headache and soreness, worse towards afternoon.

Head feels empty as though scraped, worse at night in bed.

Sensation of fullness of head with slight full feeling in ears, worse in right ear.

Pain in right side of head above temple.

Threatening headache, pressure through temples.

Headache across brow, and a different pain in temples.

Pain in right side of head, passing around base of brain to right ear, followed by paralytic numbness.

Pain in left temple, worse 8 P.M.

Sharp stabbing in left temple followed by clearing up mental function, the heart immediately feeling the impulse.

Feeling in head and nose as if coryza would set in, with slight desire to sneeze.

Sense of pressive fullness starting from posterior prominence of vertex in a central straight line to bridge of nose, followed by fullness in entire vertex extending to bridge of nose.

Aggravation of fullness over vertex, worse along the center of nose and when stooping over.

Disagreeable fullness of head all morning, with bland coryza and stoppage of nostrils.

Aching on top of head across along coronal suture on blowing nose and after it.

Constant ache in vertex, worse on awaking, also on coughing, sneezing, or head low.

Drawing in and across the brow approaching nose and resting there, immediately.

Pain across brow over bridge of nose.

Heavy pressure on vertex as from a hand (old symptom, absent a year).

Sticking pains in different parts of head and face.

Sickening grating between the bones of the cervical spine on turning the head.

Pains steady, but at times appear in sharp “cricks, ” then in streaks down the course of the nerves agg. by turning the head or neck; moving the head on pillow at night is agony; amel. keeping perfectly quiet; again by gentle motion.

Pain in left side of head and neck, intensely and constantly, at times paroxysms of cramping pain in cord, from left shoulder to head, back and above left ear. Cords feel too short.

Cannot bear slightest touch, though hard pressure relieves for an instant; amel. by walking the floor.

Pain amel. by lying on left side of face and body.

Unable to lift head from pillow without taking hands, and then by a slow circular motion.

Pain in back of head amel. at times by massage slightly, also by heat.

Back of head at times seems perfectly well, next moment cannot bear slightest touch or lift my head from the pillow without great pain on both sides and in muscles of neck.

Morning awaking earlier than usual with dull aching in left occiput, and immediately in left sacroiliac region, lasting fifteen minutes.

Suddenly sharp ache in left occiput on small area, recurring two or three times at intervals of some hours, without regularity.

Violent sick-headache second day of menses, pulsating pressure outward in forehead as if bursting, vomiting, pain relieved by hot water applications.

Neuralgic pains.


      Bearing down of eyelids.

Eyeballs sore.

Sensation in right eye as if bulging.

Right eye sore to touch.

Congestion of eyes in forenoon, worse on rising.

On closing eyes in dark sees old men’s and women’s ugly faces.

Eyelids heavy and sleepy.


      Sore pain in cartilage of left ear when pressing it, later in right ear.

Pressing outward in ears.

Buzzing in right ear with pressure extending to temples.

Fullness in ears, worse in right ear, worse by inserting finger.

Fullness in ears, more right, and fullness in head.

Intermittent noise as of deep steam-whistle in left ear, and ringing in head.

Ears more clear from ringing and dullness of hearing than for many years, an improvement lasting up to this day. Healing action.


      Bloody mucus from the nose.

Sensation of sulphur-vapor in nose with much sneezing. Sulphur-vapor sensation in throat and nose.

Congested sensation in head and nose as before coryza.

Nose stopped on left side.

On blowing nose and after it aching across top of head along coronal suture.

Sensation of hyperesthesia or nervous concentration in bridge of nose.

Nasal discharge thin.

Flowing coryza with stoppage of nostrils and fullness in head, forenoon.


      Dull pain in right upper jaw.

Paralytic feeling in right cheek, preceded by chills going down back.

Slight electric current sensation in left side of tongue and face, passing over and disappearing in right side of face.

Red, smooth eruption on right side of face.

Stinging pains in different parts of head and face.


      Tongue dry, rough, sore and scraped.

Scraping pain in lateral incisor, aggravated by noise and jarring of cars.

Teeth covered with a gray-green deposit.

Tongue slightly coated.


      Sulphur-vapor sensation in nose and throat.

Throat painful on swallowing.

Sense of painful lump about left tonsil, worse swallowing.

Indescribable sensation in esophagus, immediately.

Foul breath.

After eating at noon, sensation of a long and narrow foreign body lodged in pharynx, removed by swallowing, aggravated by swallowing. After this passed away, pharynx felt hollow and sore on deglutition.


      No appetite for anything excepts sweet pudding or cake.

Aversion to meat.

Ate nothing for three days.

No appetite for breakfast (old symptom absent for two years).

Appetite diminished.

Desire for sweets.

Most distress after midday and evening meal.

No hunger, goes till he feels faint.

Can eat plenty but does not enjoy it.

More thirst than usual.

Thirst for cold drinks, though nothing tastes good.

Bad taste in forenoon.

Bitter taste.

Hiccough, belching, nausea and Vomiting

      Nausea and vomiting with profuse sweat after immense stool at 4 A.M., seven days after taking.

Slightly sick at stomach.

Vomiting ceased, though colic pain remained in lower abdomen for twelve days.


      Abdomen distended with full feeling. (Pulsatilla, which a year ago helped for months a train of symptoms, had only very slight effect.).

Flatulence with ineffectual desire for stool.

Heaviness and fullness in lower abdomen at intervals like fomentation, as though diarrhoea would follow.

Wind around heart, flatus and flatulence as though diarrhoea would commence.

Drawing gnawing in region of appendix, as though inflammation were beginning.

Sensation in right lower abdomen, as though bubbles were forming and wanting to burst (relieved by Taraxacum for twenty- four hours).

Flatulence with ineffectual desire for stool.

Colicky pains in right lower abdomen, sometimes extending behind the hip, and retained urine.

Moving aggravates the colic pains, especially on right of abdomen, which seemed adhered to walls, feeling as if torn off.

Had to keep a large towel pad between abdomen and thigh to support abdomen and prevent the excruciating pain.

Pain in right side just above crest of ilium, with an irritation in larynx causing cough in morning after rising, and before eating, eating relieved cough, but the side felt bruised when bending, or jarring, or pressing it.


      Catarrhal inflammation of rectum, with discharge of mucus slightly bloody after action of bowels, in course of two or three days (a trouble he had once before).

Seven days after taking medicine roused out of bed at 4 A.M. with desire for stool and complete evacuation of immense quantity, followed by nausea and vomiting, profuse sweat, pain in right lower abdomen, retained urine, vesical tenesmus continuing for twelve hours, till 4 P.M., after which urine became freer, vomiting ceased; colic pains remained for twelve days.

Stool green, though normal in consistency.

On straining at stool a sore sensation in nates.

Ineffectual urging to stool, with flatulence.


      Retained urine, vesical tenesmus after enormous evacuation, vomiting for twelve hours to 4 P.M.

Seven days from beginning of attack return of renal colic with vomiting, continuous nausea and retention of urine on left side.

A clutching pain from left kidney to bladder that never relaxed for two hours, causing the wildest demonstration of agony, ghastly face, blue rings around sunken eyes, cold sweat with trembling, frightful restlessness, urine retained in ureter (giving a perfect picture of Tabacum which relieved at once). As soon as the pain in ureter relaxed after it, urine was filling up the bladder and then passed without pain. Some spasm remained and was relieved by Cantharis in five minutes. (She had something of a like trouble a year ago, but not so severe as this, only a strangury.)

Great prostration followed this attack.

Frequent urination, worse after getting into bed.

Pressure as from congestion about kidneys.

Male Genitalia

      Sexual desire lost in man.

Testes relaxed, impotent feeling.

Unnatural or disgusting, lewd dreams on several nights, or several times in one night.

Female Genitalia

      Menses dark green one day.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.