X-ray – Medicine

An indescribable sensation in esophagus, immediately.

Pain in right side of head above temple.

Palpitation during evening, causing cough.

Pulsations greatly diffused and violent, provoking and exclamation which was repressed, accompanied with a desire to walk in open air, and entirely relieved by lying down.

Before going to sleep, dull pain in upper jaw on right side.

Scraping pain in lateral incisor, aggravated by noises and jarring of cars.

March 28. After waking at daybreak next morning sensation in dorsal region of spine, as if its convexity were anterior and drawn far forward, lasting but a minute, and followed by a very comfortable feeling in that region, lasting a much longer time.

In morning after rising and before eating, a cough caused by an irritation in larynx, accompanied by a pain in right side just above crest of ilium; eating relieved cough, but side felt bruised when bending, or jarring, or pressing it.

Red, smooth eruption on right side of face.

Sore pain in cartilage of left ear, felt when pressing it, later in right ear.

March 29. Pain darting upward in region of left ovary, when sitting, walking or standing.

March 31. After eating at noon, a sensation of a long and narrow foreign body lodged in pharynx, unmoved by swallowing, aggravated by swallowing. After this passed away, pharynx felt hollow and sore on deglutition.Sharp pain at apex of heart, better by lying on left side.

Had always heat and swelling of feet in spring which is better now. Healing action.

5. Dr. St. C., after one dose X-ray 6 cent.

Threatening headache, pressure through temples, immediately.

Aching of extensor muscle of forearm, going up to shoulder.

6. Mrs. E. C., after one dose of X-ray 6 cent.

Drawing, aching discomfort in right thigh through hip and knee down through toes, immediately.

Sciatic pain in right hip.

Palpitation of heart.

In less than a week began to cough, with tearing sensation in bronchi, hoarseness, palpitation.

Chilliness on moving or from draft.

Eyeballs sore.

Lame and sore all over.

Wave-like sensation as if would break out in perspiration.

Stools green though normal in consistency.

Teeth covered with a gray-green deposit.

Menses dark green one day.

Second day of menses violent sick headache, pulsating pressure outward in forehead as if bursting, vomiting, pain relieved by hot water application.

Phlegm of greenish hue causing cough in crawling up.

7. Dr. L. M. L., after one dose of X-ray 6 cent.

Drawing in and heaviness across brow approaching nose and resting there.

Ears more clear from ringing and from dullness of hearing than for many years. Healing action.

Rheumatic pains in right wrist and arm.

Headache across brow and a different pain in temples.

Eyelids feel sleepy and heavy.

Tingling like pins and needles in left hand.

Improvement of hearing continues.

8. Dr. F. H. L., after one dose of X-ray 6 cent.

Tingling in right hand, immediately.

Pain across brow over bridge of nose.

9. Dr. Miss R. after one dose X-ray 7 cent.

Lower part of both legs asleep, tingling feeling as if from electric battery increased in right, immediately.

A feeling as if some one were drawing icy hands over the thigh downward aggravatingly slow. (Rectum of an old symptom twelve years ago after a nervous shock which did not return for five years.).

Three years ago proved Uranium nitrate. Up to that time had never missed a regular menstruation, but it has been irregular ever since. Had not menstruated for six months till after taking X-ray, when it was almost prostrating.

Three or four days previously felt from waist down as if bursting and wanting to hold herself up, with distension and weight in abdomen, relieved by flow, violent, profuse, without pain. Flow lasting seven days.

Mental condition upset, felt as if she would like to kill somebody.

Heavy pressure on vertex as from a hand (old symptom absent a year).

10. Mr. Davis S. took one dose X-ray 6 cent. 1897, March 28.

Next day mental irritability.

Trembling all over.

Body tired and exhausted.

Pain on right side of head passing around base of brain to left ear, followed by paralytic numbness.


Powerlessness of limbs.

Slightly sick of stomach.

A sensation of hyperesthesia or nervous concentration in bridge of nose.

Sore feeling across loins as after a heavy cold.

Fullness in ears, worse in right ear, worse by inserting finger.

Pressing outward in ears.

Sensation as of a cool drop of sweat going down left side of spine.

Sense of contraction across middle chest.

Chills going down back, followed by paralytic feeling in right cheek.

Muscles feel soft subjectively.

Tongue felt dry, rough, sore, scraped.

Soreness in small of back.

Sleepy and unable to sleep for some hours after retiring.

On rising in morning expectoration of considerable mucus.

Generally worse in open air.

Nasal discharge thin.

Mentally irritable.

Headache and soreness worse toward afternoon.

Mental and physical aggravation markedly pronounced toward evening.

Bitter taste.

Pain in left temple, worse at 8 P.M.

Contraction of chest at night, relieved by belching.

Slight electric current sensation in left side of tongue and face, passing over and disappearing on right side of face at 8.25 P.M.Much expectoration of tough lumps as large as fingers’ ends, whitish like gelatin, raised easily.

At first had desire for sweets.

The sleeplessness, which was getting constant and troublesome, seemed to be relieved permanently by a bottle of Pabst Malt Extract.

May 1st. Drowsy at night when sitting up.

Drowsiness leaves the instant he lies down, so he cannot sleep.

Reappearance of many symptoms which occurred during an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, twenty-five years ago.

Painful bulging of left chest over the cardiac region.

Sensation in right eye as though bulging.

Right eye sore to touch.

On closing eye in dark sees old women’s and old men’s ugly faces.

A paralytic sensation extending from spine down left leg.

Twitching internally in various parts of body.

All symptoms worse towards evening and at night.

On inside of left knee sensation in different spots, painful as if hairs were being pulled out, worse on walking, better on rubbing and scratching.

Sexual desire lost.

Raising of jelly-like mucus, worse in forenoon, tenacious and tough.

Grayish expectoration.

While lying on left side, heart-sounds keep him awake.

Goes to sleep on right but wakes on left side.

Symptoms better after Belladonna or Aconite for a short time, better from ale, which puts him to sleep.

Sleepy during day.

Waking frequently at night from no apparent cause.

Spells of feverishness, perspiration and weakness.

On straining at stool, a sore sensation in nates.

Rheumatic-like fever in trunk, pain steady and dull going steadily from trunk to legs and finally to heels, worse left knee, worse stepping on heel, on underside.

Head feels empty as though scraped out, worse at night in bed.

Can’t hold things in left hand, being powerless or clumsy.

All symptoms worse in bed.

Third day after taking.

Slight nose-bleed on left side at 4: 30 P.M.

Sensation of swooning at times during day and night, feeling like dying.

Rheumatic pains in limbs (an old symptom of rheumatism resurrected even to an old soreness in heels).

Soreness worse in legs and arms and around heart, dull and constant.

No hunger, goes till he feels faint, can eat plenty but does not enjoy it.

Frequent urination, worse after getting into bed.

Testes relaxed, impotent feeling.

Pressure in small of back as from congestion about kidneys.

Sharp stabbing pain in left temple, which staggered him, followed by clearing up of mental functions – the heart immediately felt this impulse.

Left chest bulged out (like enlargement of heart in old rheumatism twenty-five years ago).

A sensation in left side as if fingers pressed the cartilages in, followed by sensation as though something broke inside, with temporary relief.

Sensation of drops of water trickling down on inside of chest.

Wind around heart, flatus and flatulence as though diarrhoea would commence. Unnatural lewd or disgusting dreams, occurring on several nights, or several times in one night.


      General tired and sick feeling.

Persistent exhaustion and languor, not attributable to spring.

Lame and sore all over.

Trembling all over.


      Mentally irritability.

Clearing up of mental function after sharp stabbing pain in left temple staggering him, the heart feeling the impulse immediately.

Mental depression after snatches of sleep for twelve days.

Mental processes not clear, writes wrong words in letters.

Mental condition upset during profuse menstruation, would like to kill somebody.

Misanthropy during renal colic, did not want to answer questions, did not want to see anybody or to talk to anybody, being completely prostrated.


      A feeling at right external orbital margin as if it might be an ache, immediately (the first symptom observed).

A pressing across forehead with a miserable feeling generally as though going to be sick.

Awoke with headache next morning, continuing at intervals through whole day.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.