X-ray – Medicine

The tumor in breast is softening some, and decreasing in size.

The X-ray treatment was always the very lightest possible, and never once colored the skin red, although tanning it very brown.

Took it at first but once a week; the effect being so good, applied it every third or fourth day. The first pain I had was a slight stiffness of neck on left side. In March it was only felt on turning in bed at night; increased slightly and gradually until Nov. 1st; though I had one severe paroxysm of pain in right side of neck in May, relieved by hot applications, which still give some relief at times. Sitting in the hot sun shining on my neck gives some relief. Have suffered intensely of late from flushes of heat, similar to those I had during climacteric; better afternoons and evenings. The back of head at times seems perfectly well – next moment cannot bear slightest touch or lift my head from the pillow without great pain on both sides in muscles of neck.

1. Dr. B. L. B. B., after one dose of X-ray 6 cent.

A magnetic thrill in right hand extending up forearm, immediately.

No particular symptoms the next day.

Next morning awaked earlier than usual by dull aching in the left side of occiput, and immediately in left sacroiliac region, then on posterior aspect of left thigh and calf, a dull ache, These pains extend from above downward, not severe, lasting fifteen minutes.

In afternoon suddenly a sharp ache in left side of occiput on a small area. This occurred two or three times at intervals of some hours without regularity.

After that in the course of two or three days a trouble which he had once before, a catarrhal condition of inflammation of rectum with discharge of mucus, slightly bloody, after action of bowels.

Corns on soles of feet more sensitive than formerly, consisting of thickening of cuticle, and sometimes a little pain head depression which does not scale off.

2. Dr. Miss Alice B. C., after one dose X-ray 6 cent.

A feeling on the external orbital margin as if it might be an ache, immediately.Buzzing in right ear with pressure extending to temples.

Bearing down on eyelids.

Woke with headache next morning, continuing at intervals during whole day.

A pressing across forehead, with a miserable feeling generally, as though going to be sick.

Sleepy with headache.

Bloody mucus from nose.

No appetite for anything, only sweet pudding or cake most tolerable.

Aversion to meat.

Heaviness and fullness in lower abdomen after eating small quantity.

Uneasy feeling in lower abdomen at intervals like fomentation, as though diarrhoea would follow.

Most distress after midday and evening meal.

Abdomen distended with full feeling. (Pulsatilla, which a year ago helped for months a train of symptoms, had only very slight effect.) Drawing gnawing in the region of appendix as though inflammation were beginning.

Sensation in right lower abdomen as though bubbles were forming and wanting to burst (relieved by Taraxacum for twenty- four hours).

Flatulence with ineffectual desire for stool.

Seven days after taking the medicine was roused out of bed at 4 A.M. with desire for stool, and complete evacuation of immense quantity followed by nausea and vomiting, profuse sweat.

Colicky pain in right lower abdomen, sometimes extending behind hip, and retained urine. Tenesmus vesicae continuing for twelve hours to 4 P.M., when the urine came freer.

Vomiting ceased though colic-pains remained for twelve days.

Moving aggravated pains especially on right side of abdomen, which seemed to adhere to the walls, feeling as if being torn off. Had to keep a large towel-pad between abdomen and thigh to support abdomen and prevent the excruciating pain.

Ate nothing for three days.

Thirst for cold drinks, though nothing tastes good.

Tongue thickly coated.

Breath foul.

Only snatches of sleep during these twelve days, always followed by terrible mental depression, did not want to answer questions, did not want to see anybody nor speak to anybody, misanthropy.

Chill as soon as beginning to sleep running up back, preventing sleep.

Dreams of distressing nature. Recurrence of a dream that used to trouble her many years ago. This dream was repeated at wide intervals over twenty years ago. Now it came every night for five times.

Seven days from beginning of the attack had a return of renal colic with vomiting, continuous nausea, cold sweat and retention of urine on left side. A clutching pain from kidney to bladder that never relaxed for four hours, causing the wildest demonstration of agony, ghastly face, blue rings around sunken eyes, violent trembling, frightful restlessness, cold sweat, urine retained in ureter, giving a perfect picture of Tabacum which also relieved the symptoms. As soon as the pains in the ureter relaxed, the urine seemed to fill up the bladder and then passed without pain. Some spasm remained and was relieved by a Cantharis in five minutes. (He had something like this before, about a year ago, by all means not so severe, a mere strangury.)

Varicose veins inside of knees and legs, with swelling and soreness (after years returned).

The palms of the hands, which were rough and scaly and bleeding at times, became entirely smooth during proving. Healing action.

After that the hands went back to former condition while general health improved.

Prostration for a long time.

During the continued action of the X-ray she suffered so much that for some time she had to take medicine to counteract it. All these symptoms have been thrown out.

3. Dr. John B. C., March 28th, 1897, took X-ray 6 cent., three doses in globules ten minutes apart.

Five minutes after second dose.

Sensation of fullness of head with slight full feeling in both ears, worse in right ear.

Feeling in head and nose as if coryza were about to commence, with some slight desire to sneeze.

Sense of pressive fullness starting from posterior prominence of vertex in a straight line to bridge of nose, followed by fullness in entire vertex extending to bridge of nose.

Tingling in both arms as of an electric current, or as if asleep.

Intermittent, slightly burning rheumatic-like pain in right carpometacarpal articulation extending from index-finger up outside of forearm.

Aggravation of fullness over vertex worse along center to nose, worse stooping.

Dull pain in right sciatic nerve, worse on walking. Wandering pains in chest, sticking in character, worse on right side.

Sticking pains in different parts of head and face.

Rheumatic pains in different parts of head and face.

Rheumatic pains in front of right thigh.

March 29th. Bad taste in forenoon.

Disagreeable fullness of head all morning, with bland coryza and stoppage of nostrils.

General tired and sick feeling.

Symptoms gradually increasing in severity after noon.

Headache gradually extending to frontal region, worse in center of forehead.

Sense of pressure in center of forehead.

Dull headache in morning, worse stooping and after rising.

Symptoms all intermittent in character, they have all returned.

Sensation of sulphur-vapor in nose, with much sneezing.

Aching pain across top of head, coronal suture, on blowing nose and after it.

Pain in dorsal region.

Sulphur-vapor sensation in throat and nose.

Intermittent noise as of deep steam whistle in left ear, and ringing in head.

Mental processes not clear; writes wrong words in letters.

Stitching pain in right upper chest, going through to upper part of scapula.

Rheumatic pain in left wrist and forearm.

Lame and stiff in back. Aching whole length of spine.

Chilly while undressing in warm room.

March 30. Constant ache in vertex, worse on waking, also worse coughing, sneezing, motion or head low.

Rheumatic twinge in last two phalangeal articulations of index and middle finger for a short time in forenoon.

Appetite diminished.

Nose stopped, worse on left side.

Throat painful on swallowing.

Sense of painful lump about left tonsil, worse swallowing.

Very vivid lewd dreams repeated night after night.

Dreams of strife, busy dreams.

Sleep not unrefreshing, though apparently dreaming all night.

Remark of the Prover. This medicine resurrects old troubles that have been long dormant, and remedies that formerly helped have little, if any, effect against the renewal difficulty. In five provers old symptoms were brought to light. In some cases the symptoms had been absent one year, some six, twelve or even thirty years.

May 24. No appetite for breakfast (an old symptom absent for years).

Re-appearance of an old slight pimply eruption on left side of forehead.

Persistent exhaustion and languor; this last was marked and not attributable to spring.

Return of a slight eruption on outside of lower legs, burning when scratched, worse after scratching (absent for months).

Observation of the Prover. It seems this medicine might be used in three ways: 1. To develop old troubles or those which might become latent from any cause including suppression. 2. To develop acute symptoms already present as against its own pathogenetic phenomena. 3. As an antipsoric somewhat like Sulphur.

4. Dr. Miss C., March 27, 9 P.M., one dose X-ray 6 cent.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.