PYROGEN – Medicine

Two soft, sticky stools, 8 to 9 A.M.

Involuntary escape of stool when passing flatus.

Profuse watery, painless stools, with vomiting.

Stool, horribly offensive, carrion-like.

Stool very much constipated, large, difficult, requires much effort; first part balls, last part natural, with streaks of blood; anus sore after.

Constipation: hard, dry accumulated feces; stool large, black, carrion-like; small black balls like olives.

Congestion and capillary stasis of gastrointestinal mucous membrane, shedding of epithelium, bloody fluid distending intestines (dog). (Sweat about anus removed; fistula relieved.) Usually diarrhea.

Irregular action of the bowels.

No stool today, very unusual.

Sticky yellow stool.

Passing flatus, sometimes involuntary.

Urinary Organs

      Urine scanty; only passed twice in twenty-four hours.

Urine: yellow when first voided; after standing, cloudy with substance looking like orange peel; red deposits on vessel hard to remove; deposits sediment like red pepper with reddish cloud on vessel.

Got up three times in night to urinate. (Bright’s disease.) Urine contains albumin and casts; horribly offensive, carrion like.

Frequent calls to urinate as fever comes on.

Intolerable tenesmus of bladder; spasmodic contractions, involving rectum, ovaries, and broad ligaments; [cured in a case of Yingling’s with Pyrogen cm. (and higher); patient’s next period came on naturally and painlessly, whereas before menses had been painful and extremely offensive].

Irregular urination.

Action of the kidneys irregular.

Aching in region of the kidneys.

Urinated only twice to-day. Very unusual; usually several times a day, normal in quantity.

Urine loaded with albumen.

Red lime inside of vessel, hard to remove.

Sediment like red pepper that floats at the bottom.

Male Genitalia

      Testes hang down relaxed; scrotum looks and feels thin.

Female genitalia

      Puerperal fever, with offensive lochia (cured).

Puerperal peritonitis with extreme fetor; a rotten odor.

Parts greatly swollen (Bright’s disease).

Menses horribly offensive; carrion-like.

Menses last but one day then a bloody acrid leucorrhea, horribly offensive.

Hemorrhage of bright red blood with dark clots.

Septicemia following abortion; fetus or secundines retained, decomposed and horribly offensive. (Has cured prolapsus uteri, with bearing down amel. by holding the head and straining as in the act of labor).

Abscess of left ovary, acute throbbing pain, great distress, with fever and rigors (Pyrogen cm. (Swan) produced an enormous flow of white creamy pus with general amel.).

Lochia: thin, acrid, brown, or fetid; suppressed, followed by chills, fever, and profuse fetid perspiration.

It has cured prolapsus uteri, with bearing down, amel. by holding the breath and straining as in the act of labor. Pain starting in the uterine region and passing upward to the umbilicus. It was the reverse (a cork-screw pain); this was momentarily amel. by holding the breath and bearing down, as in labor; momentarily amel. by pressing the hands against the vulva, then she said she would have to turn loose, as it made her worse. Lilium had previously failed in this case. Pain starting in the umbilicus or a little above, and passing down towards the uterus, but at midway of abdomen it would be intercepted by the same kind of a pain starting from the uterus and passing upward till they would meet midway between the umbilicus and uterus, then gradually die out till another would come as before; amel. momentarily by drawing her knees up to her chin and grasping her arms around them and holding them tight. Intolerable tenesmus of the bladder; it was more of a spasmodic contraction that anything else; at the same time this condition would be reflected to the rectum and this strong desire to defecate without ability to do so would also involve the ovaries and broad ligaments. Nux vomica and Lilium tigrinum had no effect whatever.

Severe chill; dull frontal headache; restless, pale, anxious.

Sharp shooting pains through abdomen. Pain in head severe; she clasped it with her hands as if she had received a sudden blow and cried, “Oh! My head; ” became very restless, said she was going to die, and did not want the baby, of whom she was very fond, near her. Face pallid, with offensive viscid perspiration; abdomen sensitive to pressure; lochia and milk ceased. Thirsty for frequent small drinks. Pulse 140, weak, small; temperature 103. Pyrogen cm. 6 doses in water one-half hour apart. She made a good, though slow recovery. Puerperal septicemia.

Respiratory organs

      Wheezing when expiring.

Cough: expectorating large masses of phlegm from larynx; agg. by motion; agg. in warm room; cough, burning in larynx and bronchi; pain in occiput; stitching in small of back, only noticed in the chair; coughs up yellow sputa through night.

Cough amel. sitting up, agg. lying down.

Expectoration: rusty mucus; horribly offensive; bloody sputa.

Larynx and trachea

      Usually cough.

Coughing when expiring.

Cough attended with rusty expectoration.


Cough every time I move or turn over in bed.

Coughed up yellow sputa through the night.

Cough severe after rising.

Coughing, spitting up large masses of phlegm from larynx.

Cough agg. by motion.

Cough more in a warm room.

Coughing causes pain in back of head.

Burning in larynx and bronchi on coughing.

Cough up yellow sputa through the night.


      Pain in right lung and shoulder, agg. talking or coughing.

Neglected pneumonia: cough, night-sweats, frequent pulse, abscess had burst discharging much pus of mattery taste (rapid recovery under Pyrogen, three doses).

Chest sore, purple spots on it.

Severe contracting pain within lower sternum, sometimes extending to rib-joints and up to throat, as if esophagus were being cramped.

Ecchymoses on pleura (dog).

J. A. W., aged 61. An old soldier full of rheumatic aches and pains; complaining much.

April 7, 1895. Rode Twenty-two miles in a big wind storm, chilling and disagreeable, on the 5th. Taken to bed at once.

Hot and cold flashes, agg. moving about. Aching and sore all over.

Bones ache. Very restless and nervous. Impatient. Head feels big, full and aches all through head and down neck; agg. coughing. Nasal discharge fluent and thin. Lungs sore and painful; agg. coughing.

Coughs considerably, some little expectoration, agg. at night.

Pulse 84. Bowels not moved since the 4th. Urine scant. Chilly when moving. When first taken sick, and when riding in the storm, his toe nail felt as if they were flying off, first one, then another. This feeling was very marked and disagreeable.

Pyrogen CM., three doses, two hours apart.

Within twelve hours the pains were all gone and he had a good night’s rest. Sat up next morning feeling “better and freer from pain than in four months.” A very rapid and prompt cure. – Yingling.

Respirations are rapid and shallow.

Pain in the chest, and perhaps orthopnea, from pleuritic affections.

Pain in the region on the left nipple, as if in the heart which was going to ache.


      Pain in region of left nipple, as if in heart; increased action; pulse 120.

Heart tired as after a long run; increased action agg. least motion.

Never free from weary sensation about the heart.

Every pulsation felt in head and ears; a painless throbbing.

Sensation as if heart were enlarged; distinct consciousness of a heart.

Sensation as if heart were too full of blood.

Sensation as if the heart were pumping cold water.

Violent, so persistent that it became very tiresome.

Palpitation or increased action without corresponding increase of temperature.

Palpitation agg. by motion; agg. lying on affected (left) side.

Loud heart-beats, audible to herself and others.

Could not sleep for whizzing and purring of heart; when he did sleep was delirious.

Cardiac asthenia from septic conditions.

Ecchymoses on heart and pericardium (dog).

Palpitation agg. from motion amel. remaining quiet; pulse 160-170 per minute.

Tired feeling about the heart, as after a long run, feel as if I would like to take it out and let it rest; it would be such a relief if it would stop its throbbing; temperature not raised.

Back and Neck

      Pains in back in lumbar region.

Bubbling sensation or gurgling in the left hypochondrium, extending back to the left side of the spine, felt when lying on the left side.

Pain in small of back.

Weak feeling in the back.

Stitching pain in the back on coughing.

Throbbing of vessels of neck running up in waves from clavicles.


      Aching: in bones; all over body as from a severe cold; with soreness of flesh, head feels hard; amel. motion (S).

Cold extremities.

Numbness of hands, arms and feet, extending over whole body.

Automatic movement of right arm and right leg, turned the child around from right to left till feet reached the pillow; repeated as often as she was put right (cerebra-spinal meningitis).

Upper Limbs

      Pain in shoulder-joint; in front, passing three inches down arm (S).

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.