Malaria off – Medicine

Mrs. J. E. G., age 25, for four days, about 11: 30 A.M., she has great aching all over, commencing in small of back; then hot fever, short of breath; headache all the time, day and night; each day the trouble gets later. During the morning feels weak, head whirls, sense as if the head made the stomach sick; eyes feel heavy. When in the open air she feels cold and “shake inside” till she “fairly cramps”. Dull and stupid. Aching under right scapula; cramping, and very sore and sensitive in the region of the liver; worse from pressure, and at times has sharp pains; sleepy and drowsy, but sleep does not rest her; wakes up tired and feeling bad all over. No appetite; no thirst; breath seems very short; eyes burn like coals of fire. Must urinate often; urine high colored, very strong odor, scanty; feels like a burden, she wants to urinate, but cannot. In the morning feels as if getting over a long spell of sickness. Dizziness; feels that she does not have any sense; worse walking or turning around, rising up, stooping. Cannot have the house closed up, for it aggravates the head and stomach, but fresh, cool air chills her. Very bad taste, bitter, nasty. Tongue about clean; headache in forehead and down cheek bones. Malaria off., 6M. Reported a very prompt relief.

H. F., age 35, a farmer; rumbling and burning in stomach and abdomen; burning of stomach, feels very weak and nervous; frontal headache, going all over the head; face feels stiff; dryness at root of tongue; draws up like from green persimmons; feels drowsy and sleepy; aching all over body, in arms and legs; chilly feeling, then breaks out in a slight sweat for a while, both come and go. Sighing, takes a deep breath; restless and nervous. Hands seem to be useless, but can use them by force of will. Malaria off., 6M. Reports every symptom markedly and promptly relieved.

G. E., age 15, chill every second day at 6 P.M. Thirst variable. Slight hot stage after chill. Sweats during the night, profuse; wakes up chilly and gets cold from the sweat drying up.

Feels pretty well between times. Sleepy during day of the chill.

Lips dry and parched. A constant hacking cough, half minute guns, when talking and when turning over in bed. Malaria off., 6M.

Reports a prompt cure. E. W. E., age 56, pain in right side in region of liver; steady, dull ache, better after urinating. Throbbing in scrobiculum, lower part of stomach, worse lying down. Very cold hands during the day, and both hands and feet are cold at night. Skin yellowish. Piles for many years, external bleeding some, not painful, but unpleasant. Worse using tobacco. Bowels inactive. Malaria off., 30M. Reports all symptoms greatly better, with continuous improvement. Dr. B. reports that he has been feeling tired and weak for several days. No time of aggravation. Weakness as though he had been sick with loss of appetite. No other symptoms. Malaria off., 6M. Improvement set in less than an hour after the one dose. At the end of four days he was in usual health. Mrs. B., wife of the above, chilliness, followed by fever. Pain in upper left chest through to scapula. Burning in left chest. Bodily aching. Malaria off., 6M. Better two months. For the past six days has burning of external chest. Darting in left chest during fever. Burning begins about 10 A.M., lasting during the heat of the day. Occipital pain begins with fever, worse at night, lying on back, lying on left side. Throbbing all over. Malaria off., 50M. All symptoms amel. for nearly five months, when she received a dose of the 5CM., with amelioration. Soon after this the patient had la grippe.


      For the past four days cramping in lower abdomen, with urging, which comes on after rising in the morning. Four or five actions daily of thin mucus with bloody spots, a tea spoonful; no fecal matter. Urging & tenesmus each half hour until bedtime. Muscular stinging over body while straining at stool when mucus passes. Desire for stool returns as soon as he sits down. Walking amel pain & the desire for stool. Stinging sensation all over at times, if he gets too warm from exercise. Desire to be near the fire.


      Faint, empty feeling in stomach at times, day & night; sensations as though he had not had food.


      Pains are ((>)) from walking about.


      Pain in small of back, as though strained; ((>)) when sitting; (<) walking or lifting.


      Pain in back of neck, as though head was being pulled forward.


      Pain in legs, better from motion. Feet go to sleep while sitting.


      Bitter taste. Dryness.


      None. Thirst for a little every hour, caused by dryness in the mouth.


      Weakness as though from a spell of sickness. No desire to lie down during day. Desire to walk about. Rhus tox., 50M., was given two days ago, with no amel, excepting pains in legs. All other symptoms unchanged. Malaria off., 6M.

In less than a half hour taking the dose the bad taste in mouth, urging to stool and weak sensation were better. Improvement uninterrupted, no more trouble with stool until the fourth day; he had some urging to stool while moving about, but the stool was normal. Another dose of same cleared up the case fully.

Mrs. R., aged 45, weighing 245 pounds, could scarcely walk or get into a buggy for two years from the effects of rheumatism in her back and limbs. Malaria 1X three or four times a day. In one week she could walk as well as ever and has no rheumatism or lameness since.

Mr. S., foreman of a large saw mill, has been afflicted with rheumatism for years, stiff neck and right arm and shoulder helpless and painful. He wished to keep it from his chest and heart. Malaria 1X every two hours, when better every three hours.

In three days he was better and could turn his neck and use his arm fairly well. One week later gave him two drachms more of malaria, to be taken six hours apart. He has not had any rheumatic troubles since that time.

Mr. C., proprietor of two large saw mills, one in Arkansas, where he passes part of his time (and frequently gets wet), has been afflicted with so-called gout. I found it was of a rheumatic nature (caused by malaria) and made agg. by Quinine and external applications, I gave him Malaria 1X. In three days he was better and did not have half as many pains or aches. He took only four drachms, from three to six hours apart, and has not had any rheumatic or gouty pains since.

Mr. I. S. aged 55, a veteran and pensioner of the civil war, emaciated, bronzed in color, had not been able to walk for years.

After repairing his heart, chest, stomach, curing his piles and regulating his bowels he was content, yet he could not walk. His back had been injured in the army, and his limbs would not move at will and he could not walk alone or get out of a chair. I gave him for a week Ruta graveolens and Rhus-tox., of each the first cent., three hours apart. This amel. for a time. Concluding his trouble was due to rheumatism, caused by malaria, gave him 1X three or four times a day. In one week he rode to my house and came up and down steps alone. I gave him two drachms more and in five days he came to my office, having walked nearly three miles that morning alone. I need not say I was surprised, could hardly believe it was all due to Malaria. But it certainly was, as nothing else was taken or applied, has gained flesh and seems at least ten years younger.


      Feels stupid and sleepy. (Very thoughtful).


      Feeling as though he would become dizzy.

Waving dizziness on falling asleep.

Dizziness on rising from reclining position.

Dull aching through forehead and temples. (Dull headache, dizzy and drowsy) Intense headache, as though head would burst.

Vertigo on rising in the morning and on rising from stooping; must steady himself before starting to walk.

Frequent attacks of headache, especially in the forehead.

Pain in occiput, begins with fever, worse at night, agg. lying on back or on left side.

Throbbing pain all over head.

Vertigo; confused sensation; worse by walking, turning around, rising or stooping.

Headache in forehead and down cheek bones.

Headache beginning in forehead, extending all over head.


      Aching above inner angle of right eye.

Eyes feel heavy and sleepy. (Eyes weak, blurring, reading difficult) Eyes burn like coals of fire.


      Drawing pain in right external ear.


      A kind of concentration of feeling at root of nose and just above, as though I should have a severe cold like hay fever.

Catarrh; hard, yellow lumps from posterior nares; nose stopped up at times; bloody discharge from nose mornings.


      Itching on right cheek over malar bone (and various parts of face and limbs); amel. by slight rubbing or scratching.

Face becomes warm as if flushed; and spreads over body.


      Pain in upper left teeth.

Sensation on point of tongue as if a few specks of pepper were there.

Saliva more profuse than usual, keeps him swallowing often.

Had a good night’s rest and felt better and brighter from that time (curative).

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.