Malandrinum – Medicine

Depressed, worried, anxious.

Slept somewhat better.

Dec. 23rd. Depression continued through forenoon, began to wear off towards evening.

Dec. 28, 10-11 A.M. Itching or prickling on back, arms and legs, less marked elsewhere on body, relieved by warmth rather than by scratching.

This has recurred at irregular intervals of one to four days up to to-day (Jan.10).

Dec. 31st. Feeling of swelling and soreness in throat or between nose and throat, back of palate; pain in running up into ears, left side. Thirst.

Chilly feeling on changing clothes at night (the same on dressing next morning); headache.

Jan. 1st. Symptoms return at evening with sneezing, dryness in throat, left side.

Jan. 2nd. Some mucus cleaned from nose and throat afforded relief, and the trouble gradually disappeared, though the dryness of nose and throat on left side continues (Jan. 10).


      Confusion and lassitude of the mental faculties with a dread of any mental exertion and a lack of concentration, an entirely new and unusual experience which continued several weeks after stopping the remedy.

Comprehension difficult.

Memory weakened and impaired; great difficulty in remembering what was read.

Confused feeling in head with severe pain in left temporal region, finally located in left eye and felt as if a saw was being drawn up and down vertically through globe, agg. by light and reading.

Sharp darting pain first in left temple then in right. Confusion and lassitude of mental faculties; lack of concentration and a dread of any mental exertion.

Melancholy with general fatigue.

Head External

      Pustular eruption on scalp. Sensation of weariness at junction of atlas with cranium, every morning on rising.

Itching on scalp, especially in the evening.

Excessive oily dandruff (an entirely new experience) the fourth week after pustules dried up.

Prover contracted a digital chancre, from surgical infection in May, 1891; was treated homoeopathically. Ever since a tendency to crusty pimples on the scalp, chiefly on vertex; discrete, scattered, entirely free from itching, neither painful nor sore, small at the base but considerably elevated in form of a dry crust. Condition had existed eleven years. Malandrinum 30, three times a day, caused the eruption to disappear entirely for three months, after which it gradually re-appeared.

Impetigo covering head from crown to neck and extending behind ears.

Thick, greenish crusts with pale, reddish scabs, itching agg. in the evening.

Impetigo, covering back of head, extending over back to buttocks, labia and even into vagina.


      Frontal and occipital headache, backache, weariness and chilliness, lasting one day.

Frontal headache, no appetite, bilious vomiting and weariness.


Terrible headache and backache.

Splitting headache in the forehead, chilliness, salty taste in mouth.

Frontal headache, backache and weariness.

Temporal headache, dizziness, backache.

Terrible headache, bone pains, vomiting (bilious), chilliness, diarrhoea, malaise.

Pain in forehead, left after Malandrinum.

Heaviness in the head.

Pains all over head.

Pain in back of head, no appetite, inability to sleep.

Headache and backache, stiffness of neck, loss of appetite, constipation, and great weakness (following vaccination).

Headache, worse in forehead, with pain in back and abdomen, attended with general debility (following varioloid).

Eruption on forehead, crusty with intense itching.


      Red stripes under eyes. Severe pain in left eye as if a saw was drawn up and down vertically through eyeball.


      Dry rawness in floor of left nares, more marked on left side.


      Skin of face and neck chaps and smarts after shaving; must shave on warm moist days.

Eczema facialis; intense burning, much edema, oozing viscid fluid.

A yellowish honey-comb crust on upper lip.


      Profuse purulent, greenish yellow discharge, mixed with blood.

Left ear painful on waking.


      Tongue, coated yellow; with red streak through middle, cracked and ulcerating down middle; swollen.

Horribly offensive breath.

Canker on left border of tongue, which spreads in all directions; tongue sore, unable to speak.

In one case in which I was using Malandrinum 30 as a prophylactic of variola, it cured a very stubborn case of aphthae.-H. S. Taylor.


      Sore and swollen agg. left side. Left tonsil swollen; yellow ulcer with clear cut, well defined edges persistent for several days; rough scraping sensation like a corn husk or a foreign body, which must be removed mechanically; painless swallowing.

January 24 commenced taking Malandrinum 200.

Thursday, Feb. 6th, awakened with first sore throat of my life.

Left tonsil swollen and inflamed.

Left ear ached and gums on left side of mouth inflamed and swollen; marked salivation.

These symptoms continued and severely agg. until March 5th, when they became so severe that he was compelled to seek antidote (Mercurius solubilis cm.).

Throat symptoms and pains in throat begin on left side, and extend to right.

Ulcerative patches, grayish in color, on tonsils and fauces, with a tickling sensation on swallowing.

Ulcerated sore throat had tendency to extend downward, invading the larynx. Severe ulcerated sore throat beginning on third day, worse on left side.

Appetite’s Throat

      Thirstless; water nauseates.

Entire absence of thirst.

Teeth and Gums

      Teeth covered with viscid mucus; must clean them with cotton several times daily.

Gums swollen, ulcerated, receding from teeth, bleed easily when touched; unable to brush the teeth from sore and bleeding gums.

A dark brown, tenacious mucus mixed with blood and pus exudes from ulcerated gums.

Sordes on the teeth.


      Nausea after eating; vomiting of bilious matter.

Very hungry.

Empty, faint, “all gone” sensation, with faintness and trembling, not amel. by eating, though desire for food is very marked.


      Pains around umbilicus.


      Diarrhoea: yellow, bloody, slimy; very changeable, worse in the morning; acrid, excoriating; child had a dried-up mummified appearance; sleepless and has not nursed for 24 hours.

Dark, thin, cadaverous-smelling stool.

Diarrhoea: acrid, yellow, offensive, followed by burning in anus and rectum.

Dark brown, foul-smelling, almost involuntary diarrhoea; pains in abdomen.

Dark brown, painless diarrhoea.

Black, foul-smelling diarrhoea; weariness, nausea, dizziness.

Yellow, foul-smelling, almost involuntary diarrhoea, and great weariness.

Black, foul-smelling diarrhoea, malaise and weariness.

Bowels inactive, no desire; move after enema, but leave sore bruised sensation in rectum for hours; dreads stool.


      Great sensitiveness of bladder on walking; bladder, irritable, frequent desire to urinate.

Male Sexual Organs

      (Child constantly handles the penis.) Violent erections the seventh and eighth nights.

Painful erections the seventh and eighth nights.

Painful erections second night with great sensitiveness of bladder.

Female sexual organs

      Vagina closed with thick impetiginous crusts; yellowish, greenish, brown in color.


      Intense pain across small of back.

Pain along back as if beaten.

Backache was intense in the sacral region; in the dorsal region, under the shoulder blades, chiefly the left side; it was almost unbearable. (Dr. B. from three doses of the 200th.).

Upper Limbs

      Impetiginous crusts on extensor sides of forearms. Rhagades in palms and finger.

Had a case of varioloid to treat; I took four doses of Malandrinum 30, one dose a day, and had a sharp proving in the form of a severe backache for several days.

Lower Limbs

      Pains especially in left tibia, with petechia-like patches on anterior aspect of left leg from knee to ankle.

Petechia on both thighs agg. on left.


Weak ankles, easily turn on making a false step.

A sore spot in right quadriceps extensor femoris as eruption disappeared, later it changed to muscles of left leg with increased pain and tenderness.

Dull pain in crest of left tibia for several days before sore throat and headache began.

Left foot drenched with sweat; right foot dry. Four days later (after dancing 2 -1/2 hours) both feet drenched with perspiration.

Toes felt as if scalded and itched terribly underneath; was compelled to change hose twice a day, and bathed with cold water morning, noon and night, which gave relief.

Intense itching agg. by rubbing or scratching.

Skin underneath toes cracked and bled.

Profuse foot-sweat with carrion – like odor; toes so sore unable to walk; only amel. was when feet were bared an elevated.

The itching or sweating would return on covering or letting the feet hang down.

Soles of feet bathed in sweat, scald and burn when covered or warm.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.