Magnetis Polus arcticus – Medicine

Sensation in the epigastric region and in the stomach, as if the walls of the stomach were sensitive to pain.

Drawing in the pit of the stomach, extending into the right chest.


      She is waked in the night by a pressure in the abdomen as from a stone.

Drawing pain in the abdomen.

Warmth in the umbilical region, causing an anxiety; followed by a sensation as if vomiting would come on.

Coldness in the abdomen (immediately after touching the magnet).

Shocks and jerks proceeding from the abdomen and extending through the chest into the throat (immediately).

A few jerks in the abdomen, like a sort of rumbling, as if something were falling down in the abdomen at intervals (immediately).

A few stitches in the side of the abdomen, and movement in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would come on.

Spasmodic contractive sensation in the hypogastrium, externally and internally, early in the morning.

Pinching, especially in the epigastrium, directly after supper.

Violent, continuous pinching, as from incarcerated flatulence, at a small place in the left side of the abdomen.

Flatulent colic immediately after supper, sharp pressure in every part of the abdomen from within outward, as if the abdomen would burst, relieved when sitting perfectly still.

Flatulent colic early in the morning, immediately after waking; the flatulence was pressed upward toward the hypochondriac region, with tensive pains in the whole abdomen, causing a hard pressure here and there, accompanied with a qualmishness and nausea which proceeded from the abdomen, and was felt both in motion and when at rest.

Continuous aching-pinching pain in the whole hypogastric region, like a sort of colic, but without any perceptible flatulence; it disappears neither by motion nor rest, or eating and drinking, but is excessively increased by reflection and mental exertions, and is in that case accompanied with nausea; the colic is somewhat diminished by strict rest, but it disappears entirely in the space of an hour by touching the zinc.

In the evening and morning he feels a pressure as from flatulence in various parts of the bowels, resembling a pressure on a bruised spot, accompanied with a similar pressure in various parts of the brain; both the headache and colic disappear immediately after the emission of flatulence; the headache and colic return with the return of flatulence, which makes one moreover feel ill-humored, the flatulence has a fetid smell.

(The south pole removed the painful uneasiness in the abdomen, and the headache, within the space of an hour.)

He wakes in the night with a violent colic; it is a sort of continuous, intolerably hard pressure in the pit of the stomach and the hypochondria, continuing to rise in the chest, and increasing in violence up to the pit of the throat, where the breathing threatens to be arrested (this condition was soon relieved by the hands being imposed on the chest with a strong will – a sort of self mesmerism), the spasm abated, and rest and sleep were restored by a strong but easily emitted flatulence.

Gurgling in the abdomen as if a quantity of flatulence were incarcerated, causing a writhing sensation, which rises up to the pit of the stomach, and causes eructations.

Severe cutting stitches, when walking in the open air, in the middle of the hypogastrium, from below upward.

Stitches in the right lumbar region.

Stitches in the left groin from within outward, in the region of the superior spinous process of the ilium (immediately).

Cutting pain in the left groin, in the region of the abdominal ring, with a feeling of weakness in that region.

Relaxed condition of the abdominal ring, increasing from day to day; hernia threatens to protrude, especially when coughing.

Sore pain in the abdominal ring, when walking.

Boring pain above the left abdominal ring, from within outward, as if hernia would protrude.

Inguinal hernia.


      Drawing, almost dysenteric pain in the hypogastrium, early in the morning, followed by difficult expulsion of the very thick feces.

Blood comes away with stool twice a day.

Sharp pressure in the rectum.

Stinging-pinching in the rectum.

Aching – pressing pain in the rectum (not in the anus) after midnight, while slumbering, lasting for hours and disappearing after being wide awake.

Urinary organs

      Dark urine. The secretion of urine decreases in the first hours, but increases after the lapse of twenty-four hours.

Copious emissions of urine. (Relaxed condition of the neck of the bladder from one o’clock at noon until eight o’clock in the evening; the urine dropped out involuntarily.).

Respiratory organs

      Dry cough causing a painful rawness in the chest, especially in the night after getting warm in bed, having been chilly first.

Racking and spasmodic cough while falling asleep, hindering sleep.

Suffocative, spasmodic cough about midnight.

The desire to cough is seated in the finest and most remote bronchial ramifications, where nothing can be got loose by the cough; the mucus which is thrown off is secreted in a higher region, the titillation remaining the same, in as much as it has its seat lower down; hence the cough is very fatiguing and racking; even the head is concussed, and the whole body becomes warm, after which a general exhalation sets in until morning, when the cough abates.

Unceasing (not titillating) irritation, inducing coughing, in the evening, in bed, immediately after lying down, the cough being short and dry; the irritation is not momentarily diminished by the cough, as is the case in other kinds of cough; this unceasing irritation can only be removed by suppressing the cough, even by a firm, determined will.

He was obliged to breathe spasmodically with deep and intermittent inspirations, as if his breathing became arrested, at the same time he felt a desire to inspire as much air as possible, and was covered with sweat all over.

Momentary violent turns of cough; three or four. When walking in the open air the cough becomes much worse, and assumes a suffocative character.


      Sudden oppression of the chest, with anxiety.

Itching of the nipples.

A few violent beats of the heart.

Burning or sharp stitches in the region of the heart.

Burning stitches, first in the region of the dorsal muscles, afterwards in the side of the chest, and lastly in the fore part of the right chest.

Pressure in the region of the heart (immediately).

Sharp stitches in the left muscles of the chest, on moving the arm.

Stitches in the left side of the chest.

Crampy contractive pain through the chest, causing a tremulous anxious breathing, especially the inspiration, when leaning over upon the arms and looking out at the window.

Anxiety and qualmishness about the chest.

When walking in the open air he imagines that heat is entering the chest, passing through the pharynx.

When walking in the open air, he feels a pricking in the left side of the chest.

Continuous stitch in the left side of the chest in the evening.


      Cracking or cracking in the cervical vertebrae, especially in the atlas, during motion.

Pain as if bruised in the middle of the spine, when bending the spine backward.

Gurgling and creeping sensation between the scapulae.

Twitching in the posterior lumbar muscles.

Pain as if bruised in the left shoulder-joint both during motion and rest, painless when touching it.

Upper Extremities

      Trembling of the arm, the hand whereof is touched by the magnet.

Cramp-like sensation in the arm, and as if it had gone to sleep.

The left arm is much heavier than the right.

The upper arm which is not touched by the magnet is very heavy.

Itching above the elbow, consisting in a fine stinging and smarting, not diminished by scratching, as if a mosquito had bite him there; the scratching causes a burning.

Jerking in the affected upper arm (the arm and foot seemed to him dead).

Sensation of stiffness in the elbow-joint.

Audible cracking in the elbow-joint during motion (immediately).

Pleasant feeling in the arm-joint, as if it enjoyed rest after great weariness.

Heaviness in the upper limbs, as if the veins contained lead (immediately).

Feeling of heaviness in the arm which touches the magnet.

Violent coldness in the arm over which the magnet had been moved (in a female in magnetic sleep, after being touched with the north pole magnet.) Prickling pain in the arm as far as the shoulder, especially in the long bones of the forearm.

Sore pain in the right shoulder when walking in the open air.

Sensation in the arm and hand as if they had gone to sleep (immediately).

Stitches in the forearm near the wrist-joint.

Pressure in the left radius, in the evening, as after a blow.

Pressure and drawing in the wrist-joint, with uneasiness in the forearm, obliging him to bend the arm continually.

Stiffness and rigidity in the right tarsal and carpal joints, at night when in bed.

Trembling of the hand which touches the magnet, and of the foot of the opposite side.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.