SULPHURIC ACID symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What SULPHURIC ACID can be used for? Indications and personality of SULPHURIC ACID…


      Sulphuric acid was first proved by Hahnemann.


      There are two general conditions to be kept in mind in reference to this remedy; the one, a tendency to haemorrhage from various parts of the body and from every orifice; the other, the stomach conditions, with nausea and vomiting, and craving for alcoholic stimulants.

Other things being equal, the Sulphuric acid patient is in a bad way.

It is a remedy of value in purpura haemorrhagica (158), with dark blood or bluish ecchymotic spots.

In typhoid fever calling for it, we would have great drowsiness rapid sinking of the strength, deathly paleness of the face, haemorrhages (193) from various parts and sense of general trembling (192), without it being visible. In addition, there would be sour vomiting and sour discharges, with desire for alcoholic stimulants, which give relief.

Sulphuric acid is a traumatic remedy, useful for the “bad effects from mechanical injuries, as from bruises” (Lippe), “especially when ecchymosed” (Hering) (65) and for “tendency to gangrene (82) after bruises, especially in old people” (Hering).

In the stomach, vomiting is a prominent feature, vomiting of food and drink, and it is of value for the vomiting of drunkards (176). Nux vomica you will recall is useful for a man whose habits are not very steady, one who spends an occasional night with the boys and is full of remorse the next morning. Sulphuric acid, on

the contrary, is for a man of steady, regular habits, regularly drunk, one who can retain nothing on his stomach except more liquor, which he not only craves but must have, at least for a time (9). It is a good remedy for a drunkard to help him to reform (15) and in a foot-note in Hering you will find recommended a mixture of one part Sulphuric acid and three parts alcohol, to be given in ten or fifteen drop doses three times a day for a couple of weeks. This is stronger than I should dare to give as a usual thing. It is to be followed by Sulphuric acid in potency.

As a preventive for painter’s or lead colic, Dr. J.H. Demarest advises a drop or two in a glass of water, in divided doses, daily.

Sulphuric acid is valuable for the dyspepsia of non- drinkers, with vomiting of food and drink and craving for the relief from alcoholic stimulants. As the pathogenetic- symptom reads, “coldness in stomach (178) from every drink unless some spirit is mixed with it.” It has been used with success in the vomiting thirst, the vomiting relieved by drinking hot water. In this and other gastric conditions calling for the remedy, there is apt to be intolerance of the smell of coffee (5) and aggravation of the vomiting when lying on the I. side.

the liver and spleen are enlarged (173), with sharp pains in th latter when coughing.

The diarrhoea of Sulphuric acid is fetid (59) and it is often indicated in the diarrhoea of sour-smelling children (60), sometimes frothy (58) and there is said to be an aggravation from eating oysters. A pathogenetic symptom developed in a nursing infant whose mother had been taking from give to ten drops of the acid three times a days, reads: “The child’s napkins when washed went into holes.”

Sulphuric acid is to be thought of in aphthous stomatitis (140), with salivation and great weakness, occurring during protracted disease, especially in children suffering from marasmus (129).

In diphtheria or croup it would be indicated in severe cases (62), with great quantities of exudation and regurgitating of liquids through the nose (183).

I use Sulphuric acid in the tincture or 3rd.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.