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LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS can be used for? Indications and personality of LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS…



      (Marrubium vulgare (not one of our remedies) is the common hoarhound).

(Lycopus, lykos, lukos, wolf; “ovs, pus, pous, foot, named like Lycopodium, from the supposed resemblances of the root to a wolf’s foot.)

The Virginia bugle-weed is indigenous to North America and was first proved by Dr. G. E. Chandler, of this country, and Dr. Morison, of England, about 1872.


      The thought that I keep in mind in reference to this remedy is associated with a tumultuous action of the heart.

The heart is weak and irritable; it has lost its tone and any little exertion or excitement will start the heart off on its irregular tumbling action, which may be seen and heard, and prevents the patient from lying with the head on the pillow; associated with this are cold extremities and general nervousness, and Hering adds, “excessive flatulence and profuse flow of watery urine.”

We have the active, irregular heart, which occasionally intermits (110) but the word tumultuous, as found in the Handbook, expresses my idea of the Lycopus Heart’s action (112).

Lycopus has been used with success in exophthalmic goitre (83), with palpitation, tremulous or tumultuous action of the heart, protruding eyes, etc., the usual symptoms in this disease. Allen says, “it may relieve the protrusion of the eyes and the cyanosis from the general relaxation, but it has no effect upon the glandular enlargement of the thyroid, which usually must be treated by Iodine.”

Exophthalmic goitre has long been considered as extremely difficult to cure. Some recent reports, notably that of Dr. V. C. Piatti, on the use of Lycopus in this disease, have been very favorable, and if it has a nervous origin, due to fright, for example, it would seem as if the remedy was all the more indicated.

It is of value in cardiac diseases, including neuroses, associated with tumultuous action, usually with more or less pain and tenderness about the heart; frequently associated with hypertrophy of the heart (110). It is useful in palpitation from nervous irritation (111), with feeling of oppression about the heart (110).

Lycopus is to be thought of in rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, associated with simple palpitation and general nervous symptoms, or with valvular disease, and it is useful in valvular disease of the heart following articular rheumatism, with dyspnoea and palpitation, or small, weak, irritable pulse which intermits (110) now and then.

I use Lycopus in the tincture.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.