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DULCAMARA symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What DULCAMARA can be used for? Indications and personality of DULCAMARA…



      Dulcamara (dulcis, sweet mamarus, bitter), probably brought from Europe to this country; prefers moist banks and the margins of swampy grounds as the place to grow, and we find in it, as a remedy, a pronounced adaptability to conditions arising from exposure to cold-wet (9). This feature will follow us throughout its whole pathogenesis, not only from cold-wet weather, but also from the bad effects of getting wet and cold.

Hahnemann, who first proved it, speaks of its use the 30th.


      The most marked effects of Dulcamara are those of cough, of muscular rheumatism and of urticaria.

It is of value in headache, catarrhal or rheumatic, caused by or worse during cold wet weather (98), with heaviness of the head and mental confusion and nausea, all worse from walking or motion(96).

On the scalp it is to be thought of in eczema, with thick brown crusts, which bleed when scratched and with aggravation of the condition during cold, wet weather cold, wet weather and amelioration in summer.

It is of value in earache (63), with redness of the drum (64) and caused by getting the feet wet, by exposure to cold rain (64) or during damp, cold, foggy weather.

Dulcamara is of great value in nasal catarrh, with an increased secretion and free discharge of mucus in cold, wet weather (142).

Remember it in facial neuralgia brought on by change of weather (79) to damp, or from being out in the wet, or worse from the slightest exposure to cold (79); also in toothache from getting wet (188), with painful salivation (163), and especially when associated with diarrhoea.

It is to be thought of in the salivation of mercury (139), which is worse in damp weather. There may be an increase of saliva in rheumatic conditions, and it has been used in ulceration of the mouth, even gangrene (144), with great swelling of the mucous membrane and profuse flow of saliva of putrid odor.

The diarrhoea of Dulcamara is worse in cold wet weather (58), stools mucous, green (59) or changeable on color, of sour odor (59), and with general dry heat of the skin. It may be useful for diarrhoea in summer when the hot day is followed by a cool and damp night (58).

It is of use in cystitis, the result of taking cold, and in acute nephritis (124), with suppressed urine (200), the result of a sudden wetting while in a perspiration, or due to working in water.

The cough of Dulcamara is worse during cold, wet weather (44); the cough is either dry and hoarse, or as usually found, with a good deal of greenish, tenacious expectoration (69). It is frequently indicated for bronchial catarrh in old people (147), cough usually with free expectoration and worse from or during cold, wet weather on from change of weather to cold and wet.

While not mentioned in the provings, Dulcamara is to be thought of an “amenorrhoea (134) resulting from exposure to cold or dampness (134), or in sudden suppression of menstruation from exposure to damp, cold weather or air” (Minton). It is useful in nursing women for suppression of milk from taking cold.

Dulcamara is frequently called for in lumbago, or in stiffness and lameness across the back and shoulders, associated with fever, and due to catching cold or getting wet. It is a valuable remedy in muscular rheumatism that is worse during cold weather, and especially during cold, we weather.

A word of warning in reference to the aggravation of rheumatic pains during wet weather. Patients are so thoroughly impressed with the idea that rheumatism, to be rheumatism, should be worse during damp or wet days that they frequently imagine that it is, or express astonishment that it is not. If the patient does not volunteer the information and state it in positive terms, it is safe to assume that no such aggravation


The rheumatic pains of Dulcamara are apt to be worse in the evening and when at rest, and relieved while walking (10).

It is a remedy of value for paralysis of the lower limbs from getting cold or after a wetting (149), with icy-coldness of the extremities.

Dulcamara is of value for urticaria (201), with great itching, especially when caused by sour stomach, and for urticaria that comes on at the beginning of winter; these latter cases are usually chronic ones and last throughout the cold weather of each year. The itching is worse on exposure to cold air even when undressing (122).

It has been used for eczema, with intense itching and watery discharge and for colic and diarrhoea that followed the suppression of an eruption in cold weather.

I use Dulcamara 3d.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.