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ASARUM Medicine

ASARUM symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What ASARUM can be used for? Indications and personality of ASARUM…



      Hahnemann, who first proved Asarum, grows sarcastic over the methods and absence of detail amongst some old school men, who reported on what they called a complete proving of the drug, and he asks what they discovered from doses of from 28-46 grains, except that it caused vomiting five or six times, as if almost any substance when taken in excess would not be rejected by the stomach. “And did it do nothing more than this?” he continues. “And is this all the curative action that can be expected from it? How carelessly must they have acted in such an important matter when they observed nothing more and discovered no more medicinal use for it?” (Mat., Medorrhinum Pura.)

In reference to the amounts used by the old school. Hahnemann, continuing in the same mood, says that while we do not know all the purpose for which substance were ordained, they must be manifold, and the were not simply created in large quantities in order that we might be enabled to give them in large doses.


      Asarum is not a frequently used remedy, which is due in a measure to our ignorance of all its known symptoms.

It has a mental condition, noticed while walking, in which he imagines that he is hovering in the air like a spirits.

Had I known this when I had a case presenting got only this symptom, but also some of he nervous symptoms of the remedy, I might have afforded at least relief instead of he failure that resulted from my lack of knowledge.

The most prominent feature under Asarum is an increased sensibility or hyperaesthesia of all the senses (166). This is especially noticeable in certain forms of irritable nerves in anemic women, where the scratching on linen or similar substance is intolerable, in fact so sensitive is the Asarum patient that the more thought of it makes her sudden. While the pathogenesis is is silent on the subject, we can readily imagine that the sharpening of a slate-pencil in her presence might bring on a convulsion.

Asarum is to be thought of in the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (153) when associated with the extreme sensitiveness of the remedy.

Hiring gives “unconquerable longing for alcohol” and Allen in his clinical notes says, the “desire for alcoholic drinks (15) is said to be controlled by Asarum.”

I use Asarum 3rd.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.