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ALLIUM CEPA symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What ALLIUM CEPA can be used for? Indications and personality of ALLIUM CEPA…

      ONION-COMMON RED ONION. (Allium or Allium, garlic. Cepa, onion).


      Allium cepa is frequently spoken of as Cepa and under that name it is to be found in some of our materia medicas.

Hering, who first started to prove the remedy in 1847, the report being published ten years later, says that it has been “in use as a medicine since time immemorial” and quotes many authorities. He says: “Discords, the Greek physician, and physicians following him, among, the Arabians, had a glimpse of the truth of similia. For they used the onion to cure the symptoms they knew it was capable of producing; but with Galleon all reasonable investigation ceased.” Hering also says of allium cepa: “It is mentioned in the Old Testament under the name Bejel, which the Hebrews craved, as in our time, coffee and tobacco are craved.”

Those of you have served as out door physicians are probably convinced that craving for the onion still exists.


      The first and most marked effects of Allium cepa are catarrhal, the eyes, noise and larynx being mostly involved.

In addition we have neuralgic pains like a fine thread, especially of the extremities.

There is in Allium cepa a general aggravation from warm air (9).

The headache is usually a dull pain, located mostly in the forehead and extending across to the temples and downwards to the eyes (39) and into the face, and associated with coryza (95), and it is in acute, fluent coryza (37) that you will find the most frequent use for this remedy.

If you watch a person peeling onions in a warm room with the windows closed, you will see a pretty good picture of the Allium cepa coryza.

There is a profuse lachrymation with redness of the eyeballs and burning and smarting, but as a rule no excoriation of the lids. There is a copious, watery flow the nose (37), the discharge being acrid (37), and burning (39), terminating in excoriation and soreness.

If you see the case early, the patient will frequently tell you that wiping the nose so continuously is beginning to make i sore; he is not yet aware of e excoriating character of the discharge.

There is frequent sneezing which seems t scrape or rasp the mucous membrane of the nose and throat.

Along with the coryza we have frontal headache (95), which with the sneezing and the running from the nose, are relieved while in the open air (37).

Associated with this coryza or following it we usually find

great-hoarseness, with pain on talking (117), and cough, with a feeling as if the larynx would split or as if the mucous membrane would be torn out on coughing (51), and excessive watering of the eyes (51).

Allium cepa has been used for neuralgias following amputations (15), or injuries of nerves (142), characterized by fine, thread-like pains, shooting but not burning.

Aloe and Squilla are incompatibles with Allium cepa.

I use Allium cepa 1st.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.