Acetic acid was first proved by Dr. Berridge and introduced by Hering in 1938 (from Hering’s Guiding symptoms).
Acetic acid produces directly gastro-enteritis, while its remote effects are a profound anaemia, with diarrhoea, night- sweats, feeble pulse, emaciation and cough.
In anaemic conditions (15) there is great prostration and general relaxation of the system, with the resultant profuse discharge of all secretions, including saliva, urine. faeces, menstrual flow and sweat.
The stomach is irritable and associated with great thirst; there is general anasarca (63) and pale, waxy skin.
Acetic acid has been used with success in menorrhagia and metrorrhagia; in the anaemia of nursing women (146 ), with improvised, bluish milk; and in membranous cruel with free perspiration.
Hiccough, associated with fetid eructations, is mentioned in the pathogenetic symptoms, but Dr. F. M. Bishop of Network Valley, N.Y., first told me of its value in Hiccough of any kind (116). The tincture in water or eight to ten drops of vinegar in water, will stop many an attack.