ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM homeopathic remedy signs and symptoms from the Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica by Alfred Pulford. Find the common uses of ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM…


      Progressive suffocation from a state of relaxation and weakness.


      Progressive suffocation from a state of relaxation and weakness. Face pale, sunken covered with cold sweat, expression suffering and anxious, eyes sunken, dim, swimming, blue rings around them, lips pale and shrivelled. Continuous anxious nausea and straining to vomit, cold sweat on forehead, loathing of food and drowsiness. Trembling of hands. Pulse full, hard and strong. Irresistible desire to sleep. Nose drawn, shrunken, nostrils dilated, may flap, looks sooty inside. Ill – humor, older people sulky, younger ones touchy and whiny and irritable when disturbed. Desires, especially, refreshing things and apples. Rattling respiration. Weak.



      Child: clings to those around, is ill – humored and irritable; is averse to being touched or looked at and to being spoken to; will not let one feel its pulse; desires to be carried; offended if offered a drink; keeps up a pitiful whining.


      Alternates with sleepiness.


      Constriction of head, after washing. In hydrocephalus metastatious, it is said to be indispensable to use this drug both internally and externally, externally in the form of an ointment or a solution.


      Horses treated with black antimony for epizootic all end up with dropsy. Discharge white mucus, look dim and swimming, and are usually pale and relaxed instead of red and inflamed.


      Smutty; twitches when coughing. The sufferings, like Aconite, are most noticeable in the face.


      Mouth remains open after yawning. Nursing infants let go the nipple suddenly and cry out, as if out of breath (Borax, from sore mouth).


      (L): Intermittent, rheumatic pain.


      (L): Difficult vomiting. Like Pulsatilla, thirst is the exception, and one is irritable if offered a drink. Constant nausea, like Ipecac., but with coated tongue and perspiration on forehead, and while the nausea is as intense, it is less persistent. Vomits until one faints, nausea, then yawns with copious tears, then vomits. Vomits with difficulty, principally thick white mucus, ropy, that can be drawn out in long shreds (Kali-bi., mucus yellow). Anxious deathly sinking at stomach, as if about to die, like Digitalis, but Ant-t. lacks the slow pulse.


      Veratrum and Ant-t. both have colic, vomiting and craving for acids, Ant-t., having more jerking, drowsiness and urging to urinate, Veratrum more cold sweat on forehead especially, and fainting.


      Cholera, the 25th. part of a grain every 1/2 hour, in all one half grain. The nearest thing to a specific in cholera morbus, with nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration, cold sweat, stupor, drowsy.


      Leucorrhoea, while sitting. Conium cures pustules on genitalia, caused by Ant-t. Similar to Aconite in labor pains and undilated os, but Aconite lacks the nausea.


      Scraping, clearing throat, at night. Follow with Silicea in foreign substances in the windpipe that threaten asphyxia. When variola or varicella invade the mucus membrane of the trachea.


      Respiration impeded, p.m., in bed; tremulous breathing. Abdominal breathing; asphyxia of new – born; difficult breathing, better expectoration. Suffocates, when offered food. Asphyxia of new-born, pale, breathless, gasping, though cord still beats, drowsy, or coma.


      Hissing, hoarse, raises hand to larynx, which is sensitive to touch. Cough and gaping consecutively. Children especially cough on getting angry. When Ant-t. seems indicated and fails, think of Hepar Gasps for breath at beginning of each cough spell.


      If any, is light colored whitish mucus, that can be drawn out in long strings, like Kali-bi., but that of Kali-bi. is more apt to be yellow. Or is blood – streaked, rust colored, adhering to bottom of vessel like glue.


      Capillary bronchitis (single dose of c m,, and plenty of fresh air). Coarse rattling, like death rattle (in some of these rattles it resembles Ipecac., but Ipecac. has great expulsive power, Ant-t. has none). The rattle of Ipecac. comes earlier in the disease, in Ant – t late, having little fever, cold sweat, hippocratic countenance, especially in pneumonia. Children having frequent attacks of bronchitis from cold wet weather, who no sooner get over one cold than they go into another, when the acute stage is never violent, but they keep having these passive colds that rattle; on the other hand Kali-s. is the remedy for the florid children who do not seem sick when they have a cold, who are more or less vigorous, but do not come down with the weakness and rattling, and are not prostrated with it, but who keep on rattling; in short, Ant-t. has rattling with weakness, while Kali -s. has rattling without weakness. Catarrh of chest in the aged, from every spell of cold weather in winter, with thick white mucus, great dyspnoea driving one out of bed, where one must sit up and be fanned (Carb-v., Tuberculinum), cannot lie for filling up in chest and dyspnoea, Ant-t., will bring relief, but if the mucus is yellow and purulent, give Ammoniacum instead. Similar to Lycopodium in catarrh of chest, but the spasmodic motion of the alae in Lycopodium is replaced by the dilated nostrils in Ant-t. Similar to Ipecac. but has more drowsiness and weak expulsive power. In brain and pneumonia symptoms after recession of eruption (Bryonia more useful after measles, Ant-t. a smallpox).


      Heavy sense, as of a weight tugging at it (especially tip of coccyx). The terrible pain of smallpox is paralled by Ant-t. Ant- t. corresponds to more cases of lumbago than any other remedy.


      Varicella like eruption; upper limb flexed in sleep. Ant-t. is a common cause of fever sores, lingering indolent ulcers that form upon the legs after a fever, in broken down constitutions.


      (L): sleepy with the cough.


      3 p.m.


      (L): Intermittents, with long lasting heat.


      Copious sweat on affected parts.


      Smallpox, before eruption appears, cough dry, teasing (preferable to Bry). Impetigo contagiosa (single dose c m). Crude Ant-t. rubbed into the scarified skin forms a scar identical with that of vaccination. Effects of vaccination when Thuja fails and Silicea is not indicated. Ant-t. develops smallpox pustules, Thuja dries them up and Variol. hastens the whole thing to a speedy termination. If Ant-t. is continued after it has produced an eruption like smallpox, the pustules get large and full of pus, crusts form and leave deep scars.


      Convulsions, if smallpox fails to break out. If Ant-t. fails study Barytac. Has anxiety, cold sweat and prostration like Arsenicum, but lacks the burning and rawness of Arsenicum Old drunkards have chest troubles with Ant -t., and stomach troubles with Arsenicum Children have convulsions if attention is thrust upon them, face becomes purple and child grows drowsy and twitches. Said to be the chief remedy for sweat and rheumatism of muscles, relieving the pain and sweat in 24 hours. Is not as excessively sensitive to the heat and sun as Ant-c. Children are better carried erect.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.