AMMONIUM CARBONICUM homeopathic remedy signs and symptoms from the Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica by Alfred Pulford. Find the common uses of AMMONIUM CARBONICUM…


      Listless, lethargic, sluggish, great prostration and falling temperature. (The characteristic Am-c. patient is weak, adynamic, nervously constitutioned, phlegmatic, melancholic, easily acted on, but reacts but a short time, of lax fibre, leads a sedentary life, and is disposed to a lymphatic accumulation of fat and mucus, nervous affections and fainting).


      Anxious, uneasy, weeps. Averse to walking in open air and to warm room which is intolerable, also to being washed as it causes symptoms to recur and child dislikes it. Face: puffy, lips bluish or purple. Tongue brown. throat dark red. Nose usually stopped at night, must breath through mouth. Drowsy. Somnolent. Audible palpitation, every motion increases the pulsations. all exuding fluids and discharges acrid and excoriating. Always tired and weary. Body cold, cyanotic. Heart and pulse weak. Dyspnoea. Women faint on going into a warm place. Aggravation : especially 3 a.m., like Kali-c.; wet weather, sensitive to cold raw weather, and to cold except dyspnoea of asthma which is ameliorated in cold air.


      Ill-humor during wet storm weather. Averse to opposite sex, like Sepia Weeps, hysterical fainting, anxious, uneasy, exhausted from motion. Aggravation listening to the talk of others, like Zincum met.


      Ulcerative pain. Apoplectic fits, suffocation. Sense of oppressive fulness, or thrusts in forehead as if it would burst. As if brain would ooze through forehead and eyes. When, in the beginning of cerebro – spinal meningitis, patient falls into a stupid non – reactive state, is cold, surface cyanotic, pulse weak, Am-c. will bring about reaction, when one may select a more specific remedy that will cure the case. Ache: a.m.; aggravation cold; especially at menses, aggravation stepping; hair falls; congestive, comes in wet weather and from weather changes.


      Vision: yellow spots on looking at white objects; large black spots after sewing. Lids fester, crack, fluid from eyes excoriates. Cataract; clears crystalline lens.


      Deaf ears more sensitive, pains. Shocks through eyes, nose and, on gnashing teeth. Deaf, acrid fluid discharge.


      Red on stooping. (L): Sneezes a.m. on waking. stopped, night, prevents sleep, must breathe through mouth, starts up, wakes gasping for breath, aggravation 3 a.m. Child cannot blow nose. Discharge acrid, burns, excoriates. Bleeds: on washing hands or face; a.m.; after eating.


      Tetter around mouth, angles of mouth sore, crack, burn. Saliva acrid, excoriates lips, crack in middle of lip and corners of mouth, becomes dry, raw and scabby.

Mouth (L):

      Food tastes sour. Gums recede, bleed, teeth become loose.


      Tearing pain on biting teeth together. (L): Drawing pain during menses.


      Diphtheria, nose stopped, child starts from sleep, gasps for breath, like Lachesis, great prostration aggravation after sleep. Purple, swollen, ulcerated, bleeds, gangrenous, exhausted, tonsils and glands enlarge.


      Eructations suppressed.


      Hernia, left side groin.


      Haemorrhage after stool. (L): Piles during menses, protrude, amelioration down.


      Acrid, excoriates.


      Diabetes, especially hysterical beings. White, sandy, bloody urine.


      Clitoris irritable; menses copious, riding in cold air, or, increased on standing. (L): Erections a.m. Menses: irregular especially with irritation, or flow between pains, Mag-c. after, Cim. during; early, copious, blackish, clots, colic before; every period exhausts and during day may be ushered in by a cholera like diarrhoea, like Veratrum, often exhausting, cold, blue, dyspnoea, whole pelvis raw and sore all through period, at times as if inner parts were raw, a sense of soreness not always sore to touch. Acrid leucorrhoea.


      Saltish mucus in.


      Breathing; asthmatic, amelioration open air, or, difficult in room, becomes deathly pale, must remain quiet. (L): Dyspnoea in pulmonary oedema. Dyspnoea and palpitation compel lying in bed, aggravation motion, heart weak.

Cough (L):

      Dry, 3 a.m.

Chest (L):

      Stitching pain right side on stooping. Palpitation: audible; after bathing. Rattling, large bubbles. Angina. Valuable: emphysema; as a palliative in last stages of consumption, very cold, prostrated, weak in chest, can hardly cough out loud or expel mucus from the weakness, weakness like that of Stann. and inability to expel mucus like Ant-t.; threatened heart failure especially at end of pneumonia. Hypostatic congestion of lungs, like Verat-v., fills with mucus difficult to expel, great rattling, weak. Bronchitis, chronic, of aged, emphysema. Catarrh of aged, aggravation 3 a.m., cold sweat, dyspnoea, almost pulseless, heart weak, face pale and cold.


      Cervical and parotid glands hard, swollen.


      Convulsion in upper, draws backward; cramp in region of tibia; veins of hands full after washing in cold water; inflamed first toe; pain in toes a.m. in bed. (L): Joints sweat. Sprain of joint, hot, pains. finger: nail yellow; panaritium, inflamed, deep seated periosteal pain. Rheumatic gout especially, arthritic metastasis, stupor characterizes.


      Nightmare every night, wakes in sweat. The sooner one goes to bed the better one sleeps, the later the less liable to.


      Intermittents where coldness prevails.


      Mottled spots, red after a bath. Torpor characterizes all exanthemata. Scarlet fever: distinguished from Belladonna by the miliary rash; malignant cases, sleepy during day, warm room intolerable. Purpura haemorrhagica, general anaemia. Discharge from ulcer excoriates skin around it. Looks mottled intermingled with great pallor. Ulcer putrid with pungent odor. Erysipelas of aged where cerebral symptoms develop.


      Stout women and fleshy children who take cold readily. Uncleanly habit. Defective reaction with or at the close of zymotic disease, as typhoid, diphtheria, scarlet fever, erysipelas, etc.; failure to come to a crisis, goes into exhaustion after other remedies, here competing with Arsenicum for the nervous prostration; heart failure. Rheumatic pain and chill amelioration heat, headache amelioration warm room. All fluids excoriate, even those from ulcers. Said to be infallible for the bite of rattlesnake or moccasin; stuff wound full, give 5 to 8 grains every 15 minutes until 1 dram is taken. In the form of hartshorn, a comfort to fleshy women who faint easily. Break bone pains, like Eup. One of the best remedies for that empty sense, like Cocc. Haemorrhage: under skin especially; blood black, will not coagulate, like Naja. Blood – poisoning: as in erysipelas, most malignant form of scarlet fever, prostration great, great dyspnoea, heart as if giving out, skin patchy, glands enlarge, face dusky and puffy; animal bites. Poisoning from charcoal fumes. Long used it develops scorbutic condition, muscles become soft, flabby, teeth fall out, haemorrhage occurs. Antidote to Lachesis when Lachesis has been used too freely or in too low potency. Whenever treating severe forms of disease, and eruption comes to the surface as carbuncle or erysipelas, and does not ameliorate, there is danger, a remedy must soon be found; when a patient is coming down with severe internal trouble it is not uncommon for unhealthy boils to come out, or carbuncles, or erysipelatous blotches; it is always serious when these are not followed by immediate amelioration; it shows a pernicious state that has been pent up and cannot be longer retained, and this violence is going to destroy; Am -c. is one of the remedies that will check such states. Parts that have gone to sleep tingle. It is remarkable that Ammonium should be useful in tendency to gangrene, and that cancerous and mortifying ulcers should evolve a large quantity of Ammonium; that Ammonium should play so important a part in the affections of the female organs, and that considerable quantity of Ammonium should evolve through the skin during menses; and, lastly, that Ammonium should amelioration the symptoms of poisoning by fungi, and that Ammonium should be the characteristic constituent of those growths. It is well known that a similar relation exists between the itch and Sulph., and that Sulph. is considered a specific against the itch. Aggravation: especially 3 a.m.; wet poultices; washing or bathing; and to cold raw weather, to which one is very sensitive. Amelioration lying on stomach or abdomen or on right or painful side; external pressure and dry weather. Antidote: vegetable acids; fixed oils, as almond, linseed, olive, etc.; Camph. and Hepar

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.